Supergirl ~ Shelter From The Storm ~ Part One

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My brief moment of calm before I get swept away by the hurricane of too much work this week. I am really not looking forward to this week, so I figured I'd do something that makes me feel accomplished before I run on fumes. So, here's what I thought I could succeed at!

The Legion heads off, Alex visits Ruby with a few extra guests, and Kara meets Patricia Arias.

Enjoy part one of "Shelter From The Storm!"


"I can't believe your dad and Kara let us walk through National City by ourselves," Evelyn was giggling as she dug into the frozen yogurt she was carrying.

William grinned back up at her as they walked down the streets. "I think they know we haven't even gone three blocks from Kara's apartment complex."

Evelyn snorted. "This is . . . what, my fourth time in National City? I don't even know where we are."

"That's what I'm here for," William smirked. "And you're keeping me in check."

"Am I?" Evelyn pointed her spoon at the much larger frozen yogurt cup he was holding.

William looked down at it, then shrugged and looked up at her. "Are you telling Dad?"

"Kara's probably listening in right now and will tell him instead," Evelyn rolled her eyes fondly.

"Hey, this isn't even half of what she typically gets," William stabbed his spoon into the frozen yogurt. "Compared to her, I'm having a small portion."

"Uh huh," Evelyn smirked.

"I am!"

"Tell your dad that!"

William grumbled, but he went back to eating his frozen yogurt. "It's just good to have a break from Star City now that my dad isn't getting impeached."

"Agreed," Evelyn nodded.

"Hey, what time is it?" William suddenly asked, looking at his phone. Evelyn was about to point out he had his watch right on his wrist, then realized she had no idea if Earth-38 ran on the same clock as Earth-1 did, and William perked up. "Come on, we need to see the Legion off!"


"I went to the market yesterday, Father," J'onn told M'yrnn, stepping into the living room where he was mediating. "I bought some of those cocoa beans. I thought we could mix them up with some of those Sidamo Guji beans you like so much. On this planet, they call the mixing of the two brown waters a mocha."

M'yrnn turned to look at him, brow furrowing. "Please leave me be, Rokar."

J'onn did a double take, then walked forward, sitting across from M'yrnn. "It's not Rokar. It's J'onn, Father." M'yrnn looked at him, a small expression of surprise on his face. "But I still have a little time before seeing the Legion off. Perhaps I could help you with the Ta'ar Kar'iq, continue the preservation of your memories."

"I haven't the energy today," M'yrnn looked down.

"I think it would be good for you," J'onn began.

"I have not the energy," M'yrnn insisted, and J'onn nodded in acceptance. "Maybe if you could turn on the vinyl discs, that would be nice."

"Sure," J'onn nodded, giving M'yrnn a smile. "Of course."

He stood up, walking over to the player, and when he turned on the music and the first jazz notes came forth, M'yrnn smiled softly.


"Chameleon was the first Legionnaire to fall," Imra gestured to one of the cryotubes, showing the team. "Stricken by the Blight. Six more quickly followed."

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