Fun [67]

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Finishing up work for the day, Andrew let out a small sigh, going to glance at the time on a clock on the wall. It was starting to get pretty late, and he couldn't help but frown when he hadn't seen Frisk come back in all day. Not to mention even her skeleton boyfriend hadn't come by to say anything. Not even for a bottle of ketchup, just nothing. True, he and Frisk didn't talk every day, as she was always spending time with Sans. Which he understood, he couldn't get mad at her for wanting to spend a lot of time with her now current significant other. Even if it made him feel a tiny bit jealous. Even if he felt a bit jealous, he'd never use that jealousy to get in the way. She was happy so... He could do his best to be happy for her.

Just as he was putting things away with the flame monster's help, (as Grillby was basically his boss after all), Chara and Asriel were coming out of the elevator, seeming to come to the bar with small frowns on their faces. Andrew wondered what was up, but figured maybe they wanted a drink to ease things. "What's up you two? Do you want to order anything? I mean, we were just finishing up, but..." Andrew shrugged.

"Have either of you seen Sans or Frisk?" Chara questioned, which caught the attention of both Grillby and Andrew. That was strange. Andrew had literally just been thinking how he hadn't really seen them all day. Not since they left to go somewhere. But they said they would be coming back.

"No, I haven't. Not since they left earlier today to do some task or something." Andrew said, causing both Asriel and Chara to share a worried glance. Now this just make Andrew scared. What were they looking so concerned about? "What? What is it? Has something bad happened?" 

"Asgore said their mission wouldn't even take that long. That it was just a small thing and if they didn't have any trouble they'd likely have it over and done with in a hour at most." Asriel explained. "But we haven't heard or seen anything from them in the last couple of hours. Which must mean something bad could have happened." That was something that they definitely did not need to hear. The thought of Frisk being in trouble terrified Andrew. That boyfriend of hers was supposed to protect her! And yet they must have gotten into trouble! And Sans always acted like he was the one who was so incapable of caring for Frisk's safety. But he was getting her involved in dangerous missions with the Mafia again!

"Are you going to go look for them?" Andrew asked the two, who nodded at his question before answering. They were just as worried as he was, as the last thing they wanted was for either Frisk or that bonehead to get killed. Somehow, they'd save them.

"Yeah, we will. We just wanted to ask if you had seen them, before deciding we should take action." Chara murmured. "Now we just need to think about who to take with us..." She said thoughtfully, while Asriel nodded with agreement. Andrew was quiet for a second, until he blurted out his answer.

"Let me go!" Andrew exclaimed. The two staring back at him gave him a look as if he had grown an extra head. "Hear me out! I want to save Frisk as much as you guys do. I still care about her after all." He pointed out. Chara sighed.

"Yes but, you're not trained. The last thing we need is someone getting in the way." Asriel answered honestly, wanting to be as blunt with the teenage human as he could be. However, Andrew wasn't having it. He knew he wasn't the toughest guy. He wasn't like his family where they had done all these bad things, and were clearly qualified to do so. All he wanted was to be there and help the girl he cared about. That's all he wanted.

"It's still an extra hand. Please, please let me go." Andrew practically begged. Once again, the human and monster looked at each other, before exhaling and groaning in defeat. 

"You're just asking to get yourself killed, Andrew. But if you want to come along and still risk that, then by all means do what you want." Chara shrugged, going to head back to the elevator with Asriel as Andrew practically tugged off the apron he was wearing, before putting it on the side and racing to the elevator. Grillby frowned a little at just being left to do the rest of the cleaning, but he was used to it, so it didn't really matter. 

Elsewhere, still sitting in that disgusting prison cell, Frisk and Sans kept close together, especially when anyone came into the room to peer at them from the outside. Sans didn't want to let anyone take Frisk away, he wouldn't let them. What terrified him more than anything was them deciding to use her against him somehow. He knew that was probably something they were thinking of. Somehow, he'd stop them. He had to.

Maybe the others were coming up with some plan to save them. They both hoped desperately that that was the case. Because as of right now, the skeleton didn't exactly have a plan to get them out of here. It would probably take time to figure something out, and by the time that happened, they'd both probably be dead already. Sans knew they were only keeping the both of them alive for torment. They didn't need them for anything else. Especially him. He knew Blair couldn't wait to get her hands on him. 

He hated her. So damn much. With how much he despised that fox now, it likely wouldn't have seemed like they had ever been a couple. He hated many people. But he never disliked anyone more than her. She had gone from the person he had fallen in love with, to the person he placed as his worst enemy. He didn't even hate Andrew as much as he disliked Blair. Andrew was a fucking angel compared to this bitch.

"Hm?" Frisk looked up, hearing someone entering the room again, only to feel her face fall when she saw just who had returned. It was that fox again from earlier. "Sans, she's here again." Frisk whispered to him. But Sans didn't even want to look up from the floor towards her. He just wanted to pretend she didn't exist. That she wasn't there. 

"Aren't you two looking quite snug?" The fox mocked, once again placing her hands on her hips as she stared at the couple who were huddled pretty close together. She smiled a real seeming smile, that at the moment looked more sweet than evil. "What a touching scene." Then her face turned into that of a glare. "Shame I'm going to have to ruin it." Clicking her fingers, two other monsters entered the room, seeming to unlock the door to the cell. This startled the two, who were quickly up on their feet.

"frisk, get behind me." Sans ordered of her, pushing her to stand behind him, as they backed away from the people who had come into the cell for them. "stay the fuck back. i swear to god!" Sans hissed at them, backing further and further towards the corner as they stepped towards him. 

"Get him. He can't use his magic, he's not much of a threat." Blair called from the outside of the cell. Narrowing his eyes, Sans watched the two monsters cautiously, waiting for them to make their move. He still had his injuries, and his broken arm. Somehow he had to fight them with that being in the way. But he'd try. 

Waiting, Sans saw the first monster make a lunge for him, causing him to lift up his foot to kick them backwards. They were somewhat taken by surprise, but their balance wasn't knocked off. This time, the two of them came at them at once, and seeing he'd probably need the help, Frisk stepped out from behind Sans, going to deliver a kick to the other monster Sans hadn't been able to kick back. Sans was surprised to see that Frisk had acted, but he couldn't help but grin, impressed.

"good job there, kid." He said, seeing even she seemed shocked that she did something. Instead of being horrified, she looked proud of herself, glad that she was helping defend them and that they were working as a team. Blair exhaled with impatience.

"God, you two are useless." She growled to the two monsters, before bringing her hands forward. Sans and Frisk let out shocked yelps when they felt their feet getting lifted off the ground - their souls had been highlighted by her magic once more, and they couldn't get free from it. "There, now I have you. That wasn't so hard, was it?" She said towards the others in a sweet voice, before taking Sans and Frisk out of the cell, bringing the two of them before her with a smirk. She saw Sans was glaring back at her, while Frisk looked horrified. 

"Oh, am I going to have fun with you." She smirked.

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