Confusing [37]

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In all honesty, Sans felt somewhat glad to still be alive. Knowing that what he had done had been a huge risk for him, and not only had it seemed to worry Frisk, but his father and even Chara, Asriel and Grillby too. Not to mention even some of the other monsters that were part of the Mafia said that "it was good to see him awake". He had also seen Toriel nudging Frisk, telling her how she "knew that he would be okay". He exhaled, for now being stuck in bed as he stared up at the ceiling. As per usual, Frisk had refused to leave his side, and she had fallen asleep in her seat, leaning her head on her arms as she rested on the edge of the bed. Frisk was honestly so weird.

No matter how mean he was to her, no matter how much he tried to shove her away, she always insisted on coming back. He didn't understand it, not one bit. Surely if someone kept being mean to you, over and over and over, wouldn't you despise them? Isn't that the right way to react to something like that? Perhaps Frisk just wasn't ordinary. That's right. She was plain weird. He bet his brother hated him, now that he knew that he was alive and that he had lied. He made him believe that for awhile now, he was dead. Now, Papyrus knew that was not the truth.

For all he knew, Papyrus had probably told his buddies at the CIA all about them, and it was only a matter of time before he'd get put in handcuffs and he'd get escorted off somewhere to some dark, mouldy, rusted, disgusting prison cell. He'd hope to die in there first before they even had the chance of thinking whether or not to have him killed. Matter of fact... Sans could have sworn he heard some kind of noise just outside the room, which caused him to turn his head in the direction of the sound. He stayed, staring for a moment, but it appeared to be nothing. Both Gaster and that guy - Andrew were sound asleep in their beds, considering it was night time. Letting out a small sigh, Sans decided to avert his gaze, looking back towards Frisk.

Instead of Frisk being at his bedside, he was shocked to see that she had been replaced by a tall figure standing there. Not just any tall figure. Sans recognised him as his own brother - Papyrus. What the fuck?! How did he get there?! "p-papyrus...? how...? w-where...? what are ya doin' here?" He questioned in bewilderment. He hadn't seen him come in, nor had he seen Frisk leave, so... How?

"BROTHER..." Was the first thing that came out of Papyrus' mouth, in a seemingly disappointed tone. He didn't have a happy expression across his face either, that also looked sullen, and miserable. "WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME, SANS? WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST TELL ME THE TRUTH? YOU LIED TO ME, YOU ABANDONED ME." Papyrus spoke. Sans shook his head, denying what he said. 

"n-no. i didn't... i mean, i... i might have lied to ya, bro but i... i just wanted the best for ya. and i... i didn't want ya to hate me!" Sans argued with him, but Papyrus just appeared to start sobbing, continuing with his angered rant once more.

"LIAR! HOW CAN I POSSIBLY BELIEVE ANYTHING YOU TELL ME ANYMORE, WITHOUT WORRYING ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF IT JUST BEING ANOTHER FLAT OUT LIE?! HOW DO I KNOW IF YOU'RE NOT JUST GOING TO GO AND HURT ME, LIKE YOU DO TO MANY OTHER PEOPLE! YOU'RE A BAD PERSON, SANS! THAT'S ALL YOU ARE!" Papyrus shouted at him. "AND BAD PEOPLE LIKE YOU... THEY DON'T DESERVE TO EXIST!" Sans was stunned to hear something like that come from the mouth of his little brother. He would have retorted, had Papyrus not suddenly lunged for him, going to wrap his hands around his spine, choking him. 

"p-papyrus! stop! please!" Sans tried to scream to the best of his ability. Was his little brother actually trying to kill him?! "papyrus! l-l-let me... go! stop!" He continued, trying to struggle, flail and fight against him, but he didn't have the strength, he was too weak. His body still hadn't really recovered from his whole soul cracking ordeal. He couldn't do a single thing. He was going to die, wasn't he?

