The Flash ~ Girls Night Out ~ Part One

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Happy New Year, everyone! How would you guys like an update to celebrate? :)

Hehe, I'd forgotten how funny this episode was until I started watching it through again. XD My goodness, it's hilarious.

Felicity, Kara, and Oliver arrive in Central City, Barry's bachelor party gets crashed, and so does Iris's bachelorette party, except one crasher is much more dangerous than the other.


About to get married, and still working on figuring out who his new big bad was. That was a pretty good summary of his life, Barry mused as he watched Cisco type on a keyboard, Harry on Cisco's other side. At least they had a name to work with this time, and it was a name he had heard before: DeVoe.

"Hey, you guys wanna see something really cool?"

Barry didn't look up when the new recruit to Team Flash, Ralph Dibny, spoke. "Uh . . . sure," he said. "Go for it."

"Stretch, Ralph, stretch," Ralph mumbled.

The sound of stretching made the three of them looked up, in time to see Ralph's head disappear around the track, his entire body stretched thin. "That is pretty cool," Cisco admitted.

"Mmmhmm," Harry nodded.

"OK, look," Barry sighed. "Are you sure we can't find this DeVoe guy? I mean, we were warned. We had a heads-up that someday, someone named DeVoe would be one of my greatest foes."

"And the other thing to think about is, do you know how many people there are in this state alone with the name DeVoe?" Cisco raised an eyebrow.

"No," Barry admitted.

"Thousands," Harry told him. "And we still don't have an age."

"Unless one of your greatest foes is the three-month-old William DeVoe who lives four blocks from here?" Cisco suggested, reading off the monitor.

Barry snorted in amusement. "I don't think one of my greatest enemies is a baby."

"Ehhh," Harry tilted his head side to side.

"Evil killer baby?" Cisco mused.

"Could happen," Harry agreed.

"You're right," Barry admitted.

There was a loud knock on the door, and the three looked up to see Felicity standing there in pink and black, a bunch of balloons in her hand, along with a sparkling bag. "Hey!" she grinned.

"Ho!" Harry smiled.

"Yo!" Cisco waved.

"Felicity!" Barry cheered, going over to hug her. Felicity giggled, setting her stuff down to receive it. "How'd you get in here?"

"I literally walked in here," Felicity admonished. "You have – you have no security, you have no alarms, you have nothing on your door. You guys might wanna consider something, anything at all!"

"You came prepared," Barry noted.

"Well, yeah," Felicity grinned. "Team Arrow to Team Bride, you know. Very excited for that bachelorette party."

"Yep, getting inebriated with same gender to celebrate an archaic institution?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Priceless," Cisco agreed.

"I mean, you only get married once, so . . . " Felicity shrugged, then paused. "Well, actually, pretty much everyone gets divorced these days. 55% to be exact. I mean, that's just statistics – " She paused at Barry's deer in the headlights look, then saw Harry past him making a slashing motion across his throat. "But not – not you and Iris!" her eyes widened in horror. "That would just – that would never happen to you guys." She looked off to the side and paused, seeing a super stretched out body, and squeaked. "Whose feet are those?"

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