Useful [145]

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Sans is a MONSTER and not a HUMAN, so he doesn't follow HUMAN biology like a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster and Papyrus.  


"Do you think they'll come to some kind of an agreement?" Grillby decided to speak up to Gaster, who was sitting at his bar, appearing to look thoughtful, likely because Undyne had showed up around twenty minutes before, arriving to talk to Asgore. The skeleton truthfully wasn't quite sure, but he could only hope that would be the case. Undyne had appeared pretty set on building some kind of partnership between them, so he was only hoping that Asgore would also agree. But despite the fact that he was a Mafia boss, Asgore wasn't actually as scary as he might have seemed. To tell the truth, "Mafia Asgore" and Asgore himself just felt like two different people. Mafia Asgore could be more serious and stern, while normal Asgore was just... A nice guy. 

"We can only hope." Gaster spoke up with a small grin, seeing Grillby give him a tiny smile in return. "Because after everything, I'm not sure we can afford to be on separate sides." The skeleton went on, knowing that if the CIA remained as their enemy, the CIA might just try to shut them down. They would probably have to move to some other location in secret, and Gaster knew Grillby would likely be disappointed to lose his bar. This place meant a lot to the flame monster after all, since he had started being less of a fighter and he just decided to be a bartender. Of course, the monster made of flame could still kick some ass, but he just figured things would probably be a little calmer if he was just serving drinks or food to people. That day with Undyne made him think otherwise. 

"Yeah... I wonder how Sans and Frisk are doing since they've left. You plan to stay with them on his last few weeks, don't you?" Grillby asked, while the skeleton nodded in return. He had agreed with Sans that he was going to help him through the last bit that had to come, because there was just no way he could trust some random stranger with it, and while he was sure Frisk would do an amazing job at looking after him, she didn't really know enough for it to be safe enough for Sans to just have her at his side. So, he had to be there as well to help. Even though Sans would be able to go to a hospital now with Undyne being off their backs, he had a feeling Sans wouldn't even want to do that. "Well, I'm sure they'll be lucky to have you. I know I'll miss having you around on those last few weeks." Grillby said, going to wipe the bar down with a cloth, at least until he stopped as he realised what he said, and he instantly became flustered. "I-I mean--" 

"I'll miss you too." Gaster warmly grinned, only seeing Grillby blush more in embarrassment, only because his reply was so cute and Gaster's cool, calm replies with that freakin' smile was always something Grillby just loved about Gaster. But then it was also amusing and adorable to see when even the scientist could get humiliated when he was teased and others were around. Mr cool couldn't act so cool all the time, even if he wanted to. "I would take you with me but... Someone has got to stay here to look after your bar. And I feel like Sans might get a bit overwhelmed with having too many people around on his last few weeks." 

"It's fine, you don't have to explain... It's still crazy that you're going to be a grandfather. I always figured Papyrus would have been the first to have kids. Funny how the world works out sometimes." Grillby murmured, while Gaster nodded in agreement, knowing he had thought the same. It was difficult not to think such a thing when Sans one day started to become extremely cold and drawn away from everyone. After hearing about his and Blair's past, he figured it was around the time that Blair betrayed him that he really started to change. He would never let anyone get too close, not even him sometimes. "Gaster... Can... Can I ask you something?" 

"Hm? Of course, fire away." Gaster responded, staring straight at Grillby who was busy still wiping down the bar, at least until he stopped and went to put the cloth away. For a second, Grillby did open his mouth, seeming ready to say whatever he was going to say, but then he shook his head, seeming to think better of it. "Hey, no, go on. Ask me, what is it?" Gaster pressed, seeing his boyfriend exhale, as he once again looked somewhat flustered. Grillby crossed his arms as he avoided Gaster's eye. 

"This isn't me insinuating anything... But... I don't know. You had Sans and Papyrus... Have you... Ever thought about having more kids?" Grillby murmured, while Gaster rose his eyebrows at such a question. "A-Again! That isn't me suggesting anything! We haven't been together long enough to... But, it was just something that was on my mind, that was all." Grillby fussed on, until he decided to shut up, waiting for Gaster's answer. Gaster hummed in thought, while resting his chin in his hand while his elbow relaxed upon the bar. 

"Well... Admittedly, it hasn't crossed my mind that often." Gaster said, while his pupils trailed back to Grillby's face, as they had been busy glancing down at the bar in thought. "Why? Is that something that you hope to have one day?" The skeleton wondered, while Grillby quietly stared back at him, not seeming sure of how to answer. Exhaling, Grillby went to reply. 

"Seeing as you ask... Before I didn't really used to think about it that much either. I thought about it sometimes, when I... Thought about how I desperately wanted to be with you, and now that I say that out loud, I realise how cheesy that is." Grillby chuckled, hearing Gaster let out a small laugh of his own at his remark. "I don't know. I think it is something I would like to have, but it's not something I have to have. I have you." Grillby blushed, even noticing how his remark had caused the scientist to gain a small hint of purple to his cheekbones. 

"Yeah, you're right, that was definitely cheesy." Gaster retorted, sending the both of them into small laughing fits as if for a second they were young teens again, laughing at some kind of stupid joke the both of them found funny. "But I am glad to have you too. And... We just have to see what the future holds. I haven't thought about the idea so much, but maybe one day we will be. There's no need to rush." Gaster shrugged, knowing that by his boyfriend's expression, he could tell that he definitely agreed. Because they were just enjoying being together, as best friends and as two people who dearly cared about one another. There was no need to go too quick and to possibly ruin the best thing that had happened between the both of them. 

Interrupting the moment that the two were having, the two monsters glanced towards the elevator as they heard the doors slide open, and Undyne stepped out with a serious looking expression on her face. Gaster turned around on his stool to face towards her, while Grillby was also leaning on his side of the bar, intrigued with how her conversation with Asgore went. "So, how did it go?" Grillby asked, catching the attention of the fish. She didn't reply instantly, but she did glance towards the two awaiting monsters. She sighed.

"We came to an agreement." Undyne said. "I won't interfere with you guys, and you guys won't interfere with us. If we ever need help from one another, we're more than willing to give it." Undyne explained, seeing both Gaster and Grillby smile at each other as if they were little kids who had just heard awesome news from a parent or something. Undyne did manage a weak smile at that, as she couldn't help but notice that there appeared to be at least a few couples in this group. People who were in love with one another. Such a thing made her mostly glad that they didn't have to fight with one another, because taking away people's loved ones wasn't something she enjoyed, even if it had to be part of her job. 

"I better be going anyway, punks. Try to at least stay out of trouble for awhile. And I hope that... I hope that Sans and Frisk manage to take care of that baby. I'm sure they'll be great parents." The fish complimented, before deciding to walk out. Once again, the flame monster and skeleton beamed at each other, glad that they had managed to take care of a past threat without having to do anything forceful. They were glad that it didn't end up with anyone killing one another, or Undyne actually going to shoot Gaster's head off. Their rivalry thankfully ended quite peacefully. 

So, now they could be useful to each other. 

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