Arrow ~ Docket No. 11-19-41-73 ~ Part Three

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In what I'm calling a celebration for Arrow finishing its run with eight seasons and an incredible, heartfelt finale last night, here is the conclusion to my final Arrow episode of this book, but certainly not the last Arrow episode I will ever write.

Laurel takes the stand, the jury has a verdict, J'onn takes a curtain call, and how right is everything with the world after the trial?



"I solemnly affirm to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

Quentin exhaled slowly, feeling the tension on the rest of the bench he shared with Kara and her family. That was it – the fate of the trial was in Laurel's hands. "Ms. Lance, the defendant here has publicly acknowledged that you were the vigilante known as the Black Canary," Alexa gestured to Oliver. "Is it fair to take Mr. Queen at his word?"

"Yes," Laurel nodded in confirmation.

"And being that the Black Canary is a known associate of the Green Arrow, is it fair to say you know his true identity?"

"I do," Laurel nodded again, a smirk playing on her lips. "I know who the Green Arrow is."

"We came into this trial on the belief that Oliver Queen is the Green Arrow based on a former testimony Rene Ramirez gave," Alexa paced in front of her table, making Rene cringe from behind Quentin. "But a man calling himself Tommy Merlyn claims that identity. Ms. Lance, if you would, please, just help me out here," she turned around. "Who's telling the truth?"

Barry abruptly straightened and tapped Sara rapidly, making the blonde glare at him in annoyance. "What?" she hissed.

"I have an idea," Barry answered quietly, "but we need to go, now."

Sara looked around furtively, then nodded. "OK."

They hurried out of their chairs as quickly and quietly as they could, Ruby twisting in her seat to watch them leave. "What're they doing?" she asked Mon-El in a hushed voice.

"Not sure," the Daxamite frowned.

They were drawn back as Alexa stalked forward. "Ms. Lance," she said firmly. "Who is the Green Arrow?"

Laurel's eyes darted past Alexa to survey everyone in the courtroom behind Oliver. Then her green eyes hardened, and Kara's eyes widened. "Oh, my God," she whispered.

"What?" Alex asked.

But Kara's lips formed a smile as Laurel straightened to her full height while sitting, looked Alexa in the eyes, and declared in a no-nonsense voice, "Tommy Merlyn."

Ruby squeaked in surprise, but Kara let out a little giggle and slumped forward in relief, Alex rubbing her back as the courtroom burst into chatter. "Atta girl," Dig smiled proudly as Rene, Curtis, and Dinah exchanged grins.

"Oliver Queen is not the Green Arrow!" Laurel announced to the courtroom, as if they hadn't heard her already.

"Order!" McGarvey shouted, banging his gavel as the noise level rose. "Testimony being closed. We'll take a short recess and resume for closing arguments."

Laurel stood from her seat, smoothed out her skirt, and shot a smug look at the camera in her face, making James and Winn laugh. She gave Oliver a small smile before she stepped off the witness's stand and headed for the exit, maintaining an air of complete calm even as reporters rushed towards her. "Excuse me," Quentin bolted from his seat to go after her.


Laurel was barely containing herself as she opened the doors out of the courtroom, grinding her teeth as reporters swarmed her, swamping her with questions. "No comment," she spat, walking as fast as she could towards the exit. "No comment!"

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