In Their Favour [90]

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Knowing he was one day going to get figured out by someone was very likely inevitable. However, what he didn't expect was that Undyne might start getting suspicious of him when all the best things in his life were happening. Here he was, living with girl of his dreams, just feeling like maybe for once his life was turning in the right direction. But some fish lady was trying to get in the way of that. Without a doubt, if she knew the truth about him, he would be sent straight to prison. And they wouldn't just give up on him. They would suspect he was part of a larger group, and the CIA would try to find the others. Gaster, Chara, Asriel, Grillby... If he got into trouble, so could they. Which was something he did not want to happen. Otherwise it would just feel like his life was shattering like glass all over again.

"What are we going to do?" Frisk asked worriedly, once they had left Papyrus' home to start heading back to the apartment. Both of them carried a shopping bag each, still having it with them since their shopping trip. Sans was still thinking of what they were possibly going to do to avoid going to prison. The thought of being put behind bars was the most worrisome thing to him, especially when thinking about Frisk. That was no environment for her, neither did she deserve it. She had committed murder herself, but she wasn't a killer. At least he didn't think so. She was saving his life. 

Glancing around carefully, (while trying not to make it look like he was looking out for someone, otherwise that would make them look more suspicious than they probably already were), Sans then exhaled with a frown when the coast seemed clear of that angry fish lady. "i... i don't know, frisk." Sans murmured. "we can only hope that for now she won't discover the  truth about me or ya." The group they were part of, or what they did. "we have to try and not act suspicious. if undyne is only suspicious of us, it must mean she doesn't have enough to arrest us. that's what i'm thinkin'.

Hoping that to be true, Frisk took her free hand, putting it in the empty hand of her boyfriend's. Sans held onto her hand for dear life, giving it a small squeeze. By his glum facial expression, the human could tell he was concerned. Their lives would be over if they were found out to be murderers - and Sans had killed many more people than she had, he would be charged for more. (Even though she would likely still get a life sentence, if it was found out what she had done). All they had to do was try to stay out of the way of Undyne, right?

However, it's not like they could just hide inside the apartment for weeks, to months on end. Purposely hiding themselves out of sight might only make themselves look worse, as it would be clear they had something to hide. They at least had Papyrus to try and keep them out of trouble. Despite the fact that Papyrus wasn't even her family member (but he was a friend), Frisk felt guilty to take advantage of his position. The fact that he was a member of the CIA meant he could stop Undyne finding any dirt on them if he really tried. But what if he got caught? What if he lost his job?

"Have you ever considered letting Papyrus join the group if he loses his job?" Frisk wondered. Widening his eyes at that, Sans glanced at his girlfriend with his two pupils, staring at her as if she had gained several heads. That was such a crazy suggestion; it was very, very clear to Frisk that Sans didn't exactly appreciate it very much.

"no, of course not. i mean, i know bein' a member of the CIA can be dangerous enough, but... he does good things, a positive impact. could ya imagine what guy he might turn into if i allowed him to join?" Sans questioned. His brother had such a bright, bubbly personality that he never wanted to see get ruined. Being part of the mafia might just do that. It was so easy for people to die doing what they did. It was so easy for people to betray you and decide that they weren't on your side anymore (Blair was the living proof of that). To keep going through such horrors might just ruin Papyrus, and he didn't want that at all. 

"It was only a suggestion, Sans." Frisk answered, frowning in response to all that he had said. Though she couldn't blame him for rambling on about how he didn't want to ruin Papyrus' life, the guy was clearly worried about what might happen if they were discovered. She was worried. Terrified, even. Hating the thought of her boyfriend and her ending up behind bars is something that might end up keeping her up at night. 

"i know... i'm just... i'm scared." Sans quietly admitted, causing Frisk  to smile a sad tiny smile, understanding him completely. Matter of fact the fact that she wasn't the only one who was afraid made her feel slightly weirdly better. Only slightly; it was better than nothing. Truth be told she wasn't expecting Sans to be heroic or brave, just because he was her boyfriend and he constantly felt the need to protect her. He was allowed to feel fear just like any other normal person. Not try to pretend it wasn't what he was feeling, that he wasn't horrified. 

"Me too. But we'll figure it out. We always do." Frisk whispered, as they continued to walk hand in hand together. The skeleton hoped that to be true. So far, they had had so much luck at escaping bad situations and certain death. From the moment they went on their first mission together, to when they went to save Gaster and Sans almost split his soul completely in half. They had been kidnapped by Blair, only to escape almost unharmed. Sans had had his injuries which had managed to heal up with time. However, that situation could have been so much more worse than it turned out to be. All those situations could have been. 

Not even in just life or death situations did things turn in their favour in the end. Even their relationship had gone the same way. It was on a rocky road at first, but in the end they both got exactly what they had wanted: each other. How long before all that luck ran out and it was the end of the road for them? What if they were not able to live their lives together because they would be put in prison? 

Just stop worrying... That's what Sans tried to tell himself. Hopefully, if they weren't being watched, Sans would be able to head to headquarters and tell the others about the news - that Undyne was likely going to be keeping an eye on him when she had the chance. He didn't know how she was going to do it, if she was going to face him straight on or hide in the shadows. But one thing was for sure that he just had to try and not give himself away. And Frisk had to do the same. But to the outside world, Sans was sure that without a doubt Frisk appeared like your average, normal, adult female, going about her every day life. She was sweet, and adorable, and that might just be deceiving to others (because you wouldn't think she was part of a Mafia group). 

Everything had to turn in their favour... It had to. 

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