Protector [60]

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AUTHOR NOTE - Sorry for the lack of updates these past few days. Been feeling kinda sick, cause someone gave me their illness. (Oh fun!) So I haven't been really feeling up to writing or uploading stuff that much lately. I apologise that parts might not come out every day for a little bit like they used to, but just trying to recover and might also have some stuff going on irl that gets in the way. 

Anyway, enjoy c:


What a fucking surprise. It had only been a week of dating the girl he had somehow become so infatuated with, (not that he was really complaining, now that he got her!) But the problem that made him so frustrated was the fact that, that damn goat woman just had to bring up something he hadn't wanted to talk about with Frisk for a long, long time. They might have known each other for awhile already before dating. However, the skeleton just wasn't comfortable with sharing parts of his past that no one really knew about. Well, apart from Toriel of course. 

He had been glad that no one like Chara or Asriel had known about this "past relationship" that Toriel had brought up; he knew they would have gone to tell Frisk in an instant all about it if she asked. This was his past though; it wasn't like he was never going to share such a detail with Frisk. Just... Right now he couldn't. Right now he wasn't comfortable with doing that. Thankfully, instead of appearing angered, she was perfectly content with him taking all the time he needed to talk about it. She was pretty happy, as they were sitting in McDonalds and she was snacking on chicken nuggets.

It was funny how he had never noticed her before. Simple things like her luscious chestnut hair, her soft red lips, her bright blue eyes and her lovable smile... They were just things that stood out to him now. That made him think: "wow, this girl is so beautiful." when before he would not have thought such things. Spending time with her felt more entertaining and enjoyable, he adored every second of it. When in the past, it had felt like nothing but a terrible, terrible chore. Romance really changed the way he thought about Frisk, and there would have been no way he could see this coming. That he would end up having a relationship with her. It was frightening to put so much trust in another person... Again. But he was willing. 

While Frisk was eating, she glanced towards Sans, noticing he was seeming to stare at her, not saying a word. He was just... Staring, that was it. As if she was some kind of gorgeous painting. Because of that, it was hard not to feel her cheeks beginning to burn, becoming mantled with blush. "Why are you just... Staring at me?" Frisk questioned, the embarrassment clear in her voice. Sans chuckled.

"i was just thinkin' how cute ya looked, that's all." Her reaction to that comment, (blushing more and covering her hands with her face), was just so worth it.

Crazy to think. How in the past he had utterly despised her. He thought she was an annoyance and that she was only going to get in the way. Life had different plans. And he was glad. He was glad this is how things went. That Frisk managed to capture his fluttering soul when he fell madly and deeply in love with her. That first kiss had been the single most exciting thing he felt in a long time. Just being able to kiss her and hold her... It had been exhilarating.

Feeling her mouth moving against his in a kiss, knowing that she had been kissing him back... It made him the happiest skeleton he had been in a long time. It felt like a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders from where he had been trying to keep his feelings a secret. He had finally managed to tell her he loved her. And that was just... Awesome.

"You know, I'm still trying to get used to you calling me cute." Frisk chuckled, moving her hands away from her face, once she felt like her cheeks would stop glowing bright red. "Not  that I mind at all. I love it, really." Frisk smiled, earning a grin from the skeleton in return. "It's just crazy how far we've come." She said, eating another fry, as Sans proceeded to do the same while nodding.

"yeah, i was just thinkin' the same thing... i know your mom can't wait to kill me." Sans joked with a sigh which earned a bittersweet smile from Frisk. She knew her mother was just trying to be protective of her with everything that had happened in the past. She had been exposed to so much violence around Sans (not that it was really his fault), it had been her choice to stick at his side even when he didn't want her to. She had fought people, and she had killed someone... She still had nightmares back to that day. But knowing that she had Sans at her side now, it made everything more bearable. 

"I won't let her kill you. She'll have to get through me first. I'm your personal body guard now." Frisk replied with another joke, causing the both of them to crack into small laughter. This was how it should be. They were supposed to feel comfortable around each other. They were supposed to love and care about each other, feeling like they didn't have to be hostile to protect themselves. 

Frisk knew Sans still had his secrets; she wasn't expecting him to just give them up out of the blue. Slowly, she'd coax him into talking to her more. She wouldn't ever judge him for any of the things he might have kept hidden. Like that past relationship for example. She assumed it hadn't ended on a very positive note, seeing as Sans did not want to talk about it at all. However, she wasn't going to ask or pester the skeleton. He'd let her know in his own time, when he was ready.

"By the way, Sans..." Frisk spoke up after a moment of silence, which caused Sans to raise his eyebrows at her, wondering what she was going to say. "I'm going to start coming back to the headquarters more often again." She said this more quietly, just in case there were any ears listening in. "After all, I know for a long time I've just kind of left you to be by yourself, doing all the dirty work... And, well, I knew when we first met that I had to be a part of it all."

"frisk..." Sans murmured. He shook his head, a weak smile across his mouth. "ya don't have to help me anymore if ya don't want to. i know it probably isn't fun. it's not like i get fun out of doin' what i do. it's just my life, y'know?" He shrugged. "i mean... you've already been scarred enough from the things you've had to do and see. so, i don't expect ya to come back, no matter what asgore says." Sans grumbled, seeming to roll his eyes at the mention of their boss. Frisk smiled. Was this him trying to be protective then?

"Yeah, I know I don't have to. The thing is, I want to help you again." Frisk admitted. The skeleton was definitely surprised. Just because he had expected her to agree with the idea of staying away from all of that. But she disagreed with him? "What you do is scary and dangerous. While that terrifies me... Me getting involved... I just know I want to because what if something could almost happen to you again? If I hadn't been there on the mission to save your dad, you might have been killed. If you ever get yourself into that kind of situation again, I want to be the one to get you out of it." She spoke. 

Smiling, Sans softly chuckled. "but what if ya get yourself in trouble?" He asked. Pause.

"Then you'll have to rescue me instead." She joked, the edges of her lips getting pulled into a smile. Chuckling at that, the monster began to nod, proceeding to hold her hand towards Frisk from the opposite side of the small table. The human took her own hand, gladly placing it in the skeleton's grip. He gave her hand a small squeeze.

"now that's somethin' i can get on board with." Sans teased with a wink. 

From now on, he would always be her protector. Whatever the cost. 

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