Long Night [151]

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Sans is a MONSTER and not a HUMAN, so he doesn't follow HUMAN biology like a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster and Papyrus. 


Okay, oh fuck. It was happening, it was actually fucking happening. Saying that Sans was scared right now was definitely an understatement, because he was fucking terrified. He knew for sure that he wanted to be in his and Frisk's room, which did mean they would have to wake Frisk up, (even though he would want her to be awake anyway, because he wouldn't want her to miss this). So, with him refusing to stay downstairs, he made his way upstairs slowly with Gaster behind him, seeing as for the moment in time, he wasn't in any extreme agony. 

"frisk, wake up." Sans had gone to gently shake his girlfriend awake, who sleepily and cutely groaned when she heard his voice trying to wake her. "frisk, wake up, it's happenin'." He said, seeing Frisk blink open her eyes and look at him once he had said that. Right now, despite being afraid, he did find himself smiling. He was smiling both out of happiness but nerves. Frisk's eyes widened and she sat up, also spotting Gaster in the doorway.

"Wait, did you just say-- Are you--?" Frisk started, only for Sans to nod and let out a scared chuckle. She went to reach out for one of his hands, gripping onto it tightly as she went to kiss him on the skull, and hold him close for a moment. "Okay.. Okay, it's going to be okay. Gaster will be able to take good care of you, and I'll be at your side for as much as I can be." Frisk promised, knowing if this lasted for a couple of hours at most, staying awake for him might be difficult with the lack of sleep. 

"Just stay sitting on the edge of the bed for a moment, I'll set to trying to make it comfortable for you." Gaster said, seeing Sans nod as for now he just wanted to cling onto Frisk, who gladly climbed out of bed in her pyjamas to do just that. As the human and the skeleton were holding each other, Gaster set to sorting out the bedding covers, while also fluffing the pillows and making sure they would be placed comfortably to lean against. The father skeleton and Frisk went to help Sans lay so he was as comfortable as he could be. "How are you feeling?" 

"okay for now... well, as okay as i c-can be." Sans started to groan a little in pain, and Frisk went to grab onto his hand again, letting him squeeze hers if he needed to. When Frisk asked what it felt like, as she wasn't exactly sure what it was like for monsters, Sans let out a small weak chuckle after having got over that moment of pain. "well, it hurts now and then. kinda like my soul is aching from the inside out, but it's gettin' worse every time." Sans said, while Gaster slowly nodded.

"That's to be expected. I can try and use some magic to make it a bit less painful. Frisk, why don't you go wake Papyrus up? I'm sure he would want to hear about what is going on, and chances are he might get woken up anyway." Gaster said towards the human who nodded at that. Sans looked unsure about Frisk leaving his side, but she simply told him that she would be back in a minute, and that she wouldn't be gone for very long. Lightly kissing Sans on the skull, she went to go and wake Papyrus, wanting to tell him the news. 

"Papyrus!" Frisk said, waking the peacefully sleeping skeleton who had woken up in slight confusion as to why Frisk was waking him up. It was still early hours of the morning after all, so everyone would likely be very tired still. She knew she was still tired as she hadn't had nearly enough sleep, but she was also super excited, (whilst nervous), about what was happening. "Wake up, it's Sans. He's having the baby!" Frisk squealed, while Papyrus gasped and his eyes enlarged in shock, just like hers had when she heard Sans waking her up.

"NYEH, REALLY? THAT'S AMAZING NEWS!" Papyrus cheered happily, while Frisk nodded. 

"Gaster told me to get you up so you knew. You can stay up if you want with me so you get the chance to meet them pretty early, though, it's probably going to be awhile. A couple of hours at least." Frisk told the younger brother, who appeared quite eager about the idea of staying awake to meet his niece or nephew when they would be born. Frisk found it difficult not to giggle at how excited Papyrus had suddenly become at the news. Though, the human knew she should probably return to Sans' side when she heard him whining in the next room, and it broke her heart to know he was very likely in pain. "If you want, feel free to call the others and tell them. They'll want to know too." Frisk told Papyrus, before returning to the room that Sans and Gaster were currently in.

