Have To See [105]

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Author Note: Just because I keep getting asked questions about how certain things would work with Sans being a skeleton, I am going to start putting a DISCLAIMER at the start of every chapter, as it's been driving me crazy getting this same question over and over.

Sans is a MONSTER, not a HUMAN, so he DOES NOT by any means follow the HUMAN BIOLOGY of a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster or Papyrus.   


Saying that Undyne was angry was an understatement. To be completely and deadly honest, she was pissed. Never in her life had she done so poorly at her job, as not only had she allowed Sans to get away, but someone who had been right under her nose had really been lying to her the entire time, and she never managed to realise it until it was too late. Until he had failed that damn lie detector and managed to escape out of the building. Mettaton and Alphys had been too hesitant to stop Papyrus, and it's not like anyone else had done much of a better job.

Though... Undyne wasn't angry with Mettaton or Alphys. She was frustrated with herself, and Papyrus, wondering why he couldn't just tell her the truth. Why he would have rather betrayed them all and gone over to the other side. Just because he respected his older brother, who was a murderer? How could Papyrus be so easily influenced by such a pig? Tensing her hands up into fists, it was likely clear to anyone who was around in a small radius that she was angry. 

"U-U-Undyne?" Alphys stuttered to her wife, waiting for a moment, before she held out what looked like a small pot of noodles out to her. "A-Are you hungry? I thought y-y-you might want something to, uh, e-eat." Undyne slowly glanced towards the quiet, yellow dinosaur, still looking glum. Until she did smile a little at Alphys' kind gesture. It made her thankful to have Alphys around. She really cheered her up, even when she wasn't even trying to do so. 

"Thank you, Alphys." Undyne spoke, going to take the pot of noodles from her, while Alphys gave her a small smile. However, seeing how discouraged Undyne looked really saddened the dinosaur monster. Truth be told, Alphys was saddened that Papyrus wasn't with them anymore, that he had ran away to help his brother Sans. She wasn't mad at the tall skeleton though. The way she saw it, he just did what he had to do. The dinosaur didn't have it in her heart to be fierce with Papyrus, as Sans was his family. She could never expect him to put him behind bars.

"...D-Don't blame yourself... O-O-Or Papyrus. He only w-wanted to protect his f-f-family." Alphys decided to speak up, causing the fish to look up from her pot of noodles and back towards her wife with that one wide eye of hers. Blinking at what Alphys said, Undyne shook her head and exhaled, placing the pot of noodles down on the desk in front of her. Clenching her fists once more, Undyne began to speak.

"But what about the law, Al? What happens when Sans goes and kills more people? People count on us to keep them safe, to do the right thing." She growled in annoyance, glaring down towards the desk. "Papyrus always seemed like he wanted to do the right thing. And then instead he decided to betray us. And I just let them GET AWAY!" Undyne snapped, slamming one of her fists down on the desk, startling the dinosaur a little who let out a small squeak.

Taking a moment to recollect herself, Undyne's eye widened and then she looked back towards the anxious looking Alphys who she must have managed to scare. Now she felt guilty for startling her wife, because she was getting worked up over what had happened. "I'm sorry, Alphys. I don't mean to get worked up." She apologised, seeing Alphys' nervous expression, slowly transition into a tiny smile.

"I-It's okay, U-Undyne. I know h-h-how you've b-been u-under a lot of stress. B-But I'm h-h-here f-for you if you n-need to talk." She promised, seeing that Undyne must have appreciated her saying that, because her posture slowly began to relax. Sighing, Undyne knew that she had to stop getting so overly passionate about all of this. 

She would get nothing done at this rate.

With his pupils staring up towards the ceiling, Sans was allowing his father Gaster to fuss over his bandages that needed changing, (they had been wrapped around his bones after he had been somewhat healed). Frisk simply remained quiet, while also holding onto Sans' hand. By the looks of it, Sans' ribs weren't looking too bad, apart from a couple of cracks along them, alongside some dried up blood which the oldest skeleton proceeded to clean up.

Sadly, healing magic could only do so much with broken bones. It was like how Gaster had cracks in his own face that he wasn't really able to get rid of. Though, he had become accustomed to that was how his appearance was now, and so had everyone else it seemed. Even Grillby hadn't seemed to be bothered by the cracks in his face, (and of course his opinion would be most important to the skeleton). 

"I think from here on out they should heal up pretty nicely if you take care of your ribs. Though, I know you're going to want to get out of here as soon as possible. And doing that will likely require some sneaking around. All I'm saying is you need to be careful." Gaster murmured.

"You don't have to worry about him, Gaster. I'll try my best to keep him out of trouble." Frisk spoke, earning small chuckles from both skeletons, which actually made her happy she had managed to make a little good out of a difficult situation. She did wonder how in the world they were going to get away though. Surely if they were people on the run, people might just be warned to report them if they saw them.

"I'm sure you'll do great at that. Though, there's something that I've been working on, that I hope to finish before you leave." Gaster admitted, making the other skeleton and human curious as to what this new invention that Gaster was creating was. "It might come in handy for your escape."

"well, here's to hopin' ya finish it. but what is it that ya are makin'?" Sans asked with wonder, sitting up slowly once his ribs had been dealt with, and he was allowed to pull his shirt back on that he had just been wearing to sleep in. Gaster crossed his arms and he exhaled.

"I'm hoping that if this thing works as intended... It's not a permanent lasting effect, it's something that would only last for 24 hours at the most. But what it would do is make you look human for a couple of hours." Gaster went on, seeing the shocked looks upon their faces. The scientist knew Sans would probably be confused as to why he would make such a thing, so he went on to elaborate his reasoning as to why.

"Spotting and pointing out a skeleton monster among a bunch of humans would be easy without a doubt. And you can't risk them finding you again in your current condition. Because if you even try to run, you might not live through it this time." Gaster frowned, not wanting to imagine the thought of Sans actually getting shot down and dying. They could have almost lost him already from Undyne shooting at him.

"a human, huh? well... if it ain't permanent, ya better not get attached to that human appearance, frisk. cause he won't be around to stay." Sans teased, earning a small laugh and shake of the head from Frisk, who replied that she loved Sans just as the way he was. Being a skeleton was never a bother to her, even if other humans might have thought it made absolutely no sense. Smiling, Gaster chuckled at their conversation, before he went on.

"Like I said, I don't know if I'll be able to get it finished."

But we'll just have to see.

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