Arrow ~ The Devil's Greatest Trick ~ Part Two

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So I've learned original content takes way more time to write as seasons start to close because of how massively AU it starts to get. Must remember that from now on.

Anyway, after a long day of working on this, here you all go! Evelyn has a lot to tell, Cayden's cabal quartet all get rounded up, but the Outsiders know something is up.



Kara hovered above Star City, eyes closed, her hearing focused solely on her fiancé's city. Somewhere below her was a teenager who was possibly the reason Cayden James' son was dead, or she possibly needed their help. Ever since Slade, Malcolm, and Laurel had proven time after time that they could change after what they had done in the past, changing their legacy from bad to good, Kara couldn't think of any reason why Evelyn didn't deserve a chance like they did. She just hoped Laurel had gotten through to her like she hoped she had.

Her ears twitched, and her head shot up as she registered a familiar voice. "I hear her," she said.

"Where?" Laurel was quick to ask.

Kara turned her x-ray vision to the buildings below, narrowing her eyes as she focused on one in particular. "Five buildings down from the warehouse the bomb was previously stored at," she answered, then blinked when she saw another person approaching. "Wait . . . someone else is there, too."

Laurel cursed. "Who?"

"We can grab two in one go," Malcolm looked on the bright side.

Kara's breath hitched. "Black Canary doesn't make two."

Laurel cursed even louder.


Remember – as quick as you can.

Evelyn stared for five seconds at her phone before scoffing and turning it off. "Yes, ma'am," she muttered sarcastically, grabbing another wad of bills from the bin she was digging through. Satisfied she had enough, she was about to close the bin when she found something in the bottom of it. Hesitating for only a second, she timidly reached inside, took the paper, and pulled it out.

It was one of the few photos she had left, and she never knew why she had kept it. She knew why it was at the bottom, though – it was from her early time with Team Arrow, complete with the entire team from then – herself, Rene, Curtis, Rory, Oliver, Dig, and Felicity. She stared long and hard at it for a second, then clenched her jaw and put the photo in her bag next to Vincent's visor, hastily zipping it up. She slung it over her shoulder and hurried to leave, debating on whether to return to Talia or not.

The worst-case scenario turned out to happen as she rounded the corner and came face to face with someone she didn't want to see at all. She froze in her tracks, eyes wide like she was a deer in the headlights. "Vince told me everyone had a to-go bag stashed," Dinah said quietly, steel in her voice. "It took me a little while to figure out where yours was."

"Dinah," Evelyn stammered, staggering backwards. "Please – "

"You don't get to beg!" Dinah snapped, rushing towards her.

Evelyn quickly rolled to the side, running for the door. Talia it was, then, if it meant she could get away from the Canary. She almost made it to the door when Dinah grabbed her from behind; she had just enough time to cover her face as she was hurled through the window nearby.

Evelyn crashed through it, crying out in pain as shards of glass cut through her hands. She did manage to get to her feet, though, swiftly ducking underneath the frenzied swing Dinah took. That was a benefit of being shorter than her – she could duck swings like those easily. If she could just tire Dinah out . . .

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