Escape [69]

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Author Note: Sorry that I haven't updated in a little while. Just got some things going on for me that kind of made me lose the motivation to write. But finally here's another part! I apologise if I don't upload very often for a little while. Just, yeah, like I said, I've got things going on that kind of get in the way of me wanting to write. So hope you guys can be patient with me.

Anyway, enjoy this part!


Feeling tense, Andrew had been staring out of the car window, once they had gone to leave the Mafia headquarters to track down Sans and Frisk. He hoped Frisk would be okay. No, alright, he hoped both of them would be okay. Even if Sans and him didn't exactly get along, that skeleton made that girl happy. So, he needed to stay alive for her. As stupid as he could be.  He just hoped that they would make it, that no one would be killed before they got there.

Asriel was the one who was busy driving, while Chara was sitting in the other seat beside him at the front - Andrew was alone at the back. It was completely silent in the car, no one saying a word. It was likely they were all thinking the same thing though, even if no one was speaking. That they had to get Frisk and Sans back alive. No one was allowed to die. 

To interrupt the silent atmosphere, someone's phone began buzzing in their pocket. Turns out - it was Chara. Confused, she wondered who would be calling her at a time like this, so she decided to pull it out of her pocket, before proceeding to answer the call. "Hello? Who is this?" Chara questioned, only to be shocked by the voice that answered her on the other end of the phone. "Frisk?!" Andrew perked up in his seat, while Asriel glanced at her for just a second, (as he had to focus on the road), at the mention of their friend's name. "Wait, how are you calling me? We were sure you were captured."

"We were!" Frisk answered, having to yell over the noise - as while she was having this conversation, there were gunshots going off as she and Sans where knelt down behind some cover. Sans was busy trying to shoot his gun at those who were firing at them.

Now, this was getting a little far ahead. So, to explain what was going on to Chara on the other end, Frisk went back to the fight she was having with that fox - Blair. At the time, Frisk had been busy trying to dodge knife attacks from the monster, feeling lucky that she hadn't been stabbed yet, neither had Blair tried to use her magic to her advantage once again. She must have been too frustrated to think of that solution.

The skeleton had been watching in fear, worried that Frisk would go and get herself hurt. Looking at the pipe his handcuffs were stuck around, he was trying hard to tug at the pipe, hoping it would break or something. However, it wouldn't budge in the slightest. How was he supposed to help her if he couldn't get these things off. "Sans, catch!" Frisk had called to Sans, managing to dodge another attack from Blair as she span her attention towards her boyfriend. Looking back at her, he saw that she had tossed him a bobby pin - likely the same one that had gotten out.

Luckily, even with little warning, Sans had caught the small little hair pin, before instantly setting to try and unlock his cuffs. The other monster was growling and gritting her teeth in frustration, getting fed up with not being able to hit Frisk, who appeared like she suddenly had a new boost of confidence. "Enough playing around!" Blair rose her hand, grabbing Frisk's soul, and throwing her hard against the wall. Gasping out for air, Frisk felt her back harshly hit the brick wall behind her, before falling to the ground, trying to gain her breath back.

With a smirk, this is when Blair felt like she had won. Getting her knife ready, she began to step towards the panting human girl. When Frisk saw her coming, her eyes widened. "It's time to die!" Blair screeched, just about to stab her. Then, she proceeded to let out a grunt of confusion, hearing a small 'ping', as her own soul was suddenly highlighted in blue. She glanced towards the skeleton, who had managed to get the handcuffs off, and his magic eye in his left socket was flaring fiercely.

"not today, bitch." He snarled. Then, doing the same thing Blair had done to Frisk, he threw her against the wall. Well, not just once. He actually did it a couple of times, until he was certain she was either dead, or momentarily knocked unconscious. He didn't care which. "frisk, are ya okay?" Sans questioned, as he rushed to her side. She gave him a bit of a nod, before answering as she finally got her breath back.

"I'm okay... What about you? You used your magic." Frisk frowned in worry, remembering the last time Sans used too much magic, he had almost gotten himself killed. Sans softly chuckled, giving her a reassuring grin.

"i'll be fine. remember, as long as i don't use it too much, i won't get hurt. now come on, let's get the hell outta here." Sans said, going to grab her hand and pull her up off of the ground. She gave him a thankful smile, before he headed to the table, grabbing the pistol off of the surface. He went to check how many bullets were inside. "this should do nicely." He chuckled. "stay close to me, okay?" At Frisk's nod, they cautiously headed towards the door, going to make their way to their escape through their base.

That led them up to now. While going to escape, there must have been people who were keeping guard outside, because they had been ambushed by at least 4 people - three monsters and a human who were suddenly firing at them from the other side of the room. Thankfully Sans and Frisk had managed to put themselves just behind a couple of large crates on the ground as cover from the gunshots. Sans was the one who was busy handling the people in front of them, while Frisk was on the phone.

"Shit. Well, do you need our help? We were planning on storming the place to try and get you out anyway but..." Chara frowned towards Asriel as she was saying this. 

"That would probably be a good idea." Frisk agreed on the other end, before looking back at the door that Sans and her had come through, where they had escaped from Blair. It was starting to open, which meant the fox was likely still conscious. "Gotta go!" Frisk suddenly said, quickly hanging up her phone without another answer from Chara. "Sans!" Frisk called, going to grab her boyfriend's wrist, proceeding to pull his aim at the door,  to shoot at it just as the monster was trying to escape out of it.

"Fuck!" Blair was heard yelling as she quickly ducked back inside. 

"geez, thanks frisk. if i didn't know better, i'd say ya were gettin' better at this." Sans chuckled with a grin, while Frisk managed a small smile in return. Yeah, it did kind of feel like she was getting better at working with him in a team.  She still felt scared, but at the same time instead of cowering away in fear, for once she was trying her best to do what she could to help. It was the idea that she didn't want to fail - that was what was pushing her on. She wanted to protect her boyfriend, the person who meant the world to her. She didn't want anything to happen to him.

Now they just had to continue dealing with these people in front before they could continue escaping. 

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