Supergirl ~ Far From The Tree ~ Part One

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And back to Earth-38! I really enjoyed this episode, though some parts more than others . . . and I definitely enjoyed one person far less than others.

Alex and Kara get ready for the bridal shower, J'onn goes to Mars, and Maggie shares a bit more about her past.



"The loft looks great," Alex told Kara with a smile before grimacing as she looked at a poster board on the coffee table. "Now, if we could just burn this, then it would be perfect."

"No," Kara laughed. "Come on, it's adorable!"

"I don't know why I thought throwing a lesbian wedding shower would curb Mom's cheesy antics," Alex rolled her eyes.

"Nope," Kara giggled. "Gay, straight, whatever, Eliza will not be stopped until she digs up every bridal shower game since the beginning of time." She nodded when Alex held up a napkin advertising the shower, making a face. "You know what?" she asked, just to rub it in more. "You're gonna love bridal bingo."

"Kill me now, please," Alex begged, making Kara burst out laughing. "So, are we expecting anyone from Earth-1?"

"Ah, yes, Oliver and William will definitely be here," Kara nodded. "I think all the girls are hoping to make it, and it sounds like Malcolm and Quentin might try as well. All in all, most of the gang might be here."

"That's a lot," Alex blinked. "Wow."

"Well, any distraction from that FBI investigation is welcome," Kara wrinkled her nose.

"How's that going, by the way?" Alex asked in concern.

"I want to throw her into space," Kara answered, looking up. "She had William on her list of people to interview."

"William?" Alex's jaw dropped. "You're kidding!"

"Nope," Kara shook her head. "Oliver and I are not letting that happen."

"Good," Alex nodded. "He does not deserve to be interrogated by an FBI agent."

"Absolutely not," Kara shook her head, then took a deep breath. "OK, enough about my life on Earth-1. This is about you and Maggie. This is supposed to be happy."

"Right," Alex chuckled. "Happy times."

They nodded, then Kara straightened when there was a knock at the door. "Oh, Eliza's early," she remarked, heading for the door.

"OK," Alex blew out a breath.

"Hi!" Kara began cheerfully as she opened the door, only to blink when she saw it wasn't Eliza. "Oh, J'onn! Come on in! Is everything OK?"

"Yeah, yeah," J'onn nodded, but he seemed distracted as he entered. "Everything's great. I just . . . I just needed to talk to you both." He turned to them. "I have to go away for a few days. I'm gonna need you both to manage the D.E.O. until I get back."

"Where are you going?" Kara asked in concern.

J'onn steeled himself. "Mars."

"Mars?" Alex's jaw dropped.

"M'gann sent me a message," J'onn nodded. "She needs my help."

"Help with what?" Kara frowned.

"Message was short, urgent," J'onn shook his head. "I tried to make contact, but I couldn't reach her, but I can sense that she's in danger."

"No, J'onn," Kara shook her head. "You're the last Green Martian. The Whites have been trying to kill your kind for centuries! Going back would be a suicide mission!"

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