Spark [118]

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Sans is a MONSTER and not a HUMAN, so he doesn't follow HUMAN biology like a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster and Papyrus.  


"FRISK, I PREPARED YOU SOME SOUP!" The kind skeleton exclaimed, holding out a freshly prepared bowl of soup, which Frisk had to admit, was a delicious smell to wake up to early in the morning. With a smile, Frisk slowly went to sit herself up, noticing how Sans was actually sleeping at her side, just as she expected. Honestly, she would have preferred for him to go sleep on the couch or something, not because she didn't want him around, but just because she didn't want him to catch her flu. But typical him being fussy over her did not listen, and there he was, led fast asleep under the covers beside her.

"Thank you, Papyrus. I'm guessing you're off to work soon?" Frisk wondered, carefully taking the warm bowl from the friendly monster at her bedside, who nodded. He was actually supposed to leave in about twenty minutes, but he wanted to be thoughtful for the human like his brother clearly was being, staying at her side all the time and just looking after her like an affectionate boyfriend would. Papyrus wanted to be a good friend to Frisk. 


"I see. Well, that's very thoughtful of you." Frisk thanked him once more, saying that he was a great friend for doing such a thing. Before he left, he continued on saying how he hoped she would get better asap, and that she shouldn't feel afraid to ask for anything from either him or Sans. She already knew that, but appreciated Papyrus for the kind gesture, and allowed him to go and leave for work before he ended up making himself late due to his extreme kindness. 

Eating a mouthful of the soup, Frisk's eyes lit up at the taste, as it tasted extremely tasty! Papyrus actually was a really amazing cook, and that was probably because he had to look after himself so much when Gaster had once disappeared and Sans had distanced himself from him. Remembering such a thing about Papyrus made her a little sad, but then she just had to think that they were all together now, and that for the time being at least things were better for them now. For the time being, Undyne hadn't found them again, and that was a huge relief.

Speaking of the devil, back at the CIA headquarters all the way back home, the fish lady was of course in a sulk, which Alphys didn't fail to notice as she was sitting at the computers, doing her work while her wife decided to flop down into one of the chairs at her side, looking like she had an expression that looked like it had just received the worst news in the world. "W-What's the m-m-matter? You look a-a-as if you w-watched an anime, only for the e-ending to be really t-terrible." Alphys joked, earning a sad smile from Undyne.

"I just had to have a meeting with one of the higher ups." Believe it or not, Undyne wasn't really the top boss. She was put in charge of her own part of the CIA, but that didn't mean she ran everything overall. "I just got told that I might as well let go of this whole Sans thing. That we've been searching for him for days and just aren't getting anywhere. He thinks it's a waste of resources." Undyne grumbled, looking so damn upset. She felt like a fucking failure, knowing that if she gave this up, she was letting a criminal run free who could have the possibility to easily hurt someone else. 

"Y-You have been s-s-stressing about it a lot lately. M-Maybe... Maybe you should just l-let it g-g-go." Alphys told her as softly as she could, even though admittedly saying such a thing actually made her extremely nervous, because she knew that it might upset Undyne with how clearly important this all was to her. "F-Focus on other things that a-also need your attention. A-A-And maybe we m-m-might be able to come back t-to this if w-w-we ever find out where Sans i-is." Alphys suggested.

"...Maybe." Undyne exhaled, which surprised Alphys, because she expected her to get more angry and passionate about it, but by the looks of it, this whole thing had exhausted her. She had been so close. So close to putting that skeleton behind bars, and yet she let him get away, and now she couldn't track him down. Just like that, along with Papyrus and that other skeleton, he had disappeared as if he had turned into tiny bits of dust.  

Admittedly, seeing her wife so unmotivated and drained was really upsetting to Alphys, as it was so unlike Undyne to be that way. Normally, she was so full of life and drive that half the time it was pretty difficult to get her to shut up or to even stop yelling about what she was so driven by, but those were things that Alphys loved about Undyne. She loved Undyne for who she was, and seeing her act so different, in a negative way, compared to how she normally was... It was heartbreaking to say the least.

"Y-You're not s-s-superwoman, Undyne. It's difficult t-t-to deal with people f-from the Mafia. They're n-n-not dumb people, like you would e-e-expect for normal people, at least I d-don't think so. T-They're likely extremely careful and i-intelligent. Which is why we h-have trouble catching t-t-them." Alphys went on, saying how she saw it. It was difficult to catch such people who may have had plans to counter any plan you tried to come up with. If they were good planners themselves, it made it harder to trip them up and made them fall into a trap. Sans clearly had been prepared for things to go bad, which is probably why he had gotten away in the first place.

"Yeah, maybe you're right..." Undyne thought for a moment, sitting up in her seat a little more as if Alphys' words had managed to light up the spark inside her once again, as for a second it had been put out by her lack of enthusiasm and disappointment in herself for not being able to catch Sans. Maybe that was exactly what he wanted, for her to lose her motivation so that she would lose interest in her job altogether! Well, she wouldn't let that happen! Even if right now the hope in finding him was a dead trail, she would continue with her job, focusing on other things, and if she found a new lead, she would be sure to track him down!

"Thank you, Alphys. You're the best!" Undyne said, suddenly standing up and pulling the dinosaur in for a hug, literally lifting her out of her seat and into her arms, so she was just dangling off of the ground, resting snugly in the fish's arms. Stuttering out in surprise as she began to blush, (as even being married to her, she could find herself getting flustered by her), she went on to say that it was no problem, that she had hardly even done anything at all. "No, you did do a lot, punk! I was ready to give up hope, but you somehow always know what to say to make me feel better! Now I know why I married you!" Undyne teased, while Alphys began to blush more profusely and nervously laugh at her comments that were still getting her all embarrassed. 

"A-A-A-Any time, U-Undyne." Alphys stuttered back, glad that she could be of help to her now more enthused significant other. Putting her back into her seat, Undyne proceeded to sit back down in her own chair, deciding to start conversation about something else with the yellow dinosaur, clearly much happier than she had been moments before. Watching in the doorway, the robot - Mettaton - had seen the entire conversation, and was somewhat smiling to himself at what had just happened.

True, it would have been better for Sans, Frisk and Papyrus if Undyne had lost her spark altogether, but at least this way for the time being at least, everyone was happy. Frisk, Sans and Papyrus could live their lives safely away from all of the chaos for awhile, and Undyne could enjoy her job again without constantly thinking about how she felt like a failure. Mettaton would have to report back to the others when he had the chance to let them know that it appeared Undyne had given up on the case - at least for the time being. 

Everything was going the way everyone could have possibly hoped it would.

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