No Doubt About It [93]

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"Undyne, we've been at this for days." Mettaton complained with a sigh, a hand placed upon his own hip as he stared back at the fish lady who was looking extremely impatient. For the past few days, him, Undyne, Alphys, Papyrus and a couple of other members of the CIA had been watching the hidden security cameras they had decided to put in Sans' apartment. Along with bugs (or audio recorders, they can also be referred to as). But not a single thing had happened. Papyrus had to keep himself from smiling to himself in triumph from over Undyne's shoulder when nothing had seemed to be found on his brother or the human.

"It's the s-s-same everyday. T-T-They just g-go out f-f-for a bit, on o-one day with s-shopping, then they just e-eat, go w-w-watch some TV, h-have a b-b-bit of a moment together, and t-then they sleep." Alphys explained to her wife, who looked like she wanted to grind her teeth together at this point. She knew those two were guilty! They had to be. It didn't make sense that they were so perfect and so innocent when her gut wanted to point towards anything but that. 

Perhaps she was just being paranoid. But then if she just thought that, then some killer or killers could just get off the hook, and it would be all her fault. Glancing towards Papyrus, Undyne narrowed her eye in thought towards the other skeleton, who ended up looking back her way, looking confused when she stared at him with such an expression. It made her wonder if Papyrus knew anything. This was his older brother after all they were watching. "Papyrus, are you sure you don't know anything about what Sans does with his time?"

"NOT EXACTLY. WE DON'T HAVE A LOT OF TIME TO SEE EACH OTHER, I'M ALWAYS WORKING." Papyrus simply pointed out. Not that was really a lie. Papyrus was always busy with his job, and Sans was either working or spending time with his girlfriend so finding the time for family was difficult. And was Undyne really expecting him to just hand over his brother, telling her the truth that he was part of the Mafia? Because he wasn't going to do that. He couldn't do that. Not to Sans. He loved his oldest brother dearly, and wanted to keep him safe.

Seeming satisfied with his response for the time being, the fish lady sighed, turning her stare back to the screen. She felt like they weren't really getting anything this way, and that watching him 24 hours a day wouldn't solve much. It's not like they were watching him when he left the house, considering they never were able to put a bug or camera inside his car. So... "Okay, let's try a different approach." Undyne decided to speak up, earning a frown from Papyrus in concern. What was she up to now? "If we aren't going to get anything this way, maybe I should try to befriend him." She suggested.

"You're really that set on proving this man guilty, aren't you, darling?" Mettaton rolled his eyes, feeling like it was a waste of time and that the fish lady was getting worked up over nothing. However, she had a strong grip for justice, and likely wouldn't let go of her suspects easily unless someone had to pry them from her cold dead hands. It would take a lot to convince her of someone's innocence. So, Sans was likely going to have to put up with her for a good long while. This worried Papyrus, knowing he had to warn his brother. As if the fish lady had been reading his thoughts, she pointed at him.

"And you-- You will stay with me at all times. You're not allowed to be with Sans alone, do you understand?" The fish lady growled, causing Papyrus' eyes to widen in shock. Was she already suspecting that he might have been helping him, or that he was going to try to? Undyne was his friend, and he couldn't help but feel a little hurt if that was what she was suggesting. (Even if it was the truth...)

"ARE YOU SUGGESTING THAT I AM GOING TO TRY AND HELP HIM?" Papyrus wondered, sounding offended by Undyne pointing him out in front of everyone in the room. Alphys turned around in her seat to face the fish and the skeleton who were staring at each other - Undyne giving a suspicious glare, while Papyrus returned nothing but a bewildered, worried looking expression.

"U-U-Undyne, Papyrus is good a-at his job. E-E-Even for his b-brother, he wouldn't l-lie to us, would y-you, Papyrus?" Alphys had good hope in her skeleton friend that he wouldn't do such a thing. She understood that it must have been difficult to him that they were investigating his older brother. However, even if they were family, it would have been against the law to try and hide anything Sans was guilty of. Surely Papyrus knew that.


"Then you shouldn't have any problem in me trying to befriend him and me making sure you don't interfere. I'm sorry that you're offended, Papyrus, but it's just as a precaution." She said, crossing her arms across her chest. "So I guess it's decided." And that was the decision. If the tall skeleton had to be honest, he was horrified. He hoped with all his soul that Sans was smart enough not to fall into any of Undyne's silly traps, or that perhaps he became prepared for such a situation. He didn't want Sans to end up behind bars, or Frisk for that matter. 

Back in the apartment, Sans was feeling confident that he would manage to get away from the CIA, that they would in the end give up on trying to spy on him; they wouldn't be able to find anything and he wouldn't let them. He was sure of that. He made sure that him and Frisk stayed silent about work, where ever they went. Neither of them would accidentally slip up and say something out loud when it was something that was on their minds all the time, every day.

The skeleton was also extremely careful whenever he headed to work. He was always cautious of whether he was being followed, and he was always one to wonder if his car might start getting tracked. He made it a thing to start parking at least a block away from work nowadays so that even if his car was located if it turned out he was being tracked, they would only find the car on the street, but they wouldn't actually find out where he was headed. He wasn't going to easily give away their location. 

Truth be told, at this point Sans was either expecting that fish lady to stay in the shadows, watching them from a distance, or she would just stay in her office or where ever and watch them from there. What he didn't expect was that she would come prancing along, coming face to face with him on his doorstep on purpose. It was actually a few days after Undyne had made her decision, where she had located Sans' apartment, and she decided to knock on the door with a scared Papyrus following in tow. Course, he didn't show his fear, even if he was terrified on the inside.

Answering the door, Frisk rose her eyebrows in surprise, seeing Papyrus and some lady who looked like another monster. Frisk had never actually met this other monster, (she hadn't had the chance to at that party they were all at a long while ago now), so she had no idea this was the exact person they were running away from. "Sans! There's someone at the door with your brother!" Frisk called to the skeleton who was busy staring at the television screen.

"huh?" Going to get off of the couch, Sans actually turned his gaze to the door, only to feel a slight pang of dread inside of him the moment he saw who was there. Undyne and Papyrus. What was she doing here? He couldn't show that he was panicked though. Showing that he had something clearly to hide. "oh, hey bro! hey undyne, i remember meetin' ya at that party. it's been awhile.

Undyne? That was her name? Just that was enough to send all kinds of alarm bells off inside of Frisk's head, remembering that name as the same one she heard Papyrus yell when they were being chased by the CIA in the sewers after rescuing Gaster. Was this the same lady who they were being so careful of? Who they were hiding from, pretending they had just normal lives when really they had anything but that? What was she doing on their doorstep? 

"Yes, it has." Undyne said, grinning back at Sans with a toothy grin. Oh? So, was this the kind of approach she was taking, huh? Sans knew without a doubt instantly what she was up to, the moment she smiled at him like that. She was trying to get on his good side, wasn't she? She probably figured that she wasn't getting anything on him by watching him through a monitor screen, so she decided to try and figure him out in person, see whether or not she could get him to slip up and prove he was guilty. Well, good luck with that.

"what brings ya here then?" Sans decided to ask with a risen eyebrow. 

"You're Papyrus' brother. I thought finally I would come get to know you, seeing as I have left it for a long time." Undyne continued on. What did he expect her to say? What she was actually here for? Idiot. She was going to try and befriend him, while keeping her actual intentions secret. She would prove he was guilty. She knew he was.

Without a speck of doubt.

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