Her Watch [140]

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Sans is a MONSTER and not a HUMAN, so he doesn't follow HUMAN biology like a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster and Papyrus.   


No way. No actual way... Why was this happening? She felt like she was finally moving on from the death of her parents, and what happened to them, as it actually took her a very long time to really sort of... Accept it. No, she knew she would never fully be over it, and she would never stop missing her biological parents despite the new family she had gained... but she didn't want to keep allowing herself to be haunted by it. However, now she was staring back at the two men who probably murdered her parents, and she was trying very hard not to freak out about it; she was admittedly afraid about coming face to face with them again.

"Wait, what is your last name? Your real last name." Undyne said, watching Frisk closely, who was still staring down at the pictures in disbelief. The fish frowned, knowing she might be in a state of shock for what she just said. Even Gaster, Grillby, Blair and Asriel were looked surprised themselves at what she had said. There was a moment of silence as they were waiting for Frisk's answer. Now that they thought about it, they had never heard Frisk's last name before, only because she had never said it. She simply took on the name of Dreemurr and that just became her name. Frisk Dreemurr. But, what was it before?

"...Lee. Frisk Lee." Frisk whispered, while Undyne's eye widened a tad at her answer, as her answer appeared to awaken some kind of thought within her head. Undyne actually remembered being the person who was at some couple's house, and it had been clear that there had been a break in and she was there with a group to investigate it. The couple had been murdered, and there was enough rooms to show that they hadn't lived alone, and that they in fact had a child - a daughter. But they had never managed to track Frisk down, likely because she hid in the shadows when living on the street. The fish wasn't the one to personally look for her, but she just remembered hearing they were never able to find the teen at the time - when she had been 16. And the last name of the couple that was murdered... It was Lee. 

"I see... So, you're that teenager that they were never able to find, who they assumed had gone missing." Undyne said. "I'm sorry about your parents. And I'm sorry that we haven't managed to capture the ones responsible for it. But if you help, then it will deliver you justice, and..." She exhaled. "I'll be offering to let you all off the hook. I might get in trouble, but I don't really feel like putting a pregnant monster behind bars and ripping a family apart." Undyne admitted, feeling Frisk's eyes on her. 

"Maybe we can make some kind of offer." Gaster spoke up. "If we help you with this, maybe we can make some kind of agreement between us - the Mafia. And you - the CIA." The skeleton said, raising an eyebrow towards the fish. "You know that we don't do anything to innocents. But if there is any criminals who are an extreme danger to innocent people, and you can't track them down, you could always offer to us to take care of them." The skeleton went on, while Undyne listened. 

"...It might just work..." Undyne exhaled, questioning how she got to the point where she might actually start using other criminals to the CIA's advantage whenever they needed them. "But that is only if this is successful. Just make sure you capture them is all I am saying." The fish stated. "Otherwise the deal is off, and I can't guarantee that I will be able to keep you out of prison. Because if I have no reason to let you guys off the hook, it may not even be my decision anymore at that point." Undyne admitted.  

"So... Let's say hypothetically that they died... Would that cancel the deal?" Blair wondered, seeming genuinely curious. Only because when she glanced towards Frisk and saw the girl's fringe casting a slight shadow over her wide eyes, she was wondering that it might be possible that the Dreemurr girl was going to utterly rip those two guys to shreds the moment she laid her hands on them. Even Asriel was just thinking to himself how he saw such a foreign look on the girl's face which he knew he had never seen before.

A lot of the time when you saw Frisk she was usually smiling. She was quite a bubble force in everyone's life, which was good when she was with a certain skeleton who could get pretty cynical from time to time. Right now, however, it was clear that she wasn't bubbly; she wasn't happy whatsoever. Could she be blamed? Not really. Considering she was currently faced with two pictures of the possible murderers of her parents. 

"Well... I think at this point the CIA are getting pretty tired of chasing them down a lot... I know I am. And shocker, I don't exactly condone killing. I know my actions say otherwise, but I either make threats, or I just try to shoot to injure. Not kill." Undyne explained, staring towards the curious fox and goat who were listening to her talking. 

"Buuut, it probably wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if they were to die, right?" Blair went on. "They aren't good people, so there shouldn't be much fuss. We would be protecting more people that way." The fox argued, seeing the conflicted look on the fish's face. From watching the conversation, at this point Gaster could tell that Undyne only wanted to track down the two people that they were talking about, and she likely wanted to free Sans now that she knew what was going on with them. 

"Tell you what, we won't kill them unless it's a last resort." Gaster promised, knowing that if they were to die, they could argue that they didn't really have much of a choice. The fish knew that if the CIA and the Mafia would end up becoming some kind of... Almost a team, dealing with terrible people by killing them might just be something she would have to get used to. It did irk her a little, only because she believed more in making people sit around and get served justice for the things they did, rather than instantly dying. But they could probably come to some kind of an agreement.

"Fine..." Undyne agreed, seeming to hold out her hand towards Gaster for them to shake on it, and that's when the skeleton grinned and reached his hand for her open palm, and that's when they shook hands to come to an agreement. "Believe me. I want for this to work out. Not only for the sake of Sans and that child, but just because... Do you know how exhausting it has been to try and shut you guys down?" Undyne joked, seeing Gaster smirk back at her in return as he let out a small laugh of his own. "But working together, might make us better off." 

"Perhaps. I know the boss would likely be delighted to hear that we have an ally." Gaster said. "Alright, I guess if you give us the location, we'll form some kind of plan to try and take them out. I shouldn't expect they'll see us coming." Gaster went on, knowing that two criminals were likely to expect to be arrested when they heard a bunch of police sirens coming their way. But if they were simply able to sneak close to their location in the darkness of the night, they may just take them out in one fell swoop. 

"Lately, they've said to be seen just holding up in an abandoned house. I'll give you the address, and then you can be on your way." Undyne told them. "I expect you back in at least a couple of hours." 

"That's fine by us." Asriel nodded, causing everyone but Frisk to nod, likely because she was still out of it, thinking how the two men had possibly murdered her parents. From here on out, the group talked about what they were going to try and do when getting to the location. Seeing as they were a group, they thought when nightfall came, two of them would go through the front of the house, while two of them would go through the back. If the criminals tried to escape, they would take them out. Neither of them would escape.

Especially under Frisk's watch.

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