Supergirl ~ Both Sides Now ~ Part One

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And I'm back! :D Man, I've missed this book.

The D.E.O. finds Julia/Purity, Kara and Alex have two very different ways of doing things and have to get refereed, and Mon-El asks for help from J'onn.



"We're here."

Kara took a deep breath, then swooped down to land amongst the D.E.O. vans parked outside Julia Freeman's house. The moment she touched down, the D.E.O. strike team along with J'onn, Alex, Oliver, Slade, Malcolm, and Laurel poured out of the vans, Mon-El landing on the ground a second later. No words were said among them as Kara led the way up to Julia's house, the rest of the team falling in behind her.

J'onn looked to the side and pointed at Mon-El and Laurel, then pointed off to the left of the house. Mon-El nodded and raised his hand, some of the D.E.O. soldiers peeling off and following him, Laurel jogging after him. J'onn looked at Malcolm and nodded, and the two men led more of the soldiers to the right side of the house. That left Kara, Alex, Oliver, and Slade at the front, the four of them approaching the door.

"OK," Winn's voice came over the comms from where he was in one of the surveillance vans, Lucy with him. "We've got one heat signature inside . . . no movements. Look like we might catch this Worldkiller off guard. But be careful in case she's as bad as Reign."

"Copy that, Telle," Kara nodded, taking a deep breath. "Watch our backs."

"You got it."

Kara bit her lip, then planted one foot on the door and smashed it inwards. Oliver and Slade were in immediately, weapons drawn and aimed. Kara and Alex were behind them, Alex's alien gun up and ready to fire. The D.E.O. soldiers swarmed in after them, and Kara looked around, not seeing any sign of Julia. "Telle, what's your twenty on the heat signature?" Alex asked.

"Looks like a back room," Winn answered.


Mon-El and Laurel slowly moved through the kitchen, only to slow down further when they heard a female voice singing. They did a double take, exchanging surprised looks, then saw J'onn and Malcolm come from the other side. As soon as J'onn heard the singing, his face scrunched up in bewilderment. "Is that Lisa Loeb?" he asked.

"I thought the target's name was Julia Freeman?" Mon-El blinked.

"It is," Malcolm frowned.


Kara perked up when she heard the singing, she and Slade both moving forward at the same time. The eight heroes met up and emerged in the living room, where a woman was kneeling on the ground, headphones over her ears, singing and swaying like no one else was in the room, eyes closed. "That's our Worldkiller?" Laurel asked in disbelief.

"Is that her?" Oliver asked, looking at Kara.

Kara took a few steps forward so she stood in front of the woman. "Yeah, that's her, all right," she confirmed.

"Huh," was all Malcolm had to say, looking at Julia in confusion.

Alex and J'onn, however, gestured for Kara to get her attention. Kara timidly nodded, then bent down, slowly reaching out for Julia. Just before she touched her shoulder, Julia's eyes opened. The moment she saw the heroine in front of her, she let out a bloodcurdling scream, flinging her headphones off and scrambling backwards until she was pressed up against the wall. Kara jumped back as Alex and Slade raised their guns, Oliver and Malcolm reloading their bows. Laurel's eyebrows just climbed higher, signaling her surprise at the woman in front of them. "Supergirl?" Julia stammered. "The vigilantes? What – what are you . . . what are you doing here?"

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