Always [85]

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Frisk should have known that ever since Sans had accidentally hit her that he would start acting strange. It didn't help that since being pummeled in the face by his arm pretty hard, she started to get a bit of bruising around her eye. As if Sans didn't feel guilty enough. But that was the thing. Sans felt so guilty that he couldn't even look at her. What a great start to them living together.

Seeing as her skeletal boyfriend wasn't much for conversation, Frisk decided to go out of the apartment to spend some time with Chara. She knew the moment she saw her sister she would likely ask about the bruise on her face. And she would just tell the honest truth so that she did not worry. It was only an accident.

"An accident? An accident my foot! He had to have hit you pretty hard for you to get a bruise like that. Just wait until I get my hands on him..." Chara was grumbling later on, as predicted when they had met up at the park together. Frantically, Frisk shook her head, wanting to dispel Chara's concerns. Her thinking Sans was a bad person was the complete opposite of what she wanted.

"No, no, really. It was an accident. Sans was arguing with Andrew and he was extremely angry. I tried to get Sans to snap out of it and he tried to push me away to get me to leave him alone. But he misjudged the swing of his arm and accidentally hit me. That's all that happened." Frisk reassured her, as they were swinging back and forth on the swings. Chara looked unsure, but then sighed, giving in to Frisk's story. Maybe the skeleton really hadn't meant it and she was judging him too harshly. Sans adored Frisk. She had had front row seats for the whole love triangle that had been going on between Andrew, Sans and Frisk. Back then it was clear to her he adored her.

"Now though..." Frisk continued with a worried expression as she stared down at the ground. "He won't even talk to me. It's as if we've just gone back to the beginning or something. He won't even look at me either. I tried to tell him it was okay, but... I don't think he believes it was okay. He blames himself, and I don't know how to get him to stop." She sighed glumly, while Chara listened carefully to her every word. Thinking of how to reply, Chara was quiet. Until she spoke once more.

"You should both just stop focusing on the uncomfortable situation that happened. Find something else to talk about, to take your time up with. If you're somehow able to take your minds off it, then maybe he will start acting like himself again. True, it might be difficult to get him to stop thinking about it with the bruise on your face. But you can be a good talker, I'm sure you'll figure it out." Chara smiled at her sister, who beamed a little in return, being thankful for her advice. Try to distract them from the situation? Would that even work? She wasn't really sure. But she hoped it would work. Frisk didn't want to let their relationship crumble over such a silly little mistake. Not with how much she loved him.

That being said, when Frisk headed back home, to the apartment, she stood outside the door hesitantly, wondering what she was even going to say. She frowned, reaching for the handle of the door, while also going to reach for her keys in her pocket. Pulling the keys out, she pushed them into the lock, proceeding to unlock the door before pushing it open. "Sans? I'm home!" Frisk called out, sighing when she got no answer. "You home?" She wondered, going to head towards the bedroom to see if he was in there.

Opening the bedroom door, she crossed her arms, seeing Sans curled up in bed. "There you are. I thought I would find you in here." She went over to sit next to him on the edge of the bed. She frowned when she got no answer. "Sans, are you ignoring me?" Frisk questioned sadly, going to try and get a look at his face.

"no, i'm not." Sans sighed, going to turn over onto his back so he could stare up at her with a saddened expression on his face. "'ve still got that bruise." Sans muttered, going to slowly go and move his hand to touch her face. But then the moment his hand got close he became nervous and he began to pull his hand back. "i hurt ya..." But as he was pulling his hand away, Frisk went to grab his wrist, pulling his hand towards her to allow him to touch her cheek.

"Sans, I'm okay... Really. You need to let it go." Frisk spoke, staring back at him into those two eyesockets of his, that found it hard to remain staring into hers. "You're not a bad person. You just got angry, that's all. I still love you all the same, my opinion never changed. You shouldn't become scared of me."

"it's not ya i'm afraid of. it's myself. it just goes to show i haven't really changed, have i? i'm still just as bad as i was before ya met me. i'm... i'm dangerous. how am i supposed to live a normal relationship with someone if i have the possibility of hurtin' them?" Sans questioned, going to push her off as he went to get up and walk around the room as he was worrying. Frisk fell quiet, wondering what to say. He wasn't listening to her, was he? But she refused to let their relationship get ruined like this.

"Look at me." Frisk demanded, getting up to walk towards him, while he had his back turned to her. "Sans, look at me." She told him, gently grabbing him by the shoulder to turn him around. Slowly, he turned to face her, a miserable expression on his face. By the looks of it, he was close to tears. But he was holding it back... Pressing a hand to Sans' cheekbone, Frisk carefully pulled him close and pulled him in for a loving kiss. She could tell Sans was anxious, but she wouldn't stop kissing him until he found the strength to kiss back. 

"frisk..." Sans murmured into the kiss when she had pulled back for air, but she only kissed him once more, and slowly he fluttered his eyes closed, seeming to just give in as he began to kiss her in return. She could never give up on him, could she? Not ever. No matter what he did... Thinking that, he softly began to cry, not being able to hold it in anymore. 

Moving back from the kiss, Frisk could only smile, going to wrap her arms around Sans in a hug, holding him close as he cried. "You silly skeleton... You never learn, do you?" Frisk quietly teased as she rubbed his spine with her hand to try and reassure him. "Crying is good. Don't hold your emotions in, otherwise you'll only feel worse and worse. No matter what, I won't blame you for what happened. If I don't blame you, I don't need you blaming yourself for me, you got that?" Frisk spoke carefully. 

"i'm sorry..." Sans whispered. "i'm sorry i'm still such a mess. i just don't think it's been easy ever since blair popped back up into my life. i can't stand her. and it drives me crazy that andrew of all people would fall for her.

"Well, at least it means he no longer likes me." Frisk joked, earning a small chuckle out of Sans. That was true. At least he didn't exactly have a rival anymore (not that he really had to worry about Andrew, as he trusted Frisk would never leave him for the prick.) "But don't worry. Even if Blair is around again, I won't let her hurt you. No one will let her hurt you ever again." She spoke. 

"...thank ya, frisk... for always bein' here for me.

"Of course, always." 

She hoped until the day she died she would always be able to be there for Sans. Mess or not, she would never leave him. 

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