Supergirl ~ Fort Rozz ~ Part Three

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Reign goes after the ladies, the guys plus Lily try to get back in contact with their friends and teammates, Sam has a problem, and a surprise at the end!

Enjoy the end of "Fort Rozz!"


"Nineteen minutes until event horizon," Mon-El turned to where everyone was working. "We gotta figure this out."

"Maybe we can bend the signal, like around the star somehow?" Winn scratched the back of his head.

"With what, willpower?" Querl scoffed. "No. We need to boost a strong enough signal to go through the star."

"Yes, but – "

Querl jumped up, looking excited. "You have nuclear power, correct?"

"Yes, we do," J'onn nodded.

"We could use a cold-fusion optical transceiver to harness the – " Querl began.

"Whoa!" Ray's head shot up as he looked away from his computer, eyes wide. "You guys have cold fusion on this Earth?!"

"No, we don't," Winn shook his head. "Or not yet, apparently."

Slade raised an eyebrow, looking at Oliver, who shook his head and held up his hands. "No idea what they're talking about."

Ray whistled, grinning giddily. "I want to see the future on this Earth where they have that."

"Uh, OK, maybe if we ever get the Waverider over here," Nate nodded. "Or maybe when we don't have to worry about our captain and teammates crashing into a star!"

"Right," Ray cleared his throat.

"We have to think inside the box and use the technology we have," J'onn nodded as Lily moved to another computer to help.

"Oh," Querl raised an eyebrow. "Hmm, OK, the technology we have. Eureka! I've got it!" he called sarcastically, making Mon-El sigh and shake his head, pinching the bridge of his nose. "An empty bottle! We'll write the instructions on paper and we'll launch it into space. It will only take 12,234 years to arrive."

"Brainy," Mon-El groaned.

But Winn's eyes lit up with inspiration. "Message in a bottle," he whispered, running to the computer Querl abandoned.

"You got something?" Oliver walked over.

"Voyager," Winn nodded.

"Wait, what?" Querl blinked, walking over to look behind him. "What is that?"

"Voyager 1 and 2, they're space probes from the '70s," Oliver answered, making everyone blink and look at him. "How did I know that and you didn't?" he frowned at Querl.

"Yeah, I agree with Oliver, how?" Malcolm frowned at Querl.

"The point is, they carry a record of peace from the people of Earth," Nate said. "Ergo, a message in a bottle."

"Wait a minute," Lily's eyes bugged open as Winn pulled up schematics of the Voyagers. "Bounce the signal just right, it can get to the ship!"

"That one!" Ray pointed.

"Voyager 2," Winn nodded. "That's it!"

"And the signal will get there?" Jax asked.

"Yeah," Winn grinned.

"Do it," J'onn ordered. "Do it fast. Good work, Agent Schott," he clapped Winn on the shoulder. "Thank you for helping, Dr. Palmer, Dr. Stein."

The two Legends nodded, and Oliver smiled at Winn. "Nice job."

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