Revenge [70]

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The gunfire ended up going on for what felt like forever, as Sans was slowly picking each off the four people who had been shooting at them one by one. This likely would have been easier if Frisk had a gun of her own, but unfortunately, she didn't have one - yet. They could likely steal one from the others that Sans would have eventually gunned down.  Finally, he shot down the last person, and when it was safe to dash out from behind cover, the skeleton was the first to get up, pulling Frisk up by the hand to help her up too. She gave him a thankful smile, before they dashed together towards the bodies of the now deceased. 

It still made Frisk feel extremely uneasy, knowing that these people were now dead. Knowing that if she took one of these guns and actually managed to hit someone, it would kill them. She always remembered back to that time she shot that man in the head. That caused her nightmares. It caused her utter shudders every time she thought about it. But now, she had no choice, right? If she did nothing, they would die here. And she didn't want to die, neither did she want the man she loved so dearly to be killed either. So, picking up one of the guns, she decided to see how many bullets were left in it, before nodding to herself that she likely had enough.

"take two, just in case." Sans told her, just as he was picking up another pistol of his own, doing the same as Frisk where he had checked if it was decently loaded. "alright, we better get outta here quick before--" Sans was saying, until the sound of the door screeching open behind them over their shoulder could be heard. Both Frisk's and Sans' eyes widened, as for a split second they had almost forgotten about who was after them. "shit, blair!" Sans tugged on Frisk's arm to start running, where instead of a door, they came to a little metal gate, that thankfully didn't seem to be locked.

"SANS! FRISK! GET BACK HERE!" Blair's angry voice boomed, as she was clearly coming after them. "I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU YET!" She screeched, just as the two were exiting through the rusty metal gate, rushing their way down a narrow stone walled hallway - meaning Sans had let Frisk go in front, while he was behind as the walls were too close together to the point they wouldn't be able to run side by side. Looking over his shoulder, Sans saw that Blair had a gun on her. Hopefully, if she had bad aim due to the anger, she wouldn't hit either of them. For a moment, he did choose to stop, just so he could fire a couple of bullets at Blair to slow her down, before beginning to run with Frisk once more.

Arriving outside the building, Chara, Asriel and Andrew could hear the sounds of the gunshots, which they couldn't seem to hear when they were further away. This likely had to be the place. "Alright, Andrew, you in or are you out?" Chara questioned, as she was getting her gun ready, as was Asriel. "You do realise you could get killed if you choose to help us. Even if it is for Frisk. You're willing to take the risk?" She asked. 

Well, his life was basically being stuck among the Mafia, so what else did he really have to live for other than that? He wasn't allowed to go back to his ordinary life, no one was going to come find him. His own family were probably dead, and he was probably forgotten with them. If he was going to do something with the life he now had, he might as well had tried to save Frisk, rather than doing nothing at all, and feeling like he would regret it. "Yes, I want to come." He agreed, while the human girl sighed, before handing him a pistol.

"Just don't say I didn't warn you." She said. And with that, she, Asriel and Andrew all climbed out of the car, rushing towards the building to go in through the entrance. Just at the entrance, there was already people waiting for them with guns. Though, their guns had silencers, so the gunshots wouldn't really be heard from far away. Narrowing her eyes, Chara fired her weapon back at the people who were shooting at them, while Asriel went ahead and helped. Just the two of them were able to take all of the people out, before being able to storm inside with Andrew following behind.

Though, they weren't even able to get that far into the building, because as they came to a door and went to open it, they ended up bumping into two familiar faces. Sans and Frisk - but they looked worried, and appeared as if they were in a hurry. "get out of the way!" Sans pushed them back, before closing the door after him and Frisk.

"What in the world happened to you two?!" Chara cried, as they were both panting for breath and leaning on the door. Sans was about to open his mouth to explain, before banging was heard on the other side of the door they were clearly trying to keep shut.

"I am tired of your bullshit!" Blair's voice screamed on the other side. "You can hold this door closed for as long as you like! Cause the moment you go to leave, I'm going to shoot you in the back of your head!" 

"Who is that?" Andrew asked, instantly earning a narrowed eyed looked from the skeleton, likely as he was wondering why the hell Andrew of all people was also here. It wasn't like they exactly had time to argue though. The longer they stayed here, the more danger they would likely end up putting themselves in. 

"Alright you two, on three. You take a run for the entrance, and me, Asriel and Andrew will make sure that you'll remain unharmed." Chara quietly said to the skeleton and the human, who were listening to her instructions. They were confused as to what they were possibly going to do, until Chara started directing Asriel and Andrew to aim the guns right where they were standing, so that they could fire at anyone who tried to come through the door the moment Sans and Frisk stepped away from it. "You ready?" Chara mouthed to the two of them, and they nodded. For a moment, Sans went to take a hold of Frisk's hand, which did surprise her. But she smiled towards him nonetheless, as he gave her a small nod, as if to say "We can do this." 

"Three, two..." Chara started silently counting down with her fingers, before she finally exclaimed the number "One!" Upon that number, both Frisk and Sans practically boosted away from the door, rushing past the three to head to the entrance. At that moment, the door they were holding shut started to open, and the second they saw the appearance of any sign of life, the three of them began opening fire.

Blair's shocked yelp was let out, as she tried to hide behind her minions which she must have taken with her. She was basically using them as shields to keep her safe from the bullets, that way she wouldn't be killed in all the gunfire. 

Just as the couple were rushing to the car, they looked over their shoulder to see Chara, Asriel and Andrew racing after them, as they must have taken care of the others like they had said. Which was good, because then no one would be likely to come after them. "Are you guys okay?" Asriel asked, and at their nod, he told them to all get in the car. Chara and the goat climbed into the front seats, just as Andrew was going to climb into the back.

"alright, get in, frisk." Sans told her, before raising an eyebrow at her as he noticed her stare was over his shoulder. "frisk?" He then followed her gaze, only for his eyes to widen as he saw Blair, and she was pointing a gun at them, looking ready to fire. Sans was almost ready to just stand in front of Frisk, wanting to do his best to shield her from a possible gunshot wound. Instead, Frisk quickly, without warning, pushed him to the side and quickly aimed her gun at the fox. And just like that, as if time had suddenly sped up, she pulled the trigger.

Blair let out a pained yelp, as the bullet hit her directly in the shoulder, causing her to fall down to the ground. Frisk was shocked with herself that she had actually managed to hit her, not just that but she was able to pull the trigger. Sans looked shocked himself, but then he smiled, glad that she had obviously done that to protect him. And she could only smile back. 

"It's probably not a good idea to just leave her there." Frisk pointed out with a small worried frown. "She might try to come after us." She added, earning a nod from the skeleton, who then went to knock on Asriel's window. He winded it down, to hear whatever the skeleton had to say. 

"do ya have any rope? oh, and duct tape?

"Uh, it's in the back." Asriel told him. "Why?" 

Sans smirked, as he stood upright and glanced towards the grumbling Blair. "because we might need to take a little visitor back with us, that's all...

He could only practically grin evilly at the thought of getting some revenge. 

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