Arrow ~ Next of Kin ~ Part One

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I'm actually very happy with how quickly this book is progressing. Surprising, too, but hey - I'm not complaining. :)

The new Green Arrow is in the field, Oliver has a problem both at home and in the office, and Team Arrow meets their new person of interest.


"Eyes on Faust?"

Dinah ran across the rooftop, catching sight of the man trying to run away the next building over. "Shoot her!" he yelled.

Dinah ducked behind cover as two of his mercenaries fired machine guns at her. "I got him," she answered. "He's in the structure next door."

"Everyone, get into position."

"Copy that," Curtis relayed.

"On it, Hoss," Rene added.

"You got it," Dinah stood up. She looked up when a figure in green dove off the roof above her, and she screamed, her Canary Cry catapulting him onto the next building over.


Rene and Curtis hurried down the stairwell towards the parking garage, stopping when they heard the sound of a fight on the other side. They exchanged glances before planting themselves in front of the door, blocking the way out.

Sure enough, Faust opened the door a moment later, looking for an escape. His eyes bugged open wide when he saw them there, then he was knocked out by a fist in the head. "Ooo, down for the count," Rene chuckled. "No more bombs for you, bitch."

"Go, Green Arrow," Curtis grinned, then blinked. "Or should I call you the Green Arrow? It feels kind of weird."

"It's weird," Dig confirmed. "But at some point, we all have to get used to it."


"Seemed to go well out there tonight," Felicity complimented as Dig hung up his bow.

"Yeah, we make a good team," Dig nodded.

"And yet you still have a worried face."

"It's because sooner or later, someone's going to find out that the Green Arrow isn't shooting any arrows."

"Yeah, well, Curtis and I are working on that," Felicity assured him.

"Good," Dig smiled. "Thank you."

"OK," Felicity nodded. "I am going to go home. I'm going to sleep, and maybe I'll even get four hours."

Felicity walked past Dinah, who chuckled at the statement. Dig watched Felicity go, then sighed at Dinah. "Maybe in another week, I'll get used to that judgmental stare you keep giving me."

"This isn't judgment," Dinah shook her head. "It's amusement."

"Hmm," Dig raised an eyebrow.

Dinah made a face of intense concentration, then mocked his voice deeply. "'Sooner or later, someone's gonna find out the Green Arrow isn't shooting any arrows.'"

"Dinah, I'm not an archer," Dig sighed.

"No, it's not about the arrows, John," Dinah shook her head. "It's about the injury. I thought you were gonna talk to Oliver!"

"I was, until he asked me to put this on," Dig told her truthfully.

"Which he never would have done if he knew the truth!"

"Dinah, what do you want from me?" Dig sighed. "The man's under the FBI microscope. He's worried about his son."

"Imagine how worried he'd be if he knew you were out there compromised."

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