Supergirl ~ Fort Rozz ~ Part Two

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Alex spends more time with everyone's favorite teenagers, and the Nine Fort Rozz-ers run into some trouble looking for Jindah Kol Rozz. Also, Brainy is funny when he gets upset.



Reign walked into her fortress, approaching the hologram in the center of the room, which frowned at her. "Why were you delayed?"

"It's her," Reign sneered. "I can feel her."


"The human side of me. She has strength I did not expect."

"She is no excuse for failure."

"You're right," Reign acknowledged, nodding. "I must focus and find the others."

"You have another mission first," the hologram informed her. "The fortress has detected a signal. Supergirl and your other enemies have boarded Fort Rozz."

"What for?" Reign frowned.

"For more information about you, I presume. The Dark Priestess Jindah Kol Rozz has been imprisoned in Fort Rozz well before the destruction of Krypton. She knows the entire extent of our mission. She knows of your friends, the other Worldkillers. If Supergirl gets to her to get any information – "

"It'll thwart our plans," Reign concluded.

The hologram nodded. "You need to get to her before Supergirl does."

Reign nodded in agreement.


Livewire frowned, shining her flashlight everywhere. "This place is like the Mall of America."

"Oh, you have that here?" Sara asked Kara, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, we do," Kara nodded. "Why?"

"OK, Thea, the next time we take a break, girls' day at the Mall of America."

Thea smirked. "Got it."

"She's not wrong," Laurel shook her head. "You can wander around here for days and not find a thing."

Psi wrinkled her nose. "Do you smell that?"

Kara frowned, sniffing. "What?"

"Another dead body of an incompetent male, perhaps?" Livewire asked snidely.

Imra stopped. "I smell it."

Someone yelled, then a dark silver staff caught Thea in the side, knocking her into one of the cell doors. The dark-skinned woman wielding the staff turned and pointed it at Kara with a snarl. "You!" she growled. "You bear the sign of the House of El. How dare you show your face around here!"

Zari stepped in front of Kara, blocking the alien's view of the crest, and tapped her totem, making it flare red. She threw out both her hands, blasting the prisoner away. While she was distracted, Imra telekinetically yanked a cell door free and tossed it at her. Psi braced herself, sending a shockwave at her, but it did nothing. Livewire shot bolts of electricity at the prisoner as Laurel and Amaya backed up to find a good attack point, Sara twirling her batons into its full staff form. Psi stepped forward when the prisoner's back was turned, but she spun her own staff, smacking Psi in the side of the head. The meta dropped to the ground, wincing and reaching up to her head.

The prisoner focused on Livewire next, but before she could hit her, Sara got in front of her, blocking her staff with her own. Thea scrambled to her feet, drawing her sword and running behind her. Imra watched them duel, then turned and headed over to Psi, crouching in front of her. "Are you OK?" she asked. "It's OK."

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