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Sans is a MONSTER and not a HUMAN, so he doesn't follow HUMAN biology like a HUMAN skeleton. Same with Gaster and Papyrus.    


Of course. Of course of all people, it just had to happen to her. Not that she was angry at Kai for it, (who later decided to call and apologise to Frisk), as Frisk already had to call in sick to their bosses on only her second week of working at the cafe. To her luck, they didn't really seem that angry, just that they hoped she would get better soon so she could come back into work. She wasn't mad at Kai either, who she reassured, letting her know it was fine, and when she was finally assured it was all okay, Kai wished her to get well as soon as possible.

"Ugh, I hate being sick. I haven't been sick in so long." Frisk grumbled, not being in the most bubbly mood as she was stuck in bed, with a wet towel placed across her forehead, a sick bowl by her bed, (just in case, as she had been close to vomiting on a couple of occasions), and a fussy skeletal boyfriend at her bedside. Like he had agreed several days before she even started feeling sick, he would happily sit at her side to take care of her, while Papyrus went off to work. Even if  he didn't like keeping promises, this was one he definitely latched onto without regret.

"yeah, gettin' sick is the worst." Sans agreed with a nod, which instantly made her wonder: could skeletons even get sick? As she could remember, in all the time she had known Sans thus far, he had never gotten ill from any kind of bug. She didn't really think it was possible, with him being a skeleton and all. But then she had to remember, he wasn't just a skeleton, or even a human skeleton for that matter. He was a living being who may have just had the same capacity to get sick like she could.

"Hey, Sans?" Frisk started, before she had to find herself utterly coughing and spluttering, like she was trying to cough up a lung. Telling her to sit up, Sans softly went to rub her back, in the hope it might make her feel a little better and that it would help with stopping her from coughing. When the rattling that was coming from her throat had stopped, she was able to lay back in bed and softly sigh, wanting to continue with what she was saying. Curse being sick. "Can you get sick?"

"huh? well, yeah, of course i can." Sans shrugged. "i mean, i don't get sick often. we as monsters don't really tend to." He admitted, realising he probably never really explained this to Frisk before. Unless he had and he might have forgotten, but if he hadn't, he didn't really mind explaining. "though when we do get sick it can be pretty bad just cause we don't get ill as often as ya humans, so we don't have to fight off things as much as ya guys. it was kinda how it was for my mom. she got sick one day and at first it didn't seem that bad, but then she got worse and worse and eventually... well, sadly, she died." Sans finished, seeing Frisk give him a sympathetic look.

She had guessed that perhaps Sans' mother had probably died, considering she never actually got the chance to meet his other parent, neither did he really seem to talk about her very often like he did with Gaster. Because she wouldn't expect him to talk about a dead family member all the time as if they were alive, as sometimes it was just about remembering them in your head, you didn't have to voice about them twenty four seven. "Oh, I'm sorry."

"nah, it's okay. i mean, it's sad, obviously. but i've kinda made my peace with it, kinda did awhile ago. though of course for awhile i was pretty distraught - i know dad was the worst." Sans went on. In Gaster's grief, his best friend, Grillby, had gladly been there for him to help aid him when he was feeling so much pain. They also had grieved all together as a family, knowing they couldn't possibly manage to get through the agony of losing a family member alone. That was before Blair had shown up, long before she had shown up in fact and ruined Sans' life, no longer making him that small skeleton that had once gladly relied on his family and friends to help him feel better. He had become cold and distrustful, and when he wasn't with Frisk, he could still remain those things. Trusting others was still difficult for him, even if it earned him one of the best things to ever happen to him. Not everyone was as kind and wonderful as Frisk.

"b'sides, ya shouldn't be sayin' sorry to me. ya went through worse, losin' both your parents to those fucks. the pain i had went through is probably nothin' compared to yours." Sans told her, while Frisk shook her head. She didn't care if one of them had maybe gone through worse pain than the other. To her it was never a contest about who was supposedly hurting the most. Just because she lost both her parents in a horrific way, and he lost one, didn't suddenly make his grief that he had experienced irrelevant to her. People were always constantly trying to outdo each other with "I experienced this" or "I experienced that" when really none of that should have even mattered to begin with.

After that conversation, the monster told her to get some sleep, knowing that if she rested some, she might actually start to slowly feel better. It would probably be a couple of days before recovery, but he didn't really mind if he had to look after her. It made him think of all the times where she would gladly sit at his bed side and watch over him, after all the times he had got himself hurt in dangerous situations. He had to repay her back for all of those times, and he felt like doing this was a way to do that.

Accepting the invitation to sleep, Frisk nodded with a tiny, tired smile and decided to close her eyes, feeling calm, collective and safe knowing that her boyfriend was watching over her. Her precious protector, who would stop at nothing to make sure that she was in good health, that no harm would ever come to her. Knowing that he was there was something that helped her feel at ease; made her think less about how she was sick, and aided her into drifting off to sleep quicker. Before she knew it, the world only disappeared before her, as she soon enough was lifted off into dreamland. 

"heh..." Almost silently chuckling to himself, Sans very carefully led down beside her, just staring over her with those two pupils of his, watching her slowly breathe in and out with every breath. Very gingerly, he lifted the wet towel off of her forehead to check if her temperature had gone down at all since he had placed it upon her. She was still fairly warm, and the towel was beginning to dry up, so with that taken into account, he climbed off of the bed to swirl the flannel underneath a cold tap, before going to take it back to Frisk to place it upon her forehead. 

He had no idea how long it would take her to start feeling well again, but he really did hope he would be able to help speed up her recovery in some kind of shape or form. Even if he ended up getting ill himself, he didn't really care just as long as she felt better. That was what was important to him, because he knew getting back to work was also important to her. He saw the way she smiled and her face shone when she worked in that cafe, like she truly enjoyed the atmosphere of the place and she enjoyed that she was working a more reasonable job than what she used to.

Even if he hadn't agreed with her working there just because of the whole uniform thing, he knew that working there was the best thing for her right now after everything they had gone through. She needed something that wasn't so chaotic, that wasn't so dangerous. Sans wanted the best for her, not for her to feel like she was walking on egg shells all the time with every step she took in the fear that something bad would happen to them if she accidentally slipped up. She was happiest doing this job.

So he would continue supporting her. 

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