Supergirl ~ Wake Up ~ Part One

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Oh, boy . . . here comes a doozy of an episode. If any of you know my writing style, you've got to know that I'm going to milk all the drama and angst in this for all its worth. Buckle up - it'll be a rough ride.

Sam goes to find some answers, Kara and Mon-El are reunited, and one member of her Earth-38 family clearly states where they stand in regards to her and her love life. Also, I apologize if I completely butchered M'yrnn's words . . . I am not fluent in Martian.

Enjoy part one!


Sam stood over a pot of boiling water, rolling her head around, wincing slightly. "Mom?" Ruby asked from the island. "Are you OK?"

"Yeah," Sam responded after a moment. "Yeah, babe, I'm fine. You wanna set the table? This won't take long to cook."

Ruby walked over, and Sam walked over to the pot to put the pasta in, stopping for a moment and staring at the boiling water. She looked over her shoulder to make sure Ruby wasn't paying attention before slowly dipping her hand into the water.

She pulled it out to find nothing wrong with her hand at all. She made a fist just to make sure, but her hand was completely fine.

"Mom?" Ruby asked, and Sam turned to her. "Can I watch a movie tonight if I finish my homework?"

"Um," Sam said slowly, looking down. "You know what, I just realized I have to go back to work for something. Can you go over to Tess's for dinner tonight?"

"Mom, do I have to?" Ruby sighed.

"Ruby, this is not a discussion," Sam narrowed her eyes. "You're going to Tess's."

"OK," Ruby whispered, leaving to find her stuff, and Sam looked back down at the pot of boiling water in shock.


Winn was walking through the D.E.O. when he caught sight of a familiar face walking around, looking confused. "Hey!" he called, seeing the man turn around. "Hey, Mr. J. You, uh, looking for something?"

M'yrnn looked relieved to see him and walked up. "I would like to find the b'rahh alcom."

"Oh!" Winn snapped his fingers. "Oh! You know, I've been brushing up on my Martian. B'rahh . . . library!" M'yrnn frowned, and he winced. "No. Bathroom!"

"To relieve myself," M'yrnn nodded.

"You don't know where it is?" Winn asked in surprise. "Haven't you been here for, like, three weeks?"

"And four days," he confirmed. "Precisely."

Winn stared blankly at him before pointing past him. "Yeah, it's down the hall, around the corner, third door to your left. We really, really should put up signs," he muttered to himself.

"May I go?" M'yrnn asked.

That really made Winn stare. "Yeah," he said, surprised he had to ask.

"Thank you!" M'yrnn smiled in delight, walking off.

Winn watched him go, then shook his head and turned around. "OK," he nodded, heading back to the main room.

"Shut down those systems so there's no possibility of infiltration," J'onn was ordering when he walked in.

"Yes, sir," an agent responded.

"Um, boss," Winn hurried up to him. "Hey, can I chat with you for, like, a hot sec?"

J'onn looked up from his tablet and raised an eyebrow. "A hot sec?" he repeated.

"Oh, my God, never mind," Winn sighed. "Listen, your dad just asked me for permission to use the bathroom."

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