The Flash ~ Fury Rogue ~ Part One

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So, um . . . I may have gotten a little too excited when I realized we are in the single digit number updates away from the finales book, so . . . surprise?

Team Flash does some recruiting, the heroes do some digging, and while there are several friendly faces, some unfriendly ones show up, too. Also, I may be ship teasing again.



Caitlin flinched when she heard the icicle Killer Frost had carried shatter on the floor, and she watched on-screen as her Killer Frost form disappeared. How had everyone gone so wrong so quickly?

"Anything new?"

Caitlin quickly exited out of the footage she was watching. "No sign of DeVoe," she told Iris.

Iris raised an eyebrow. "I meant with you," she said.

Caitlin sighed, bowing her head. "No," she answered. "No cold signatures anywhere in the city. Killer Frost is nowhere to be found."

"That doesn't make sense," Iris frowned, leaning against the table. "I mean, DeVoe created every bus meta for a reason. I mean, he had no interest in Barry's powers or Cisco's, or any of the metas in Iron Heights, so I don't know why he would suddenly want yours."

"We all saw what happened," Caitlin said glumly. "When DeVoe touched me, my powers disappeared. Had to be him."

Alarms suddenly started wailing, and the two women ran out of the lab to join Barry in the cortex. "DeVoe?" Iris asked.

"Uh, satellite's picking up three different pocket dimensions opening in Keystone," Barry answered, pushing off the table and turning around. "Let's each – " He faltered, seeing Caitlin sadly shake her head. "All right, you and me, right?" he looked at Cisco, who nodded. "Let's go."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Iris leaned over the console. "Wait, wait . . . they all just closed."

"What?" Barry blinked, looking over her shoulder.

"Huh," Cisco frowned. "Wrong coordinates? Maybe he made a mistake?"

"He doesn't make mistakes," Barry shook his head. "He must want something in Keystone."

Iris tapped the console to see what was nearby, and Caitlin swallowed. "Tracy Brand's lab," she said. "He's going after Fallout."

"All right, call Tracy," Barry ordered. "Tell her we're coming for Borman, OK?"

"Wait, and gonna do what?" Caitlin frowned.

"Just to take him somewhere else," Barry shrugged.

"Well, we can't take him here!" Cisco scoffed. "We can't even contain his fallout!"

"Tracy's barely been able to contain his powers as is," Caitlin nodded.

"Yeah, the guy's a nuclear explosion waiting to go off," Cisco pointed to her. "And I don't know about you, but I've had my fill of nuclear bombs this year."

"But if we can cool him down, we can get him somewhere safe," Barry argued.

"What about Snart's cold gun?" Iris wondered.

"I mean, I have a prototype, but to modify it to our needs, that would take at least a day," Cisco shook his head.

"We don't have that kind of time," Barry paced anxiously. "DeVoe's coming for him."

"DeVoe has known our every move," Iris nodded. "I mean, we've gotta do something that he hasn't accounted for."

"How are we supposed to find a way to cool down Borman and take him somewhere DeVoe won't know about with a plan he won't see coming?"

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