Our Sake [99]

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Racing their way through the fortress, Sans and Frisk found themselves closing a huge metal door, before leaning their weight against it, breathing intensely from the running they had been doing. What was happening right now? In a nutshell, the two of them were in a simulation, using the same simulation room that Sans had once used in his one of his rages when he had been so broken over being in love with Frisk, then seeing her end up with Andrew. For the past several days, Sans had been trying to train her more and more, on and off. There had been some days where they had the misfortune of having to spend time with Undyne, watching more movies, cooking, or just going somewhere that would have been so much more fun without her. 

"This really isn't going well." Frisk nervously giggled, smiling towards her boyfriend. Considering this was a simulation and not real life, it was easier not to fear death in such a scenario, seeing as if they did get shot, either of them, and it was a fatal wound, the simulation would just end, giving them the option to start from the beginning once again. Right now, they were playing out a scenario where they were being chased down, and they had to escape and flee from their followers. It was a fitting scenario for what might face them in the future.

"yeah... goin' into this buildin' was probably a bad idea. there's some stairs though. c'mon." Sans pointed out, heading towards some stairs that appeared to be heading upwards in an upwards spiral. Frowning, Frisk quickly jogged after him, reaching the stairs just behind him, and they began to head up together at a decent pace. Personally, Frisk didn't know if going up was the greatest solution. However, they were trapped, so it wasn't like they had anywhere else to go. 

Reaching another door, Sans pushed it open, waiting for Frisk to follow after him, before closing the door shut. Forming a magic bone, he tried to use it as a door jam, placing the bottom of the bone upon the ground, while the other end pressed up against the door, leaving the bone at an angle. While he was doing this, Frisk headed over towards a wall that looked like it surrounded  the whole outside of the roof she was standing on with Sans. Putting her hands on the wall, she slightly leaned over to glance over the edge, gulping when she saw streetlights and cars down below. They were quite high up, it looked like a painful fall if you were to drop to your death.

"Sans, there's no way down. We're trapped!" Frisk yelled to him, as he walked over to her, also taking a glance of his own to see how high up they were. He didn't answer her, and instead he looked extremely thoughtful as he glanced around, seeming like he wasn't giving up yet. Watching him carefully, she blinked in wonder when he started to lift himself up onto the wall, standing up on it. Was he  trying to give her a heart attack? (Even if it was a simulation...) "Sans, what are you doing? You could fall!"

"just trust me." Sans reassured her, following his gaze towards another nearby roof of another building. It was quite a long jump, could he even make it? Well, there was only one way to find out. Fuck... Even though this was only a simulation, being so high up and seeing how far he could fall did get to him somewhat. Fuck, fuck, oh fuck... Exhaling, Sans decided he might do better off getting a run and then a jump in. Climbing off the wall, he started to take several steps back, while his girlfriend watched him, wondering what he was doing.

Starting to run, Sans braced himself to pull himself up onto the wall at a fast pace, which he managed to do with success, and then at that moment he took the leap, flying through the air as he reached his arms out to grab the edge of the building he was aiming for. He was so sure he was going to miss it, so sure he would fall to his (fake) death. To his luck, he made it. Just barely. Grunting with effort, Sans went to pull himself up, clambering up onto the roof. He let out a small sigh of relief, glad he had made it. "alright... now it's your turn.

"What?! I don't think I'll make it! What if I fall?" She asked. The idea of taking these kinds of risks in real life sure frightened her. If this was a real situation, she wasn't sure she would be able to do it. Though, she knew she should try harder to think of this like real life, rather than a simulation. Because if they had to take such risks, she wouldn't have the time to think about it. Sans held his hand out, seeming to have a look on his face that believed in her.

"ya can do it, frisk! i'll catch ya!" He promised. He wouldn't say such a thing unless he knew he could do it. Together, they were a team. He would never leave her behind, ever. If he had to take such risks as using his teleportation (which could take a lot out of him, especially when using magic beforehand), he would do it if it meant saving her life. He wouldn't allow her to go to prison. 

Exhaling, Frisk felt her fear began to build up, as she slowly took some steps back, like Sans had done. She hoped she would get a good run up, otherwise she might fuck it all up and fall down into the sea of lights and moving cars below. Just think of it like gymnastics... It was fine. Don't think of the possible fall. Trying to pull the most determined expression she could manage, she began to sprint towards the wall, pulling herself over it, taking the jump like the skeleton had done. 

Had Sans not been reaching out for her, she probably would have fell, as just barely managing to grab her hand had been the thing that had stopped her falling to her "death", as she was hanging off the edge of the building, holding onto his skeletal hand tightly. "see, i've got ya, come on." Grunting once more, he began to pull her up, while she tried her best to help him, lifting her body up with him, so that they went tumbling over and she ended up falling on top of him - in the most cliche position possible. But they quickly scrambled to their feet, not really having a moment to laugh and giggle about it as the door on the other building was starting to be broken open.

"let's  go." Sans told her, gripping her hand in his as they went across the roofs of a couple more buildings, heading to their escape. When they had completely gotten away, far enough to the point they might be safe for a bit, that's when the simulation actually came to an end, leaving it as a success as they had for the time being, escaped together. "heh, ya did good back there, frisk.

"Thanks. You did too." Frisk beamed happily at her boyfriend. She was actually surprised of how well she did, even if it hadn't been a reality, what they just went through. Sans had also been relieved how Frisk didn't have to use a gun - instead he had for majority of the time, so maybe if some real situation came along, she wouldn't have to actually resort to such measures. He wouldn't die, he wouldn't let himself die.

He was going to make sure of it.

Back at the CIA, Papyrus actually for once in a while was feeling in a more positive mood, when he and Mettaton had decided to start spending some time together, talking about work, or just life outside of it in general. For the moment, the taller skeleton felt relaxed in the presence of someone who he felt could never doubt him like Undyne was. Truthfully, sometimes Papyrus wished he could tell Mettaton the truth, because he was lying. To all of them. But he couldn't do that, he couldn't risk it. 

"Papyrus." Undyne spoke up, coming into the room with her arms crossed along her chest, causing the two monsters to look at her as their conversation came to a stop. Papyrus frowned, while Mettaton rolled his eyes and grumbled under his breath, asking what in the world she wanted now. Clearly the robot was in a huff because Undyne was interrupting their bonding time. 


"First... I want to apologise." She admitted, catching the two monsters off guard, surprised that she was apologising. "For being so harsh on you, acting suspicious of you..." At the ask of why she was suddenly being apologetic, she grumbled. "Me and Alphys spoke... She thought I was taking this whole thing way too seriously." She told them, seeing Papyrus and Mettaton smile at each other, which made her narrow her eye. "That doesn't mean you should be celebrating yet, though. Look, there is one thing that will rid me of my doubts." 

"And what exactly is that?" Mettaton wondered.

"A lie detector." Undyne replied bluntly, spiking fear instantly throughout Papyrus' body at such a suggestion. How was he supposed to keep lying if he was hooked up to one of those things? Would it even work properly? Undyne seemed pretty sure about it though... Somehow... He had to get past this. 

For his own sake. For Sans' and Frisk's sake. 

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