Supergirl ~ The Fanatical ~ Part Three

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Team SuperArrow vs the Fanatical, Ruby's got wonderful friends, Kara and Mon-El head out on a trip that's out of this world, and the first of two cliffhangers I think people will be happy to see.



"Should've never let Tanya go," James muttered angrily, shaking his head in frustration.

"Wait, wait," Lena held up her hands. "If they use the rock, then it will give off an energy signal!"

"Which we can scan for!" Curtis grinned.

"But if they use the rock, that means they're either making or have made a Worldkiller," Malcolm frowned.

"Don't worry," Kara assured him. "There's a reason we sent Mon-El with her. He's smart, tactical. He's a Legionnaire. If anyone can find us a signal, it's him."


Mon-El looked down at his now cuffed hands, then deadpanned, "Owie."

"We'll deal with you after the ceremony's done," his captor sneered, turning around to leave.

Mon-El scowled at his back, then when the man was a few feet away, he broke out of the cuffs and changed into his Legionnaire suit. "Just one question." When the man turned around and balked at him, Mon-El smirked. "Do you by chance know where I can find the Rock of Yuda Kal?" The man drew his gun and aimed at him, but Mon-El flicked his cape and wrapped it around the man's wrist, pulling him off his feet and into him. He held the man in a chokehold, tilting his head as he went limp. "So . . . no?" He dropped the man into the chair, checking him over. "You guys have no cell phones in cults?" He snorted, shaking his head and leaving to check the rest of the building.


"Into the flame, one oronc of Sedenach dust."

Mon-El carefully walked down the steps into what looked like a run-down auditorium, high on the second floor where he could see Tanya read from Coville's journal and Olivia pour the ingredients needed into a giant vat that glowed red. He surveyed the group Olivia had gathered, then looked among the ingredients. He locked his gaze on one he knew he could use. "Gotcha," he whispered.

"The final element is seven lak-mar of," Tanya read, trailing off when she looked up.

Mon-El nodded reassuringly to her, jumping down to the ground level behind a sheet curtain. "Of what?" Olivia asked.

Tanya refused to say, even when one of her guards pointed to her spot on the page. Mon-El sped past everyone to grab one of the crystalline-like sticks from the ingredients, then returned to his hiding spot. Only then did Tanya finish. "Nitrogen."

Olivia picked up a metal canister that billowed vapor, and she poured the liquid into the vat. She stepped back as the red glow turned to white, and she smiled reverently, putting the canister down. "Before the leaders of Krypton erased her with Rao, with their science, there was a goddess of life, of birth," she announced. "Yuda Kal. The faithful gathered in her orpheum in tribute, as we are now. And she will give us one final birth." She turned around and opened a metal box; she swallowed and seemed hesitant, yet she reached inside and removed a carved black stone in the shape of a Kryptonian goddess. "Worldkiller."

"There it is," Mon-El smiled, lifting up the crystal he found and watching it catch the light.


At the D.E.O., Slade frowned when he saw Kara's head whip to the side, her nose scrunched in concentration. "Little one?" he asked.

"Kryptonian Sunstone," Kara mumbled, looking around. "Mon-El found a frequency I can hear."

"Let's go!" Oliver barked, and his team scrambled to grab their weapons as Kara took off.

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