Supergirl ~ Damage ~ Part Two

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I felt so bad for Lena in this episode. Props to Katie McGrath for being an awesome actress.

Also, I am already making plans for the third SuperArrow book, which is Legends of Superflarrow vs Cadmus. Several of my books seem to involve Cadmus getting demolished in some shape or form . . . anyway, Kara and Clark will for sure be taking refuge on Earth-1, but I'm leaving the choice to other readers about who else goes. The choices this time are J'onn, Alex, both, or neither. I can adapt to any choice. Just let me know what you choose!

Winn and Felicity test the lead bomb, Kara and Sam do some digging, and turns out, they find something. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean it's all sunshine and rainbows.

Enjoy part two!


"Jeez," Winn whistled as James held up the bullet that had lodged in his shoulder. "If that bullet had a little more stopping power, your shoulder would be a mess."

"Yeah, that's what you said last time," James sighed.

"Edge riled them up, he knew what he was doing," Kara remarked.

"The shooter just found out that her son took a turn for the worse," James told her. "I'm not making any excuses, but she just went after who she thought was responsible."

"What are you saying?" Kara scowled. "You still think that Lena is responsible for what's happening?"

"I'm not saying that she did this," James shook his head. "I'm just saying that maybe this happened because of what she did."


"She jerry-rigged that device to do something it was never intended to do," James pointed out. "Look, I know you don't wanna hear this, but that device was invented by Lex Luthor."

"Which is why we're testing it," Winn said, standing up. "Felicity and I are ready whenever you are."

"Then let's test it," Kara nodded.


"OK, so we sealed off the room to contain the lead cloud," Winn explained as he and Felicity led Kara, Oliver, and the other Earth-1ers through the D.E.O.

"And we have some sensors that will analyze the particulate," Felicity added.

"How will you know if the device is the cause?" Quentin asked.

"OK, so when Lena and I crunched the numbers during the invasion, like, 99.96% of the molecules bonded to Daxamite genes," Winn answered.

"Which basically means that if it hits a human, it evaporates," Felicity explained when everyone looked blankly at Winn. "No harm done."

"The rest, you know, 0.04% we chalked up to margin of error," Winn finished.

"So if that number is the same, it's not Lena's device," Oliver concluded.

"Exactly," Felicity nodded.

"OK, hit it," Kara ordered.

"Great," Winn pressed a button on his tablet.

The device whirred, then let out a cloud of dark grey particles in a flash of blue. Malcolm whistled, impressed. "That's clever."

"Anything?" Kara turned to Winn and Felicity as they bent over his tablet.

"Hold, please," Felicity said absently.

"It is . . . " Winn began, then his eyes widened.

"What?" Kara asked worriedly.

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