Supergirl ~ Dark Side of the Moon ~ Part Three

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And here's the final part! Kara pleads her case before the High Council, Alex gets her guy, Lena works to bring her friend back, and what's this? More cameos?



"Having supervillain parents sucks."

Ruby blinked, looking up at Winn when he plopped down across from her in the conference room. "Yeah, it does," she frowned.

"I'm saying that because I know what you're going through," Winn explained. "I had a . . . very complicated relationship with my dad. He actually tried to kill me, too, believe it or not. And, you know, for the longest time . . . dude, I was terrified that whatever made him what he was, like, that was inside of me, too. You know, that . . . evil."

"I know what you mean," Ruby shuddered. "But you're not evil."

"No," Winn agreed. "No, I'm not. I'm just tech support for the best alien in the universe."

Ruby smiled widely. "You're pretty good at it."

"I like to think I am," Winn preened. "How about it? Wanna help me track her when she comes back?"

Ruby nodded eagerly, and Winn gestured for her to follow him.


"Is everyone in position?" Alex's voice rang through the comms device in Slade's ear, and he crouched down, checking the ammunition he had on him. He could see specks of black and other colors as everyone else reached their positions. "I repeat, is everyone in position?"

"Ready," Oliver reported.

"Ready," Malcolm chimed in.

The other vigilantes pitched in, and Slade looked at his partner. "Ready," he said.

"We're good to go, J'onn," the Alex next to him nodded.

"Copy that," the Alex on the ground, J'onn shifted into his second in command, nodded, putting earbuds in. "Keep your eyes open, everybody."


Kara nervously paced outside the council chambers, then blinked when she saw Mon-El hastily approach. "Where have you been?" she asked.

"Sightseeing," Mon-El answered simply, then chuckled and gestured to the crest emblazoned on her suit. "You didn't need that disguise after all. You get to just be you here, Supergirl."

"Not Supergirl," Kara smiled. "Kara Zor-El.

"You're advocating for Kara Danvers' family, too," Mon-El reminded her.

"I know," she nodded. "They're who I'm here for."

Mon-El smiled, then Alura walked out of the chambers, a white cloak over her dress. "Are you ready?" she asked.

Kara took a deep breath. "Yes," she nodded.

Mon-El smiled encouragingly at her. "Good luck," he wished in Kryptonian.

Kara squeezed his hand thankfully, then followed Alura into the council chambers. "Allow me to introduce my daughter," Alura held her hand out as she and Kara stepped into the center of the room.

"Kara," a dark-skinned woman draped in grey and white smiled as Kara stepped onto the platform in the middle, Alura taking her place in the circle of councilors. "Welcome home."

"Esteemed members of the High Council of Argo City," Kara smiled nervously. "Thank you for seeing me on such short notice."

"Alura is a pillar of our community and a long-standing member of this council," the woman nodded. "We would be remiss in refusing her daughter an audience."

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