Supergirl ~ Damage ~ Part Three

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Last part, up and running! The sooner it got done, the sooner I get to the Deathstroke episodes, so why not? :)

Kara to the rescue, Sanvers breaks up, and Sam makes a horrible realization.

Enjoy the end of "Damage!"


"Initiate release sequence," Edge ordered. "Bring the plane up three degrees."


Lena ran back to the cargo bay, watching the plane open, the barrels starting to rattle. Quickly, she grabbed a metal pole and slammed it down as one of the caribiners released, jamming the release and stopping the barrels from flying out.


"The release isn't working," the man said to Edge's chagrin. "I can't dump the payload."


Lena ducked when someone flew past her, then Kara landed inside the plane, grabbing a lever on the floor and pulling it back. Lena sighed in relief as the ramp closed.


"She's closed the ramp," the man reported.

"Only one thing left to do," Edge narrowed his eyes. "Crash the plane."

"Are you sure?" the man looked at him.

"Crash the plane!" he barked, the man hurrying to do what he said.


The plane rocked, and Kara yelped as she went flying into the side, Lena grabbing on to the nets on the side. "The barrels are treated to dissolve in water!" she called. "If the plane crashes, they'll poison everyone!"

Kara nodded, then leapt into the air, placing her palms against the top of the plane. "Strap in!" she shouted. Lena grabbed tighter to the nets, and Kara started to push, trying to get the plane level again. "I'm gonna get them to blow the engines!" Kara shouted.

Lena nodded again, holding on for dear life.


"It's not going down," the man shook his head.

"Oh, yes, it will," Edge growled. "Get up, get up, get up, get up!"

The man stood up, and Edge took his seat. He scowled when he saw one of the engines blow, then started tapping on the keyboard.


Kara blinked when she heard a cracking noise, then the top of the plane cracked open. She quickly grabbed both sides of the crack, watching the plane completely split. In one hand, Kara held the part of the plane with the barrels in it. In the other, she held the other part of the plane . . . with Lena tumbling to the bottom of it, screaming the entire way. "I can't hold both!" she shouted.

"Save the chemicals, not me!" Lena shouted back.

"No!" Kara shook her head desperately. "I'm not gonna drop you!"

"Let me go!" Lena insisted.

"No!" Kara shook her head violently, straining to hold onto both parts of the plane. "Climb, Lena! Climb!" Lena took a few deep breaths, then grabbed onto the netting on the side, pulling herself up towards Kara. "You can do it! Come on! Come on, you can do it!" Lena reached the top, gulping and stopping herself from looking down at the large drop. "You have to jump, now!"

Lena took a deep breath, then leaped and grabbed for Kara's hand. She released the plane to grab her, and as Lena clung to her friend, both watched the other part of the plane crash into the water. Kara pulled Lena closer to her, Lena laughing in sheer relief as Kara flew the rest of the wreckage away from the water.

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