Supergirl ~ Not Kansas ~ Part Two

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Alex learns something is still wrong with M'yrnn, Kara, Oliver, and William have a close call, the team in National City get to work, Kara might be paranoid, but Oliver's always there to reassure his fiancée.



Alex snickered into her hand as she listened to the music playing in the J'onzz apartment. "Kara always hated the opera." J'onn smirked as he listened. "But I'm sure that if she had heard Puccini, she would absolutely love it."

"Yeah, I miss her, too," J'onn said fondly. "Hey, you know, you should come with us to the opera next week. The complex rhythms and orchestrations of the music, I think really benefited my father's memory." He turned to where M'yrnn was walking in from the dining room. "Isn't that right, Father?"

"I cannot go," M'yrnn shook his head.

J'onn blinked. "No, I was just telling Alex about your love of opera," he elaborated, Alex tilting her head from where she sat. "She may come with us next week."

"You should not make plans for me, J'onn," M'yrnn told him. "That is what I was speaking about when you asked about my mind."

J'onn frowned in confusion. "Why not, Father?" he asked. "You've been so lucid lately. He's been better than he has been for weeks," he added to Alex.

"The surge of clarity that comes right before the end," M'yrnn nodded. "I've been wanting to tell you, my son. The time has come for us to perform The Reach."

J'onn did a double take in shock. "The Reach?" Alex repeated, standing from her chair.

"An ancient rite on Mars," M'yrnn explained. "The elder generation passes down their memories, their knowledge, all the experiences of their life, before they pass."

"You are not passing anytime soon, Father," J'onn shook his head in denial. "You are better."

"I am not," M'yrnn denied right back. "And if we don't begin The Reach before the beginning of my end, all of my Mars memories will be lost forever."

J'onn swallowed hard. "Alex, will you please tell my father he's nowhere near his end?" Alex bit her lip, fidgeting in place. "Alex, please tell him!"

"J'onn, that's not my place to say," she whispered sadly. "I mean, only your father knows."

"And I do know," M'yrnn nodded. "The time we've spent together these past months have been the most joyous of my life. But all the memories we've preserved by doing the Ta'ar Ka'riq are at risk if we don't begin the process."

"We . . . " J'onn took a deep breath. "We will preserve them, Father. Just . . . just not yet."

Alex's phone pinged from where it rested on the table, and she hurriedly picked it up. "Oh, there's a situation at work," she winced. "I'm sorry, um . . . I have to go."

"I'll come with you," J'onn hurriedly said, looking at M'yrnn. "We'll talk about this later."

M'yrnn nodded, putting his hand on his son's shoulder. "We'll talk about this later."

J'onn smiled tightly, then followed Alex out of the room.


"It hurts me to see a masterpiece in ruins, man," Winn mourned, looking down at James's shield while the other man gripped his shoulder. "It's like the Picassos that went down with the Titanic, you know?"

The door to the armory opened, and J'onn stepped inside. "I heard you went into a bank robbery with some kind of concerning weaponry," he said, walking over. "Alien guns again?"

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