Best Day [87]

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Just as he had thought... Grillby was in love with him. "...I already knew." Gaster admitted with a weak smile, causing his best friend's eyes to widen in shock. He had known for quite a while. Not because anyone had told him anything, but just because he could tell. Grillby didn't just look at him with those two eyes of his and see a best friend. He saw more than that. It was just that look you gave to someone when you really cared about them. 

"You already knew?" Grillby replied quietly. The skeleton simply nodded, watching Grillby slowly get up from his seat, to try and process this. Wait, so if he already knew... Then did that mean... Gaster didn't feel the same? Surely if he knew, he would have said something. Perhaps the skeleton was just being too kind to him, and didn't want to tell him the honest truth. Waiting for Grillby to confess so then he could shoot him down at the appropriate time. That's probably how it was. "I see... I guess... I guess this means you don't feel the same then." Grillby murmured, avoiding Gaster's eye as he anxiously readjusted the glasses upon his face. "So, if you're going to reject me, I perfectly understand. Just... Try to be nice, okay?" Grillby smiled towards the other monster. However, the smile was fake. Truth be told he wanted to burst into tears, feeling like his heart was breaking into two. Like a crack was beginning to form down in the middle to break it apart. He was about to be dumped by his best friend, he could already see it. 

"Grillby..." Gaster started, causing the monster of flame to begin to wring his hands behind his back due to anxiety. He was waiting to hear those words. The words of rejection. Gaster smiled. "I didn't say anything, because I wanted to be sure that was how you really felt." He spoke. Huh? Grillby's eyes trailed up from the floor, to look at the skeleton's face in confusion. "I felt like I knew from a... Gut feeling, if you will, even if I have no organs." He joked. "But it was better to be sure. Because I didn't want to say anything and scare you away." Gaster went on, before going to stand up, having his hands in his pants pockets. He was slightly taller than Grillby, (unless you counted his flames as part of his height), so he could only grin towards Grillby's face while he continued. "Not only that, but I thought maybe I would allow you to have the honours." 

"The honours...? The honours of what?" Grillby asked in bewilderment, while he was also finding it difficult not to blush a slight shade of blue, now that his secret about Gaster was out in the open, and his friend seemed to be acting so calm about it. Just casually prancing around in his black suit (which, by the way, suited him very well), and his white sweater. He always looked his best in black. Chuckling, Gaster decided to answer his question.

"Of asking me out." He answered, seeing the shorter monster's eyes start to widen in shock. Gaster was really... But he was straight, wasn't he? He was so sure the man was! When they had known each other as teenagers, he had only ever seen Gaster flirt with girls at school. Especially the girl who had eventually become the woman who was Papyrus' and Sans' mother. Never had he seen him flirt with another guy. "But... What about... Your wife. I know she's been gone for awhile now, but..." Grillby frowned towards the ground. "I've always felt guilty about the idea of asking you out. Because I don't want to feel like I'm replacing her. Not just that, but since when were you into guys? I've never seen you flirt with another guy in all the years that I've known you." 

Chuckling, Gaster glanced down at his own feet for a second, and then he looked back at Grillby. "Well... That's not entirely true. I'm not straight, I'm bisexual. And the reason why you've never seen me flirt with another guy is because... Well, the only guy I've ever really wanted to flirt with is... You." Gaster shrugged with a weak smile. "I liked you for a long time too. However, like you, I was too terrified to tell you. I didn't want to lose you. And then I ended up falling for Lucida and... Yeah." He didn't regret the life he had with Lucida though. The two amazing children he managed to have with her - Sans and Papyrus. 

"I... See." Grillby slowly nodded. Could he really ask Gaster out? He felt bad about the idea of doing so. 

"Look, Grillby. I know Lucida. And I know for sure that she adored you. She always told me how lucky I was to have you as my friend. Even when she was sick, and all she could do was rest in bed to keep her energy, she would smile and she would tell me how you would probably have to look after me if she died... Because she expected it to happen, at that point we were both dreading it happening - her death. And she was right, when I needed someone, you were there for me, at my aid. If she knew you were going to continue making me happy, I think she would have accepted it. It's not like I would just forget about her. But I wouldn't want to turn her memory into a demon either." Gaster finished, not really knowing what else to tell him. He hoped maybe he was able to get rid of all of Grillby's concerns that he had likely been thinking about for years. 

What was he supposed to say to all of that? He felt almost tongue tied, not really sure what to reply with. Gaster really was giving him the invitation to just ask him out? He admitted that he... Liked him. That was only beginning to just wrap around his mind. Gaster had wanted to flirt with him but didn't, out of nerves. Just when he always thought of Gaster as the really confident one when it came to relationships. Maybe that wasn't totally true.

Exhaling, Grillby decided he would do something before he would back out. Quickly stepping towards Gaster, he decided to grab him by the neck of his sweater, and just like that he pulled the taller man forward to crash his lips onto his own. Without a doubt, Gaster was shocked by such a sudden move, (not that Grillby could really see his face, with his eyes closed and all), but he was definitely shocked. Not in disgust though. He hadn't been expecting it from Grillby, that's all. Simply, he closed his eyes and went to put his arms around Grillby's waist, holding his warmth close. 

Of all things to happen today, Grillby had not been expecting this. He was almost questioning if he was dreaming. But he wasn't. This was real. It was very real. To think after all this time he had been worrying that Gaster would never feel the same about him; he had been worrying for absolutely nothing. While part of that annoyed him, he was just happy that he had finally gotten the truth out. 

This was the best day of his life. 

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