Past [66]

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His ex, huh? That started to make more sense as to why she knew him, and why he definitely knew her. What shocked Frisk is that she would have expected someone who looked quite elegant to have a sweeter personality. Instead the fox seemed mischievous and cruel. She pushed past Sans' comfort zone, who didn't want to be anywhere near her. Appearances clearly weren't everything. What made Frisk wonder was why he was so terrified of her. Yeah, she didn't have a nice personality, but something big must have happened for Sans to genuinely appear afraid.

"Sans... You don't have to answer this question if you don't want to but... Why are you so scared of her?" Frisk asked, glancing to her quiet, thoughtful boyfriend who had his pupils back to the ground, as if it was the most interesting thing to look at. The skeleton debated what he was going to say, debating whether he wanted to explain anything. He had never told this to anyone. Not even Toriel, who had been aware of his and Blair's relationship completely by accident. On the outside looking in, there was no way to know what the relationship had been really going like.

"well... it's kind of a long story..." He paused, before sighing. "when we first started datin', things were great. to tell the truth for awhile, i thought i was genuinely in love with her..." Sans muttered. "she seemed like she cared too. for awhile, it was nice. because our relationship felt meaningful..."

Frisk listened to him carefully, not rushing him to get anything out. She knew this was a huge deal to him to talk about. So, the last thing she wanted was to pressure him. She would gladly give him as much time as she was able to let him talk.

"we met in the mafia. we used to spend a lot of time together, and it felt like we were really happy. i trusted her. i gave a lot to her. i loved her." Sans went on, seeming to become more and more frustrated the more he went on. Knowing he was getting mad, he took another break before talking again. He had given her a lot. Hell, he trusted her so much she was the first and only person he had ever... Well, shared an extremely intimate moment with. And when he looked back on that moment, it just felt like a waste. He had wanted to show her his affection through the physical act of making love, and it had seemed like she loved him too. They had everything then.

"i gave her my first time... i also... we also once shared souls." Sans whispered, swallowing down the lump in his throat as he was getting to the part he didn't like at all. What had hurt so badly at the time was he was crazy enough to believe that Blair could have possibly been his soul mate. However, he was mistaken.

"but one day, she and a few other people from the mafia decided to suddenly defect, betray us. i don't know why... but the girl i loved was suddenly gone... and i tried to go after her, tried to get her to see what she was doin' was crazy. but she instead decided to get her new group to kidnap me." Frisk's eyes widened at that. So, this wasn't the first time Blair had pulled this stunt of kidnapping him then?

"i had to put up with a lot of shit... i got beaten the shit out of by her new found friends, and to make matters worse, she also joined in on that act. not just on my body. she... attacked the hell outta my soul as well, it's why it's so damaged... from that event, and the fact that she broke the soul bond we used to share... she hurt me. i could have almost died that day, had the others not found me and saved me... blair and her friends had already fled, so they didn't see her. and i was too hurt and ashamed to tell the others everythin' that happened... but it's why i find it so impossibly hard to trust anyone. why it took me so impossibly long to realise i loved ya. because how do i know i'm actually gonna end up happy, and it won't just all be thrown in my face again?!" Sans demanded, his voice starting to break as he finally looked at Frisk, and he could not stop the tears spilling from his eye sockets.

It was such a painful memory to think about. Blair was painful to think about. He had genuinely cared about her, only to have his trust ripped right out of him by the girl he would have given his world to at the time. Ever since losing her, he had become cynical, he couldn't trust anyone. It didn't help that his father then went missing. He just felt so alone, even if there were people who might have offered to be there for him. He found it impossible to trust. Just falling in love with Frisk and trusting her felt like a terrifying gamble.

Carefully outstretching her arms, she encircled them around the crying skeleton, who she then pulled close, allowing him to rest his skull on her chest to listen to her heartbeat. Gently, she kissed him on top of the skull. She was utterly horrified when she heard of the way Blair had treated Sans. It was no wonder he become the way he did. Why he closed in on himself. How was anyone supposed to handle such a painful situation?

"I'm so sorry, Sans... I'm so sorry that happened to you." She whispered sullenly, feeling Sans' arms wrap around her in return as he clung to her and sobbed. "It makes me feel even more honoured that you gave me a chance at all. I don't blame you for being cautious, I know I probably would have been in your situation."

"w-well... ya know, i think i-it's possible that i might l-love ya even more." Sans said quietly. Which made it a million more times terrifying for the chance of something terrible happening again. He couldn't handle it for a second time if it happened again but with Frisk. He'd entirely crack and crumble under the pressure, just really wanting nothing more than to no longer exist at all.

"Yeah?" Frisk managed a sad smile at that. "Well, I love you too, Sans, with all my heart. And I'll do my best to make sure you always know that. That you never have to fear that I'll suddenly betray you." She said. Never in a million years would she betray this amazing skeleton. All she wished for was that they had a future, that maybe she would get to experience some of her first times with the one she had so much affection for.

"i... i believe ya... i really do..." Sans answered. With that said, the two just went silent, apart from the sounds of Sans' hics and sobs being let out. The human girl continued holding Sans close, just wanting to let him let out the pain he had likely been holding in for years.

What she wanted, was nothing more for them to be happy. For Sans to be happy. They'd get out of here, and they'd continue with their lives. They would have a future together, as that is truly what Frisk wanted.

Anyone who hurt Sans was not her friend.

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