Supergirl ~ Far From The Tree ~ Part Three

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And here's the final part. Kara helps fight the evil White Martians, Maggie confronts her father, and Kara and J'onn return to Earth. Sorry for the lack of Earth-1ers, it's just hard to do when Kara's not there to help interact with them.

Enjoy, guys!


Kara knew there were times she called Oliver an idiot, but that was mostly because of his suicidal tendencies. She loved him for it anyway. Similarly, he would call her an idiot, too, sometimes, mostly because of the humor she pulled in way too serious situations.

Like the one she was literally cruising into right now, for instance.

She laughed as she drove J'onn's car into the White Martian hive, the radio belting out "Baby One More Time." "Hi!" she called to the White Martians surrounding the spear, all of them turning to her as she turned the engine off. "Hi! Uh, I'm sorry to bother you during . . . whatever it is you are doing, but I think I took a wrong turn at Albuquerque and . . . can any of you give me directions back to Earth?" The Martians growled at her as she exited the car. "You know, I thought I took that tunnel, but my GPS is all screwed up down here, and it keeps trying to get me to make this suicidal left turn." She smirked when all the Whites turned to her. "You might wanna check your rearview."

The song finished with "hit me baby one more time" just as the resistance fighters crashed in, led by J'onn and M'gann as they transformed into their Green Martian forms. The Martians charged into battle, and Kara flew into one of them, using her heat vision on another.

M'gann kicked one White Martian away as Kara was grabbed by another, and she flailed slightly before kicking it in the stomach. Her attention was then drawn by a pained shout, and she turned as another White smashed J'onn to the ground. "J'onn!" she shouted, about to run and help.

Her way was blocked by two White Martians duking it out, and she looked between the two of them before taking a chance and punching one away from the other.

She knew she made the right choice when the other shifted into a familiar face. "How did you know which one was me?" Till'all asked in surprise.

"I didn't," she admitted. Till'all opened his mouth to say something, only to grimace in pain and grab his head. "Till'all?" she asked in concern.

All around her, resistance fighters were sinking to the ground, clutching their heads in pain. "Supergirl!" J'onn shouted. "It's the staff!"

Kara turned towards the staff and narrowed her eyes, leaping into the air, raising her fist to punch one of the Martians. Her fist was caught, and her eyes widened, startled. The Martian threw her to the ground, and as Kara winced, trying to recover, another hefted her into the air. She yelped and flailed about, trying to get free.

As she did, J'onn's car shifted back into spaceship form. Lasers fired at the White Martians, and they released Kara, allowing her to grab the spear. She didn't hesitate to fire it at the White Martians as they charged her, disintegrating every one of them.

The resistance fighters slowly got back to their feet, all of them panting. "Good job, Supergirl," J'onn smiled, walking up to her.

Kara hugged him, and she gasped when he winced. "Sorry!"

"It's OK," he assured her.

Kara nodded, then walked up to Till'all, holding the spear out to him. He took it in shock. "Thank you."

"This belongs to the resistance now," she told him, nodding.

Till'all smiled for the first time she had seen him, and as the resistance members cheered, he hurried to M'gann, handing the spear to her. She lifted it high with a wide smile, J'onn and Kara smiling back as they watched the Martians celebrate.

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