Losing Morals [23]

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Friday. A day that used to be Frisk's favourite day when it came to being a younger teenager, when her life used to be so much more normal and instead of thinking about how she was going to have to knock out the guy who was supposed to be her new found friend, she'd think about the fact that it was the end of the week, because she used to go to school. She wasn't a criminal back then, she was a normal girl with a normal life. Now everything was so strange and alien to her.

The entire week, the human female had tried hard to think of what to do today, so she had decided to ask James to go to the cinema with her to watch a movie. She knew that no matter what, the guy was probably going to get the wrong idea when she led him back to her house. She had been stalling for quite some time, they had gone to the park, gone to a few stores to get snacks and drinks. They even went to McDonalds, which Frisk hadn't been to in donkey's years. 

It was thanks to Sans though that she was even able to pay for anything today, rather than making James pay for everything. During the week, Sans had decided that it would also be a good idea to give her some of the money that he had gotten from their mission together. He knew she hadn't really done any of the work, but what they were doing now was practically like another mission, and she was involved in this greatly. So whatever resources it'd take to capture James, he gave to Frisk if she needed them. 

Now, the movie was coming to an end; Frisk hoped that Sans had sent her a text when her phone had been off in the cinema to say he was ready, because she didn't know if she could stall for much longer. Luck appeared on her side though, and Sans was waiting around the corner from Toriel's house. He made it clear to her that he'd stay there until he saw her go inside, and then he'd drive the car out to the front, ready for her to call for him if needed. 

"Hey, before going home do you want to hang out at my house for a bit?" Frisk wondered towards James. He rose his eyebrows, appearing surprised, before glancing at a watch he had around his wrist.

"Really? Isn't it like, getting a bit late?" He asked. To his shock, she shook her head.

"Nah. Maybe we can watch another movie or something in my room." She suggested. She did have another television in there as well. So she could watch movies whenever she wanted. But with James accepting, she knew now that it was now or never. She was going to have to do this. She was going to have to take care of James and hand him over to Sans. With how happy James appeared to be here friend, it made her feel guilty to betray him like this. But she had to keep reminding herself that it was likely all an act. James wasn't who he pretended to be. 

Hesitantly opening the front door, the first thing Frisk did was call out to Toriel, and when she got no answer, she could only feel more worried about being alone with him. It did mean that taking care of him would probably be easier as if Toriel heard the scuffle between the two, she'd probably interfere, and Frisk didn't want the goat mom to get in the way of everything. If she did she wouldn't have the nerve to ever try again. This was for Sans. It was important to Sans. 

"Are you still hungry? If you want you can have something from the kitchen." Frisk motioned towards the kitchen. James thought for a moment, before looking in a plastic bag that had a few snacks still left in it.

"Not really. We still have a couple of chocolate bars left though. And a bag of crisps." He pointed out. 

"Oh, right. I guess we can have those then. Alright, follow me." Frisk turned to go upstairs, mentally cursing up a storm when James was following behind her. She was so fucking scared right now. She could do this. Sans believed in her. He put his trust in her, she had to do it. Opening the door, she let him into her room. "Feel free to look around." She said, smiling a little when she heard James compliment how tidy her room looked. Sighing, she went to walk towards the window, where she could see the front of the house. As expected, Sans' car was right outside, and she could see him sitting in there, waiting for her.

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