Supergirl ~ Legion of Super-Heroes ~ Part Two

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Kara's subconscious is stubborn, Brainy is still hilarious, and the heroes try to take on Reign without Supergirl. It goes about as well as the first time did.

Enjoy part two!


"Hey," James walked out to meet Lena and Iris. "Just put out a press release telling the city that CatCo is no longer under siege and urging the public to stay calm."

"Calm?" Lena repeated incredulously. "The streets are desolate. People are barricading themselves in their homes. The city is terrified!"

"And we know that there are people working on getting Kara back and working on Reign," Iris reminded Lena. "We've got that hope, it's time to spread it to the people."

"Well, on the bright side," Harry walked up, balancing a tray of coffees in his hands. "Desolate streets mean no lines at the coffee place."

"Oh, you're a life saver," Lena sighed in relief, taking her cup.

"Well, I try," Harry drawled as the others took their cups.

"Thanks, Harry," Iris smiled.

"Speaking of people," Lena cleared her throat. "Anything about Kara?"

"The Legion is still working," James shook his head.

Lena sighed, slumping slightly. "God, I hope she wakes up soon."


Kara groaned in frustration, pacing her loft. "This is torture."

Querl looked up from examining her blue blanket, watching her plop down on one of the couches. "Out of all the 4,237,642 versions of our first meeting that I envisioned, you calling it 'torture' wasn't one of them."

Kara sighed, putting her head in her hands, then frowned, watching Querl move to the other couch, looking at the pillows. "What are you doing?"

"Checking for brain damage," he answered. "In simulacra, like the one we're in now, brain damage could present itself in any number of ways. Mildew, mold. Rats indicate neurological issues. It's just to prepare you for reality re-entry."

"Reality re-entry?" Kara repeated.

"If you're not properly prepared when we wake you up, you could go into shock," Querl nodded. "Some people die immediately."

"Yeah," was all Kara could say to that, before she blinked. "Wait, though. Does . . . does that mean I'm ready to wake up?" she asked hopefully, standing up.

Querl blinked. "Did I bury the lede again?"

Kara whooped gleefully, tossing her pillow at him, making the Coluan catch it, startled. "Yes!" she cheered, turning around. "OK, do I need to do anything?"

"Well, your loft is the manifestation of your subconscious, and that door seems to be the only way in or out," Querl shrugged. "My assumption? Walk through it."

Kara nodded, walking over and putting her hand on the handle.


"It's starting to drain."

Oliver turned sharply when he heard Querl speak, and he hurried over to see Kara's tank was indeed starting to drain. "Is she OK?" he asked as Alex ran over, Barry and Sara turning to see what was going on.

Querl nodded in confirmation. "She's ready."

After a few seconds, though, there was no change in Kara's condition. "Kara?" Oliver asked, walking over to the tank. "Kara?"

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