Supergirl ~ Trinity ~ Part One

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No real life update for me here except that I'm back in school, so again, no update schedule is promised. However, I can answer a few questions I'm certain more than one person has wondered recently.

1. I'm leaning more towards writing the 2018-2019 seasons more than ever, so chances are good there'll be more from this series to come. However, I don't know how much of those seasons I'll write. Some episodes I may do, some I may not. Though that's the same thing I said of this book before, and I've ended up doing practically every episode . . . that being said, things will get pretty AU since I have no intentions of sending Oliver to prison, so who knows what canon episodes may fit into what I could have planned.

2. "Elseworlds" will definitely be happening no matter what, and it'll be happening with the Legends. The crossover was amazing even without them, but how could I resist not having the opportunity to have the Legends witness this crazy mess? So, if there are any Legends you definitely want to have in it, let me know! The more I can plan ahead of time, the better an idea I'll have on what to do once I reach that point.

So, now that that's done . . . Lena officially meets Jesse, Kara discovers a way to find Sam, and Sam meets Julia in the dark valley.


"They're back!" Felicity shouted, shooting upright in her chair.

Everyone gathered around the console whipped around, and when Kara blurred into view, she and Lena stumbling as they landed, Oliver ran towards her. "You OK?" he asked in concern.

"We're fine," Kara nodded as J'onn, Mon-El, and Imra returned next, Barry and Jesse speeding in a second afterwards. "We're OK."

"Lena?" Malcolm asked.

"If your definition of 'OK' is alive, then yes, I'm OK," Lena took a few deep breaths, eyes red as she tried to keep herself under control.

Oliver looked past them as Cisco opened a breach and jumped out with Slade, Dig, and Caitlin, Harry with them, and his eyes widened in horror. "Where's Sam?" he asked.

Lena let out a noise similar to a cat being strangled and shook her head rapidly, putting her head in her hand, and Kara hugged her fiercely. Alex's eyes widened and she ran over to join the hug, William's own eyes wide in alarm. "What happened?" he asked.

"In the words I never want to hear from a villain's mouth again," Slade grimaced, "stronger together."


"Whoa," Evelyn's eyes were the size of saucers when she finished hearing what happened. "Cool!" Kara's head whipped to her, looking at her incredulously, and Evelyn quickly backpedaled when she saw the miserable look on Lena's face. "But terrible."

"Maybe if they weren't supervillains, it'd be more cool," William chimed in.

"Exactly," Evelyn pointed at William, taking his way out.

J'onn cleared his throat. "Perhaps now would be a good time to hear what you've learned, Lena."

"After I showed you the footage from my office, I took Sam to a secret lab of mine in L-Corp," Lena answered, sitting at the head of the table in the conference room. "I conducted a series of tests with her consent."

"When I examined her, I found nothing out of the ordinary," Alex frowned.

"I guess you weren't looking for the right things," Lena shrugged.

"So what did you find?"

"After sequencing her DNA and comparing Sam's blackouts to Reign's attacks, I came to the conclusion that we were right," Lena answered with a sigh. "Sam is Reign."

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