Supergirl ~ Both Sides Now ~ Part Three

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Well . . . it's always fun when you really underestimate how long your original content parts are going to be. It's over half this chapter, I think.

So, at just shy of 7.7K words, this is the longest chapter I've written for this series, guys. Here you go. <3

The final fight against Purity, its aftermath, and several discussions - some pleasant and some rather horrifying. What's Lena's decision regarding Sam this time around?

Enjoy, guys!


Kara caught up to Purity's subway quickly, dropping down through the top of the car and behind the Worldkiller. "Purity?" she called to get her attention.

"You finally learned my name," she sneered, turning around and holding out her hands.

Kara watched everything vibrate around her, then smirked and lifted her hair slightly, revealing Winn's sonic device attached to her ear. She flew forward, barreling into Purity and knocking them out of the subway and onto the tracks.

Purity rose to her feet, eyes narrowed angrily, then turned as heels clacked on metal. "Not a nice feeling when you're overpowered, huh?" Laurel sneered, eyes narrowed as she and Malcolm walked out, Malcolm with his bow raised.

Purity turned and saw Mon-El and Oliver come from another direction, Oliver's bow raised as well, and when she rotated again, Slade and Alex practically melted from the shadows on Kara's right, both with their guns drawn.

She was completely surrounded.

Purity held her hands out to the side, starting the vibrations again. Alex just smirked when she felt no effects, and Laurel laughed in relief. Purity's eyes widened in shock, then turned when she heard a warping sound. J'onn walked through the wall on Kara's left, waving the cuffs Purity had worn earlier in a taunting way. Purity screamed at him desperately, but J'onn's body flickered red, and he phased right through the scream, smirking when she stopped.

Purity's eyes were wide in panic, and she turned around, breathing heavily as the eight closed in from all sides. She finally screamed again, but Laurel tilted her head when nothing happened to any of them.

Then they all heard the cracking under their feet, and Laurel swallowed hard. "Uh oh."

Purity's scream crumbled the ground beneath them, and all nine went tumbling down into the subway station below, landing in the rubble as civilians screamed and fled around them. "Why did you say that, Siren?" Malcolm seethed.

Purity managed to stand and scream again, but it wasn't directed at any of them. Kara, J'onn, and Mon-El turned as the scream went past them and slammed into one of the concrete posts, splintering it and making the ceiling rumble and dust and plaster fly. J'onn quickly flew over to support the post, Mon-El speeding after him a second later. "Guys!" Kara urged, looking around at the civilians.

"On it," Alex nodded, running to start evacuating civilians.

"Archer?" Oliver turned to look at Malcolm.

"Up?" he guessed.

Oliver nodded, and the two fired grappling arrows up into the ceiling. They went up into the air as Slade went in the opposite direction of Alex, Laurel slinking forward so she was with Kara against Purity.

Purity sneered, and Kara fired her heat vision, hoping to hit her. Purity dodged, and Kara fired again, gritting her teeth when Purity again avoided the hit. The shot narrowly missed a civilian, who dropped to the ground to avoid being hit. "Everybody, out!" Slade's voice roared through the station, startling everyone into action.

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