Since she had left, her skeletal boyfriend definitely looked a lot more uncomfortable, and already beads of sweat were forming on his skull, likely from the pain in his soul that he was feeling. His soul was actually out in the open now, floating above his ribs with all the cracks in it. But there was something in his soul that was a lot more noticeable and visible now that it had grown in size. Another soul within his own, very likely belonging to their small child. "Hey, it's okay, I'm here. You're doing really well, really." She said, kissing him on the skull once more as she gripped onto one of his hands, which he clung onto for life.

"it fuckin' hurts. it does hurt a little less thanks to dad usin' some magic but... it's still pretty uncomfortable." Sans exhaled, but Gaster had already told him when Frisk had left the room, that he could only make it painless to a point right now. Only because they had  to know they were getting somewhere somehow, and if Sans were not to feel any pain whatsoever, it would make things difficult to know whether he was ready for the next step. 

"I know... But you're being amazing, going through this for us. Do you know how brave you are?" Frisk told him, beaming at him while Sans did manage a small chuckle at that. He really was glad to have her here. He knew he would have been a million times more scared if she hadn't been at his side. Even when she had just left the room for a second, it definitely increased his anxiety by quite a large amount. While the two were busy talking, Gaster was actually taking the moment to focus on the time, knowing he would want to check each and every time Sans felt pain, as each time the moments of pain would begin to happen more frequently. 

"oh fuck, here we go again." Sans started to growl, tightly squeezing Frisk's hand in his, as his soul was already starting to shake with pain once more. Frisk happily let the skeleton squeeze her hand, not caring about how much it hurt, knowing his pain was probably timed by a million right about now. "ughh!" Sans grunted, just having his eyes closed tightly at least until it was finally over. Each time he felt that surge of pain, it felt like it wanted to continue on for an eternity, and already he felt like he was aching all over. 

"Frisk, may you please fetch me a cloth after you run it under a cold tap. I think Sans could really do with that on his skull right now." The father skeleton pointed out, knowing more beads of sweat were already starting to form on Sans' head. Frisk had nodded, seeming happy to do just that. However, just as she was ready to get up and leave to get something to help with Sans' condition, the skeleton didn't let go of her hand.

"stay. please." Sans told her, not wanting her to go anywhere. At least, not right now. He didn't care about any stupid cloth, and he knew if Frisk left the room again right now for even a second, he would probably just be feeling super afraid again. Having her here at least helped calm him somewhat, not completely. But somewhat. 

"Sans, I'm only going to be a minute, I promise." Frisk reassured him, carefully cupping one of his cheekbones with her hand as she looked into his worried sockets. "You know that Gaster is looking after you, even when I'm not here. You'll be okay." She told him, trying to calm him to the best of her ability, and eventually, his strong grip on her hand did seem to loosen, and he gave her the permission to leave like she needed to to get the cloth. Frisk smiled. "Like I said, you're extremely brave. You're doing so well." She told him. 

"okay... just... don't be long." Sans answered, and the girlfriend nodded, promising she would be as quick as she could. So, once she left the room, she raced downstairs to grab a cloth to drench in cold water once she had gotten it from the kitchen. It was impossible not to smile when Frisk heard Papyrus in the living room talking on the phone to the others, letting them know what was happening. By the sounds of Papyrus getting happy and excited, they must have been just as eager too. Frisk knew she was just as eager to meet their baby.

Once she had sorted out the cloth, she ran back upstairs handing it over to Gaster who went and carefully placed it on Sans' skull, in the hope it would bring some form of comfort to him in this moment of time where they knew things were difficult for him. Again, the skeleton was back to clinging onto his girlfriend's hand, to help him through any moment where he felt like he just needed to howl in pain again. Like she had sworn, she was going to keep staying at his side for as much as she could, even if she lost sleep. 

Even if it was going to be a long night. 

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