Don't Blame [91]

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Perhaps mentioning how the two of them had gotten good sleep the night before was speaking way too soon, because it was that next night where the pair were probably up all night, worried sick about what might become of their futures. They kept telling each other to try and get some sleep; no matter what they did, they didn't get enough of it, causing the two of them to this time wake up pretty grouchy in the morning. Not at each other, luckily. Just not in the best of moods, that it made the pair want nothing more than to stay in bed all day long. However, there wasn't time for something like that. While they still had the time, Sans had to warn the others that Undyne was suspicious of him and Frisk, meaning they should also be careful - just in case. 

Having to repeat the process of waking up in the morning, the two readied themselves for the day, before heading towards the car so they could begin driving towards the headquarters. Though, Sans had a plan to not drive straight there. The plan was to drive around for a bit, make sure no one was following, before heading inside. It may have been seen as being overly careful, but he couldn't afford to take any risks. Taking stupid risks may cost him and his girlfriend's life. Ending them up behind bars.

Finally, after driving around for a couple minutes, and confirming that they were not being followed by any kind of cars, Sans and Frisk climbed out to head inside. For the time being the place was pretty quiet, considering it was fairly early in the morning. The only two people that the skeleton and the human spotted in Grillby's, was the flame monster himself seeming to have the realest smile Sans had ever seen on his face in the long time, while Gaster was stood in the open space that the flap of the bar did not currently occupy, leaning on his crossed arms on the bar. Though upon hearing the entrance of visitors, Gaster practically shot up into a normal standing position faster than a bolt of lightning.

"calm down, ya don't need to stop flirtin' just cause we're here." Sans mocked with a small smirk, while Gaster and Grillby had expressions upon their faces as if they had been deer caught in headlights. In private, Gaster might have been able to flirt with the man who had once been his best friend, who had now become his boyfriend, (which was something to get used to!), but in the public eye, Gaster wasn't really so good at it. Due to Sans' embarrassing comment, it was enough to get him to blush now that he and Grillby were actually a couple, and it wasn't just some silly joke or jab. 

"We weren't flirting..." Gaster commented, earning a face from Sans that said: "really?" The shorter skeleton monster knew for a fact right now that he was lying, and if they were really finally together, Sans was happy for them. As was Frisk, who decided to say "Congrats", receiving small, shy smiles from the two in return. How cute. "What brings you two here today anyway? You're not looking too happy either. Is living together not working out?"

"no, it's nothin' like that. we're havin' a blast livin' together, actually." Sans grinned towards his girlfriend who smiled tiredly in return, but it was short lived as they were both back to frowning, thinking about what was truly the issue here, and for the moment it was more important than joking about their love lives. "it's actually extremely important. do ya think ya can come down with us, gaster? then ya can let grillby know what's up too. it's just it's probably a good idea to have him stay up here and run the bar for the time bein'." Rather  than having someone to fill in for him. His reasoning behind that was because Grillby did a better job at running this place than any fill in ever could. And if someone like Undyne were to somehow come through and try to go to the elevator, he might do a pretty good job at stopping them.

"Well, if you say so." Grillby nodded, before glancing towards Gaster who beamed at him in return. "I suppose I'll see you later then." The flame monster grinned in return. He loved how a whole new layer had been added to their relationship, and now their glances towards each other held so much more meaning now that the both of them could stare at each other with eyes full of love. It wasn't just Grillby feeling like a fool anymore, thinking his love was completely one sided. Because he saw his best friend staring at him with those two sockets of his returning the feelings all the same.

With a nod, Gaster went to follow after Sans and Frisk to the elevator, curious as to whatever was the matter. Though he got the feeling that Sans wasn't going to start explaining until they had gone down. And he wasn't. He wasn't planning on saying anything until he had at least the main people he needed to talk to around him. That being Chara, Asriel, Asgore... Just the people he needed to talk to. The ones who he knew would be able to handle everyone else if he spoke to them about what was happening.

So, once he had rounded them up, having their eyes staring back at him with confusion as to what was apparently so serious, he could finally tell them what was wrong. "So, why exactly are we all standing around a table? What did you want, Sans, that was apparently so important?" Chara wondered, causing the skeleton to exhale. Him and Frisk shared a knowing glance, only causing Chara to feel even more confused. But finally, the monster explained.

"me and frisk have got a problem--" Sans started, until he was rudely interrupted by Chara once more before he had even got the chance to fully explain. 

"Oh my God! You got her pregnant, didn't you?!" Chara suddenly exclaimed, which made both Sans and Frisk's faces go bright blue and red in humiliation at such a suggestion when this was supposed to be a serious conversation. At their returned response of "NO!" at once, Chara crossed her arms and let out a small sigh of relief. "Okay, geez. I just thought maybe that was what was wrong. Especially because it involves the both of you." 

"well... if ya would let me talk..." Sans grumbled, before clearing his throat, hoping his blush faded away. Him and Frisk were so not ready for such a responsibility. Even just talking about it was so nerve wracking and embarrassing. Like the time when Sans had even decided to talk about their possible future, he couldn't stop himself from stuttering like an utter fool because of how awkward it made him feel. No matter how awkward though, he knew that at least one day, they hoped that Frisk and him had those things far, far into the future. Not any time soon.

"anyway, as i was gonna actually say... we have someone who might be on our tail. someone who is part of the CIA. so i don't think killin' her is really an option." Sans murmured. Frisk did glance towards the skeleton at the mention of "killing". Though, he did say it wasn't an option, so it wasn't something she really had to worry about. It just slightly bothered her, the idea of killing an innocent person who was only trying to find out about them. Just hurting people who had done wrong was bad enough. She couldn't imagine murdering someone for such a reason.

"You'll have to stay out of her way." Asriel responded thoughtfully. "Though, if it does ever come close to the truth being discovered about either of you, there's something we could do." Asriel went on, catching everyone's attention. He knew just as well as the skeleton did that if he and his girlfriend were discovered, the CIA might try hunting all of them down. So, the couple getting caught wasn't really an option. "If it seems like she's going after you to arrest you, maybe fleeing elsewhere, going into hiding might be the best option for the two of you. And there's always the possibility it might come down to that, so you should be prepared to leave if things get bad." 

Leaving? Sans had lived in this town for as long as he could remember. He had only just gotten his brother and his father back after one point of having no contact with either of them whatsoever. The idea of having to leave them again and going into hiding somewhere made him angry. It made him angry at Undyne. But... He wouldn't be alone. He had Frisk who was willing to stay at his side. 

"well... if it ever does come down to that... dad, just make sure papyrus stays safe." Sans told Gaster, who nodded in agreement, promising to do just that. He wanted his other son to be okay too. If Papyrus was still in the CIA by that time, Sans wouldn't be able to get close to him without Undyne finding out. Papyrus would probably have to stick close at her side in trying to hunt his own brother down. Cause it was his job. 

It was okay though if it came to that. He didn't blame Papyrus one bit.

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