Arrow ~ Tribute ~ Part Two

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So pain meds kicked in yesterday, and I took at least a three-hour long nap . . . wow. Power naps are the best.

So, here's your update! And hopefully there will be another by the end of the day. :) Enjoy!


Dig paced anxiously, hands behind his back, feeling his right one still shaking. "You OK?" Dinah asked from where she sat on the couch.

"My best friend is under a microscope by everyone in this city and the FBI, so he couldn't stop the Bratva from taking hostages," Dig ground out. "So let's just assume I'm not."

"I wasn't talking about what's going on with Oliver," Dinah gave him a significant look.

Dig looked at her incredulously, then folded his arms. "Dinah, I'm fine. The only thing that's really bothering me is you being up in my business."

Dinah considered him, then looked past him when the door opened. "Hey," she stood up as Oliver and Quentin walked in. "We came as soon as we heard."

"We need to know why Anatoli took the Markovians, and we need to find him now," Oliver ordered.

"Oliver, Felicity and Curtis are on this, but you need to stay here," Dig warned.

"Look, I know I said before Chase could be behind this, but now I'm thinking," Quentin began.

"It's Anatoli," Oliver finished. "He leaked the photo to tie my hands."

"We're on this," Dig promised. "We'll take care of it."

Oliver sighed, frustrated he couldn't do anything.


"SQL or Java?" Felicity called as she worked on one side of the Arrowcave.

"What?" Curtis frowned from his work station on the other side.

"In your job as a secret programmer, are you coding in SQL or Java?"

"Both. Plus a little Swift."

"I can't believe you've had a secret job this whole time, and you didn't even tell me about it," Felicity swung around.

"Is this relevant to locating the Bratva and/or their hostages?" Curtis sighed.

"I am multitasking, thank you very much, and yes, if you must know, I am running my image analysis algorithm on the photo of Oliver."

Something beeped nearby, and Curtis turned as Felicity walked over to the image of Oliver. "What? Get something?"

"No," Felicity groaned in annoyance. "Just my algorithm crapping out again."

"Don't despair," Curtis turned to his computers. "I think I might have a line on our friend Anatoli. Now, working on the assumption that he hasn't been in town that long, I wondered how he was fixed for cash."

"I bet his Bratva buddies are good for it, no?" Felicity raised an eyebrow.

"Well, he has to pay them somehow," Curtis pointed out. "Cash would set off too many alarm bells, plus he'd have to convert it from rubles. Credit cards are way too easy to track, but then there's . . . "

Felicity leaned in closer when she saw what Curtis pulled up. "Cryptocurrency's virtually impossible to track!"

"For mere mortals," Curtis smirked. "But we're Mr. Terrific and Overwatch."

"Overwatch and Mr. Terrific," Felicity smirked back, going to her station as Curtis laughed.


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