Arrow ~ Fallout ~ Part Two

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Good news is because a good hunk of the episode is flashbacks, it makes this episode easier to write out.

Bad news is because a good hunk of the episode is flashbacks, the chapters are shorter. *sigh* Oh, well.

Enjoy part two, guys!


"Oh, good," Thea sighed in relief when Team Arrow reentered the Arrowcave to find Felicity plus two others there.

"What happened out there?" Malcolm asked with a frown. "Thought you would have had that one in the bag."

"How's Rene?" was what Felicity asked.

"Curtis and my dad took him to the hospital," Laurel answered.

"It's Dr. Schwartz," Dig added, and Felicity nodded, remembering she was the doctor who had tried to help their original Laurel.

"It's a collapsed lung," Dinah added. "It doesn't look so good."

"Evelyn and the mercenaries escaped, but we pulled this off the van," Oliver held a device out to Felicity.

"GPS?" she asked, looking it over.

"Yeah," Oliver nodded. "Let's backtrace it, figure out where they came from."

"On it," Felicity hurried back to her computers.

"Quentin suggested maybe the attack on SCPD was targeting him and Dinah," Thea said. "Think that's still the case?"

"Why would Evelyn blow up the precinct after discovering they weren't there?" Kara pointed out.

"Maybe Quentin was wrong," Oliver shrugged. "Maybe our first instincts were right."

"That she's targeting the police for some reason?" Dig frowned.

"Then we need to figure out what that reason is," Kara sighed. "And find her."

"Oh, funny you should say that," Felicity frowned. "GPS's last location was a warehouse – surprise, surprise – outside Pennytown. If Evelyn's any smarter than she was when we last saw her, she will not go back there."

"Maybe she left something behind for us to go on," Dinah suggested.

"John?" Oliver turned.

"We're on it," Dig confirmed, he and Dinah going to get their gear.

"I'm still trying to figure out how Evelyn Sharpe, the least experienced of Chase's band of Merry Women, escaped Lian Yu," Malcolm scowled.

"Lyla should be getting back to us soon about that," Oliver nodded. "But I'm trying to figure that out, too."


Dinah ducked into the warehouse, gun in hand. "Clear!" she called.

"Clear!" Dig echoed behind her.

Dinah lowered her gun, raising a flashlight to look around. "It's all packed up," she said. "Doesn't look like they were planning on coming back here."

"Question is, where were they headed?" Dig frowned, entering behind her. "Stay sharp. In my experience, bad guys aren't very good at covering their tracks."

Dinah walked further in, shining her light around, before asking, "You all right?"

"Yeah, why?" Dig asked.

"Since the bridge, you seem distracted."

"Just worried about Rene, that's all," he brushed it off.

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