Supergirl ~ In Search of Lost Time ~ Part Two

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Over a thousand words more from last chapter's . . . wow, that's a lot of words.

Things continue to come to blows at the D.E.O. before J'onn reveals what's going on, Lena shows Sam who she is, and . . . words are had between parties. And more blows. Again. Thank you, M'yrnn, for giving me a way to deal with the arguments that happened in "Brothers in Arms."



"Really, coward?" Demos narrowed his eyes as Winn pushed the barrel into his chest. "Have you ever even held a gun before?"

"I'm holding one now," Winn pointed out, clicking the safety off; it gave Demos enough time to bring his hands down quickly and grab the gun, pulling it out of Winn's grasp.

"Go on," Laurel glared at Dig. "Do it. Do you really want to shoot Laurel Lance right after she's been brought back from the dead?"

"But you're not Laurel," Dig shook his head. "You will never be Laurel."

Laurel faltered, opening her mouth, and Dig tightened his grip on his gun. "John!" Felicity shouted.

A dark grey blur just narrowly missed her, and Felicity jumped back, yelping in surprise. That morphed into a shriek as Dig yelled in pain, dropping his gun and reaching for the knife embedded in the back of his hand. "Back away from her!" Malcolm's yell rang through the D.E.O., and Dig whipped around as the assassin approached, the man twirling another knife into his hand. "Or this one won't miss your heart!"

"Ever trying to be the hero, huh, Malcolm?" Dig narrowed his eyes, pulling the knife out of his hand with a grimace, even as Laurel backed away, still massaging her throat. "Not sure it suits you."

"Because every hero's resume is only covered with glitter and gold," Malcolm scoffed as he walked forward, blue eyes like ice. "You wanna try that again?"

"It's funny," Dig scowled. "Every time I hear someone say you and Slade have changed, I almost believe it . . . then you go and pull something like this!" he gestured to his injured hand.

"Then next time, you should be smart," Malcolm growled. "Don't pull a gun on someone I love!"

Laurel blanched, but before she – or a suddenly speechless Felicity – could respond, Dig had readjusted his grip on the knife he held and lunged. Malcolm effortlessly dodged, letting Dig stumble past him before throwing his knife. It clattered against Dig's, the force of Malcolm's throw knocking both to the ground. Dig glared at the black-haired man, about to lunge again when Laurel finally opened her mouth and screamed, trying to hit Dig, but with how close in proximity they were, both men were caught in the scream, flying over the center console and sprawling on the ground.

Laurel gave Dig a dirty glare, then turned and rammed her fist into Demos's gut. The agent staggered back, then Laurel gave him a swift uppercut, knocking him over the table. "See?" she told Felicity, pointing at Winn. "Cleaning up messes!"

"Get that out of my face!" Winn swatted her hand to the side.

"Oh, you want me out of your face?" Laurel spat, grabbing his hand and twisting his arm violently.

Winn cried out in pain, then Alex was running across the floor. "Laurel!" she shouted.

Laurel looked up, eyes narrowed to slits, then she doubled over, groaning as she reached for her head. She staggered away from Winn as he collapsed on the ground, his own hand on his forehead. Alex blinked rapidly, looking around to see other D.E.O. agents seeming confused. "What the hell just happened?" she asked.

"It was a psychic anomaly," J'onn answered as he walked over. "I put a barrier up to protect you all."

"What the hell?" Oliver's stunned voice came from the stairs as he ran down.

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