Bone To Pick [133]

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Sans is a MONSTER and not a HUMAN, so he doesn't follow HUMAN biology like a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster and Papyrus.   


"Undyne! How wonderful it is to see you! I wouldn't have taken you for someone who would come to a place like this - no offense, Grillby." Mettaton said, having turned around on the stool he was sitting on, only to lean his back on the bar as he smiled towards Undyne. The flame monster rose an eyebrow at the robot's remark, only to grumble under his breath that there was still some offense taken, despite his reassurance that he wasn't trying to be offensive. The fish lady crossed her arms as she stared back at the robot.

"I could say the same for you. What are you doing here? I came looking for you noticing how you've been absent a lot more than usual lately." Undyne admitted, looking for any signs of Mettaton being shocked by what she said. Only to not get any. The robot monster was as calm and laid back as usual. He didn't even seem phased whatsoever that Undyne literally had walked into Grillby's bar, which was literally only right above the Mafia's headquarters. But that's why he was supposed to be a spy; he was no good if he easily lost his cool. 

"Oh, you know... Today is just one of those days where I have been missing my dear Papyrus so much." Mettaton said, his sadness seeming genuinely real as he reached for his glass off of the bar that still had a drink in it, and he stared down into it in thought while Undyne listened. The flame monster was also pretty silent as this conversation was going on; even though he had a poker face plastered on right now, he was mentally freaking the fuck out about what was just happening. He just had to so desperately hope that Sans, Frisk and Papyrus wouldn't return any time soon, as he had absolutely no way whatsoever to warn them of what was happening. Of course Undyne just so happened to show up when Gaster had actually recently talked to him about installing some kind of tiny microphone into his sleeve, as a way to talk to him when he was working down in the headquarters below. Gaster had been prepared for such a situation, just not in time.

"Speaking of which, I wanted to ask you about something. I wanted to ask you if you actually knew where Papyrus is. Have you been meeting up with him in secret, Mettaton?" Undyne demanded, just getting straight to the point. Mettaton looked up from his drink, only to laugh as if the fish lady was being completely ridiculous. Grillby had to admit, the other monster was definitely good at playing and fulfilling a role. The moment he was put into the spotlight, he saw that role to the end. 

"Why would I do that?" Mettaton questioned, which caused Undyne to clench her fists. "Do you just take me for another 'traitor'." He went on, hearing Undyne growl in frustration.

"Well, you loved him, didn't you?" The fish asked, seeing Mettaton sadly smile. It had been pretty clear to anyone who was around them that the two tended to flirt back and forth. Papyrus was always normally flustered by him, while Mettaton could hardly resist poking a few flirtatious jabs at him. The robot would gladly stick up for him in his time of need, and it would be rare for them not to be at each other's side. The robot stood up from his seat, walking closer to Undyne so that they were more face to face. 

"Loved, yes. Love, still do." He said. "But you're the one that sent him away, because you were too focused on trying to find his brother... That was so cruel of you, Undyne." Mettaton said, seeming more serious and heartbroken at the same time. The blue skinned monster knew that she had been harsh on Papyrus. She could admit it. But she was just... She was just trying to do her best, that's all she wanted to do. She didn't want to end up being some kind of failure who allowed someone like Sans to get away. 

"Don't you understand, it's my job!" Undyne argued back. "We can all play a childish game and say that friendships are more important! But it was either, I do what I can to capture Sans, or I just let Sans slide and possibly lose my job, and everything that I've worked up to at this point!" Undyne snapped in annoyance. "It may make me look like a villain, sure. It may make me look like a bitch who is only standing around to rip up people's lives, but I just do what I am passionate about, and that is delivering justice!" 

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