Supergirl ~ Make It Reign ~ Part Two

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Winn has a new invention, M'yrnn starts sharing his memories with J'onn, Oliver and Kara work on getting home, Alura bonds with William, and the priestesses continue with their plan.


"I don't suppose there's any way to know when the Legionnaires will arrive?" Slade asked Mon-El as they leaned against the main console at the D.E.O.

"Unfortunately, no," Mon-El sighed. "I'm basically the kid watching out the window."

Slade nodded, then tilted his head when he heard cheerful whistling. He and Mon-El turned to see Winn saunter into the room, then attach something to his belt. A shimmer of energy went up him, then he turned to the nearest agent. "Yo, Demos! Punch me." Both the Daxamite's and the Australian's eyebrows shot up, which was similar to the surprise on the other agent's face as he turned in his chair to look at Winn. "You heard me," Winn nodded. "Punch me!"

Demos grinned, jumping out of his chair. "Finally!"

"Seriously?" Winn blinked. "You're not even gonna ask – "

Demos threw a right hook at his stomach, but the shimmer of energy appeared, and Demos hissed, shaking his hand and looking at Winn in surprise. Slade tilted his head in surprise, and Mon-El grinned. "I have to admit, I was not expecting that."

"Eh?" Winn grinned and did a turn on the spot. "Huh? Eh?"

"You know, that wasn't as satisfying as I'd imagined," Demos frowned. "And I've imagined it. What happened?"

"An omnidirectional, self-maintaining, subatomic personal shield," Winn declared, showing them the device on his belt. "Boom!"

"That could be very useful," Slade said, impressed. "How does it work?"

"Oh," Winn pulled a notebook towards him. "You know what? Here." He drew something out, then gestured to it. "Check it."

Demos raised an eyebrow. "That literally looks like nothing."

Winn looked like he'd been insulted. "Dude! It's a frequency conversion . . . you know what, don't worry about it," he waved it off. "It's all good. Point is, I invented it, and considering the close call Deathstroke and Black Wolf had with that ammo the other day, I thought I would try and whip up something that could protect those who protect and serve. It's like a magnet for atoms."

"Nice idea, Winn," Mon-El nodded.

"As happy as I was to stop that bullet from hitting her, I'd like to avoid that again," Slade agreed.

"You're a genius," Demos smiled, offering a high-five.

Winn laughed giddily as he high-fived him. "Change the world, that's what I do. Oh!" He took it off his belt and tossed it to Demos, who fumbled before catching it. "Check it. You know what?" He tore the page out of the book. "You know what, this is top secret research."

"Enjoy!" Mon-El called after Winn as he left.

"I thought that would mean," Demos trailed off, holding the device out to Slade.

"My armor will do for now," Slade shook his head.

"And I'm bulletproof, so enjoy," Mon-El clapped Demos on the shoulder.

Demos considered the device in his hands, then grinned and headed back to his station.


J'onn took a deep breath, then walked into the room his father waited in. M'yrnn opened his eyes and looked at his son, who was draped in Martian robes like him. "I am ready, my son," he declared, extending his arm.

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