Supergirl ~ Make It Reign ~ Part One

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Yes, I have four updates to finish this book ready to deliver ASAP. You all are very welcome.

Kara and Oliver investigate on Argo, M'yrnn says goodbye, and Sam is in trouble.

Enjoy the first of four updates!


"Welcome, sisters," Selena smiled in dark satisfaction as she led her sisters, Ayala and Vita, into the Fortress of Sanctuary. "We three, together on Earth."

"Just as the prophecy foretold," Ayala marveled at the fortress.

Selena chuckled. "Did you doubt it?"

"I only doubted that I would live to see this wondrous day," Vita smirked.

"The Earth's yellow sun will restore you, Vita," Selena told her. "You will be stronger than you ever dreamed."

"I can feel it," Ayala smirked. "The power, coursing through my veins." She fired heat vision from her eyes, striking the rock opposite them. "We have powers beyond reason here."

"You must summon Reign," Vita said.

Ayala nodded, stretching out her hand. "Let us begin. Give me the Harun-El."

Selena held out a piece of gold cloth, the Harun-El cradled inside. Ayala picked it up, but gasped and groaned in pain when the rock glowed purple and caused her veins to glow like fire. "The Earth's atmosphere has made the Harun-El toxic to us," Selena frowned.

"What will we do?" Ayala worried.

Selena tilted her head, watching Coville walk in. "Our faithful servant will assist."

"The human?" Vita raised an eyebrow, distaste clear in her voice.

"A human who bows down to the Daughters of Juru," Coville said, dropping to his knees, hands outstretched.

Selena smiled in glee. "Prepare the ceremony."


"This is Selena's house," Alura told Kara as they walked through the city. "There must be a back way in."

Oliver looked the building up and down, frowning. "Some buildings don't have a back way. They have a hidden way."

Kara examined the wall, then pressed one of the panels. It sank into the wall, and part of it slid to the side, forming a doorway. "The bunker?" she grinned.

"The bunker," Oliver nodded, holding out his hand. "After you."

Kara walked inside, and past the entry, the room was almost as dark as night. "This is really cult-y," William gulped, shuffling closer to Oliver.

"Yeah," Oliver looked around, frowning when he saw the lit brazier in the center of the room. "It feels just like the ceremony where Olivia tried to summon Yuda Kal."

Alura was looking through papers strewn on a nearby table. "It's an atlas," she held one of them up. "Of the Earth."

Kara joined her, looking the drawings over. "I've seen these writings before," she said, looking at Oliver. "In Coville's journal. They're instructions."

"Instructions for what?" Thara tilted her head, trying to make sense of the writing.

"For making Worldkillers," Oliver answered darkly.

"Seems the Daughters of Juru created Reign, Purity, and Pestilence years ago on Krypton and sent them to Earth," Kara read. "And now they're following."

William's eyes were wide. "Sam and Ruby!"

Oliver nodded at his son's concern. "We have to find a way to let the D.E.O. know that Selena's headed back to Earth."

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