Time Flies [146]

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Sans is a MONSTER and not a HUMAN, so he doesn't follow HUMAN biology like a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster and Papyrus. 


Feeling more and more terrified was something that the skeleton was struggling with when it came to the passing of time. Just yesterday it felt like when he had admitted the truth to Frisk, and he had broke down sobbing from all the stress and fear he was feeling at the idea of even having a child; it had never stopped being scary. Yes, he had become happier about the whole situation since having Frisk, Papyrus and all the others to support him through it, but the terror of it all was something that likely would not go away. Not when already he was 16 weeks through it - 4 months. And as he already established to his girlfriend, monsters went through this kind of thing two less months than humans, only because monsters developed faster thanks to magic. That's why magic was preserved rather than used by a pregnant monster. He only had 3 more months until the end of this thing, and he didn't know if he could wrap his skull around that. 

"You realise, not knowing whether it's a boy or a girl makes shopping a little more complicated." Frisk joked to her boyfriend, as they found themselves on a day where neither Frisk or Papyrus had to work, so the trio were just walking around a store together. Papyrus was pushing the shopping cart, as he wanted to be helpful, and Frisk was holding hands with Sans as they were glancing around at different kinds of clothes for a small baby to fit into. Sans sheepishly smiled. 

"i know... but i guess that's where ya humans have us beat." Sans replied back with a grin, seeing as humans actually had a way of finding out the child's gender before they were born. Monsters didn't exactly have that if they had them within the soul, only because their actual physical form wasn't exactly visible until they were actually born. But it was more of a surprise that way, and Frisk had even admitted before that she liked the idea of it being a surprise, even if she was joking about the whole shopping part of it. 

"MAYBE WE CAN JUST BUY SOME BOYS AND GIRLS THINGS JUST IN CASE." Papyrus suggested, seeing the two others agree with him as that was what they had been planning to do, seeing as it was really their only choice. Anything that was perhaps too boyish for a girl, or too girly for a boy could just be given away to some kind of thrift store (charity shop) so someone else could get use out of the clothing. Such a thought was quite nice to Frisk, as she liked the idea of being able to help a charity. 

"Oh gosh. Look at these!" Frisk seemed to squeal, going to pick up what looked like a small pair of light pink trainers  up that was decorated all over with lightly coloured flowers, and the bottom of the shoes were just painted white. "They're so small." She said, appearing to become somewhat teary eyed at that, as she was having one of those moments where this whole thing was really hitting her again - in a good way. They were actually going to be parents, and she was going to be a mom. She hoped to be a good mom. 

"yeah, they are. heh." Sans grinned at her in return, as his pupils also trailed over the trainers in her hands. They were trainers that their little one just might occupy, and thinking such a thing made him strangely emotional too, so much to the point that Papyrus was hugging the teary eyed couple in a group hug as he was worried they were getting sad. Sans laughed. "it's fine. they're happy tears." Sans reassured him, seeing his younger brother beam with relief that they weren't sad. "i'm happy, really... do ya wanna get them?" Sans questioned, only for Frisk to nod and put them in the shopping cart, alongside another pair that was blue instead of pink and didn't have any flowers on them. 

"DO YOU TWO KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO NAME THEM YET?" Papyrus wondered, just as Frisk was picking a small shirt off of one of the clothing racks which she ended up putting into the shopping cart. Truth be told, coming up with a boy name that they could both be satisfied with was harder than they thought. This was going to be their child's name for life, (that was if they decided not to change it when they grew up), and they didn't want it to be a name they'd grow to hate, or a name they regretted choosing because it just wasn't right. 

"We did decide on the girl name - Luna. But, for a boy... We aren't really sure yet." She sighed, hoping that they would decide on one eventually. Again, she was concerned it was going to be a situation where if the child was a boy, and they didn't have a name for him, then it would take them awhile to name him. It was a 50/50% chance that they would probably be a boy or a girl, but Frisk really couldn't help but worry they wouldn't have a name for their baby if it ended up being a he. They just wanted the name to be special. 

"I AM SURE YOU WILL THINK OF SOMETHING! YOU TWO WILL BE AMAZING PARENTS AFTER ALL." Papyrus complimented them, having full faith in them that they would be a great mom and dad to their child when they were born. Such comments really made the couple glad to have Papyrus around, because even sometimes Frisk herself found it difficult to say cheery things just because while the whole thought of them being parents together was exciting, it was also very, very scary and somewhat stressful. But the stress and worry likely was to be expected with them being new parents, they would have to learn so much. 

"Thank you, Papyrus. I guess we do still have three months left to try and think of a name... We'll probably have one figured out by then." Hopefully. Sans just nodded at that, feeling somewhat fearful again as he had been reminded that it was only three months until the last part of this whole thing came up. It was difficult not to be scared, even though he trusted his father with his own life. He had wanted to try and still act tough at the beginning of all of this, but there was just a point where he had accepted that perhaps it was okay to feel afraid. And he was afraid that he wouldn't even be able to get through such a thing. Seeming to sense his fear, he suddenly found two people wrapping their arms around him in a hug - Frisk and Papyrus. 

"h-hey, i'm fine. what's the sudden hug for?" Sans nervously laughed, not being able to keep the nerves out of his voice when he said that, so even though he tried to convince the two that he wasn't mentally freaking out, he wasn't doing a very good job at that. Having a poker face and pretending he was okay in this situation was just not happening. He really couldn't manage it, at all. 

"IT'S OKAY TO FEEL NERVOUS, SANS. IT'S UNDERSTANDABLE IF YOU ARE." Papyrus spoke up. "BUT YOU WILL BE OKAY. I KNOW YOU WILL." His little brother reassured him, while Frisk nodded in agreement, knowing that what Papyrus said was the truth and was totally correct. She believed in Sans, as did Papyrus, and they just knew that he would make it through the last part, and when it was over, he would likely not even be thinking about that anymore, but just the fact that he had a newborn baby in his arms. 

"right... it's just... three months doesn't feel like a long time, y'know?"

"Yeah... But you're strong enough to get through it. And Gaster will be there to help you, so you won't have to worry about somebody you don't trust looking after you." Frisk answered, hoping to calm the skeleton's nervousness at least a little bit. She knew though that if it had been her, she would be feeling the same way. She was just scared to be a parent, but she knew if she was the one to go through the whole pregnancy, she wouldn't be able to stop thinking about the last part of it, knowing that part was probably the most scary. 

"yeah, i know. sorry, i'm just... i'll be okay. it's just nerve wrackin' that's all." He sighed with a bit of a shrug, and the two could only nod in agreement, knowing that they had said all they probably could to make him feel better about it. They could only stop his anxiousness to a point, but they knew they likely wouldn't be able to completely get rid of it. Sans just decided to cling onto Frisk's hand for the rest of the shopping trip, knowing that doing so might help calm him a little more. But there was just a thing he couldn't stop thinking.

And that was how time flies. 

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