Supergirl ~ Girl of Steel ~ Part Three

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Supergirl saves the day, Malcolm and Slade still act like children, Lena is a badass, and hey - Morgan Edge is still a pain in the butt. What else is new?

Enjoy the last part of "Girl of Steel!"


Kara smiled, watching the crowd gather for the unveiling of the statue. She stood high on the rooftops in her suit, ready to fly down when Lena cued her. She had already found Malcolm, Slade, and Laurel in the crowd, as well as Alex and Maggie. A quick head tilt, and her smile widened when she found Oliver speaking with Thea and William not that far away. Oh, how she wished she could be down there with them, but she could quite possibly have to save the city first. She did make a mental note to buy ice cream for William later, though.

She heard J'onn land on the roof behind her and turned. "No sign of Bloodsport," she reported.

"It's quiet up here," J'onn remarked. "You know, I rarely flew on Mars. It was for battle, not pleasure. When I first came to Earth, I spent hours up in the sky. It's the only place I could feel empty." He turned to her. "I'm glad you've stopped feeling that way."

"When I was?" Kara turned to him. "I thought that I tried to be Kara Danvers for fifteen years, but that I wasn't supposed to be her, that I wasn't supposed to be human."

"But you have a human heart now," J'onn told her. "It ached. It scarred. But it kept on beating. If you try and cut it out, you would lose something essential."

"I thought, how could I help people if I'm broken?" Kara mused.

"You are not broken," J'onn told her firmly, putting his arm around her shoulders. "You're the strongest person I know. You saved me, remember? You taught me that my loss made me stronger. That was Kara Danvers, not Supergirl."

"Oliver told me the same thing today," Kara smiled fondly, tears forming in her eyes.

J'onn chuckled. "It'd be a shame if your cousin decided to not like him. He's made you happier than I've ever seen you."

"He has," Kara nodded before turning to him. "Do you still dream about them? Your family?"

"Sometimes," J'onn nodded.

Kara took a deep breath. "Past couple of months, when I dream . . . I see Mon-El with my mom. I keep seeing those I've lost." She looked at him. "Why am I still dreaming of Mon-El when I love Oliver?"

"He was the first person you lost when you loved him," J'onn answered simply. "When those you cared about are lost, you never stop remembering them. Do you still love him?"

"No," Kara answered after a moment. "It's Oliver, J'onn. You know that."

"I do," J'onn confirmed. "And you know that, too. So stop worrying about it. It's natural to mourn those you've lost. Let that be how you think of Mon-El. Not as the man you loved, but as a man you lost."

Kara nodded thoughtfully, turning back to the crowd as J'onn went to find another place to watch.


"Oh, this is nice," Felicity smiled as she watched everyone mill about. "Well, except for the possibility of a nuke hitting us."

"Don't say that out loud," Dig sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Right. Oops."

"I mean, come on, they can't just drop a nuke on us, can they?" Rene asked.

"They said this cloaking device could make that a possibility," Dinah pointed out.

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