Obstruction of Justice [95]

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"how goes the collar, pet?" Sans smirked, staring at the frustrated fox with crossed arms as it was a day later, and he was back at work - thankfully not having Undyne in his face trying to be besties. He had managed to just avoid her today, going to leave with Frisk to get here. As per usual with his new plan, he parked the car at least a block away, in the hope that if Undyne did try to track it down, she wouldn't find where he was located. 

"Shut up, bastard." Blair seethed in frustration, as she hated the weird, metal thing that she was wearing around her neck, which was like what Sans said it was - a collar. Gaster, upon request from Andrew, had decided to make one for her so that she would at least be able to be allowed out of her cell and she wouldn't be like such a trapped animal. Course, she was still kind of trapped - but there was nothing that Andrew could do about that when she could not be trusted. 

"how does it actually work?" Sans decided to ask towards his father, who was standing with Frisk, Sans, Andrew and Blair. At the moment they were in the main room of the headquarters, with others going to and fro, doing their jobs as they should. Blair was glancing around with a frown, not paying attention to the conversation between the two skeletons. She was just remembering when she used to work here, before she left the group and betrayed everyone. It hadn't really changed much.

"Well, it has a sensor, so that if she tries to access any restricted areas, like the elevator for example, it will give her a bit of a shock. Not to mention it actually stops the elevator from working when she tries to go on it." Gaster mentioned with a proud smile, clearly seeming smug about his new invention. Sans knew the skeleton enjoyed inventing things after all, even if he had been pretty hesitant about it at first because he thought it was a stupid idea. However, the gadget looked like it worked better than he had thought.

"Not just that, but there's also this." Gaster reached into his pants pocket, only to pull out what looked like a small remote. It had a very noticeable button on it, along with what looked like a small knob that you could turn. Sans was actually curious as to what "this" was, so he listened intently, as did Frisk and Andrew, while Blair was still staring around elsewhere. "This does the same function - it gives her a shock to be more precise. Just that you can do it manually. Like if she tried to hurt anyone for example."

"nice. can i look at it?" Sans questioned, earning an eyebrow raise from his father. Gaster, not seeming sure, thought for a moment, until he handed it to his 21 year old son. For a moment his son looked like a child who had just gotten a bran new gadget for Christmas, as he was staring at the button with wonder. He noticed the turning knob had numbers, and a small little arrow on the knob that could point to the numbers. If this thing shocked then... He assumed that's how high the voltage could go. At the moment it was just on 0. So, deciding to crank it up to 2, Sans pressed the button and Blair let out a small shocked yelp, causing Sans to howl with laughter.

"Hey! I didn't even do anything!" Blair snapped angrily at the laughing skeleton. Even Frisk was trying to hide her giggles at Blair's reaction which had been somewhat priceless. Her reaction had only caused Sans to cackle more, while Andrew didn't look like he approved. Instead of telling Sans off though, the human male simply put his hand in Blair's and seemed to be saying some things to her to calm her down. By the looks of it, it seemed to do the trick. Frisk smiled at that, glad that Andrew had found someone else he could care about, even if it was Blair. The same monster that Frisk had shot in the shoulder that one time.

"thanks, dad." Sans chuckled, handing the remote back to Gaster who sighed and shook his head, mentioning how this thing was not a toy to be messed with. Blair may have been their prisoner, but for the time being there wasn't any plans to kill her. Probably because Blair had been Sans' prisoner but now...? Now she was kind of just... Here. Maybe Asgore was hesitant about killing her because Toriel wouldn't approve. Those two had been slowly getting on better terms, so he had heard.

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