Arrow ~ Shifting Allegiances ~ Part One

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So, here's what made this episode difficult . . . there were so many times in this episode where the outcome could have been completely different. And it would have been so easy to make it go differently. That's why it's taken me this long to update, since I was writing this entire episode before I split it into parts. This episode has been a bit . . . rearranged, so to speak. Things happen at different times to make this a bit more believable. Maybe it's not entirely believable. I'm still not entirely happy with what's been written, but I think what I've done is certainly more believable than if I had stuck with the timeline of the original episode.

I would feel much better about myself if I don't see comments of "but if so and so did this." I'm well aware so many things could have gone differently. But Oliver's trial was one of my favorite episodes of this season and I desperately want to do it with Team Supergirl having his complete back. I'm not a perfect writer, and I've never claimed I am. I make mistakes, everyone does. This episode is not perfectly written. All I ask is that you enjoy what I have written, and I hope that outweighs what you think could have gone differently.

So, without further ado . . . Ruby arrives in Star City, Dig, Mon-El, and Evelyn team up, Rene is back, and Diaz has a mission for someone.



"So on this Earth, your dad is the mayor of Star City," Ruby asked William in clarification as they walked through the loft.

"Yup," William nodded. "He's the mayor."

"And he's also under investigation for being the Green Arrow."


"And recently some drug lord called Diaz is trying to take over Star City and at the same time ruin your dad?"

"If you want him to sound more dangerous, his street name is Dragon," William offered.

Ruby shifted on her feet uneasily. "He's never targeted the house, has he?"

"No," William hastened to assure her. "No, no, he's never come anywhere near here."

"Good," Ruby sighed in relief, dropping down on the couch. "I just don't want another Luthor mansion problem."

"If that ever happened, I think Dad would either call Uncle Barry or Aunt Sara," William thought. "Either S.T.A.R. Labs or the Waverider . . . "

"And your uncle is the Flash," Ruby said quietly, staring at the floor. "Who my mom also has fought many times."

"No," William shook his head. "Ruby, your mom and Reign are two completely different people. They're complete opposites of each other, and Aunt Lena will find a way to help her." Ruby bit her lip and nodded, then William smiled sheepishly. "Besides, Aunt Sara once tried choking Reign with her bo staff."

"What?!" Ruby's head shot up, eyes wide.

"Our trip to Fort Rozz," Kara nodded in remembrance as she walked into the room, looking comfortable in a cardigan and jeans. "Me, Imra, Thea, Laurel, Sara, Amaya, Zari, and two supervillains."

"Wait, what?" Ruby blinked rapidly.

"The funniest part is only females could go," William grinned. "Apparently blue stars kill anyone with a Y chromosome."

"That's still something I'm trying to understand," Oliver grumbled as he walked out, adjusting his cufflinks. "And it wasn't fun to be on Earth while you were about to crash into the star."

"Hey, everyone lived, and we got to see the Legends again when we typically don't," Kara smiled at him. "We're all fine."

"How weird is it having completely different enemies?" Ruby asked.

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