"Sans! Sans!" A female voice suddenly started shouting to him. Wait, where was that coming from? He heard it again. "Sans! Wake up!" Suddenly, shooting up into a sitting position, Sans grunted loudly in pain, with tears stinging in his eye sockets. His breathing was erratic, panic stricken, and the pupils were completely gone from his eyes. What the fuck? What the fuck?! "Sans?" The voice spoke again, and glancing back to his side, he saw a concerned looking Frisk, standing in the place of where Papyrus had once been. Had it... Been a nightmare? 

Right then and there, Sans couldn't stop himself from shaking and breaking down into a sob. Normally, he couldn't stand the idea of crying in front of others. But Frisk had seen him cry already, right? Not to mention nightmares were always something that shook him up, when they tried to use someone who was important to him against him. It was as if his nightmares always wanted to  try and make himself cave in on himself, wanting him to give up. 

"Shhh, shhh, it's okay, Sans. It was just a nightmare. Here... Slowly lay back, okay?" Frisk offered, going to help the skeleton to lay back down in his bed, seeing as sitting up had caused him some pain. When she went to gently touch his shoulders, he slapped her hands away, growling a little in protest.

"don't fuckin' touch me." He growled angrily, glaring at her with those pupilless eye sockets of his. Frisk was surprised that Sans had reacted in such a way. Now that she thought about it though, the nightmare had probably really, really shaken him up. Right now, it probably wasn't best to try and touch him when he was like this.

"Okay, okay... I won't do anything, but I'm right here if you need anything, okay? Just calm down." She tried to speak in the most reassuring voice she could manage. It broke her heart to see Sans so shook up, when there was nothing she could do right now to calm him down. Trying to pull him into a hug wouldn't work, he'd only likely fight against her, and maybe hurt her by accident. "Sans, you're really okay... It was just a bad dream..." 

"i... i know that..." Sans seethed in annoyance. "why don't ya hate me, frisk?" Sans questioned in anger, which caught her by surprise. "why do ya treat me as if i'm the most amazin' person you've ever met? i'm not a good person, i'm not nice to ya. all i do is say mean shit to ya and then later you're back at my side as if i never did anythin' wrong... i mean, are ya fuckin' brain dead?! or are ya just lookin' for somethin' to gain?! are ya just waitin' until i trust ya and then you'll pounce on me when my guard is down?! tell me, what the fuck do ya want?!" He snapped fiercely, clenching his fists all the while. Frisk sat, quietly watching the one who she loved seeming to have a huge break down. She sighed sadly, knowing she had to keep saying the same things to him over and over. But until she got it inside his head, she wouldn't stop saying it.

"I've already said it, Sans. You're like my family." Frisk said. "And nothing will change that. Besides, you're acting as if I'm some kind of innocent angel. Are you forgetting that I shot someone in the head to save you? I'm... I'm not proud of it, Sans. But I did it. I did it for you. Part of me wishes I could take it back... The other part of me knows that if I stood and did nothing, you probably would have died." She mumbled. "I'm not trying to gain your trust, just so I can hurt you later on. I don't understand why you would think that." When she got no answer, she continued. "Sans, I... I don't know how to convince you that I really do care. I wouldn't want you to think the opposite." 

"'s your fault, for choosin' to put up with a fucked up person like me... my mind is fucked, frisk. everythin' is just too complicated..." Sans muttered, avoiding her stare. Falling quiet, Frisk waited, before carefully getting out of her seat, approaching Sans as if she was trying to coax some kind of fierce, angry animal. When he didn't seem to react, she went to gently put her arms around him in a hug. She felt him still, seeming to debate what to do. He didn't hug her back, he just sat, stiff in her arms. 

"I promise you, that I will never, ever hurt you. I'm on your side. And it'll stay that way." Frisk promised. Sans wasn't sure of what to say to that, not sure of whether he should have shoved her away and told her to fuck off, or if he should have just happily hugged her back, being grateful for her being so kind to him... Again. 

She confused him. So fucking much. 

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