Supergirl ~ Schott Through The Heart ~ Part Two

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Little fun, everyone - match the song to which pair would sing it! "Born To Be Wild" and "Viva La Vida," Barry and Sara, Barry and Kara. I'm in the classic rock mood, and the punny title isn't helping any.

The D.E.O. isn't in Kansas, James and Felicity have words of wisdom for Winn (I apologize if I got any of Felicity's story wrong, I don't know much backstory for her except for what I find on wikis), and Alex discovers something about M'yrnn.


The swarm of monkeys flew through the open space leading to the D.E.O. balcony, but also crashed through the glass window above it, leading Kara to cover James, Oliver and Slade shielding their heads as glass rained down on them. The monkeys flew into the D.E.O., and Slade growled, looking up. "Of course when we could use the wizard's archery, he's not here!"

"I feel the need to say this on behalf of my father," Thea poked her head over one of the desks. "Magician!"

"We'll handle the small ones!" Oliver shouted to Kara. "Get that one!"

Kara nodded, seeing the large monkey Oliver pointed at, then flew into the sky. "I am so happy I don't work here," James decided.

"Never a boring day, that's for sure," Oliver muttered, grabbing onto the stair rail and flipping over it, kicking one of the monkeys down in the process.

Thea looked around, and when she noticed one agent unconscious on the ground, she slid across the floor, grabbing his gun. She clicked the safety off, aiming at one of the monkeys flying towards Winn and Mary. Winn instinctively ducked, then heard the monkey shriek when Thea's shot connected. "Quickly!" he grabbed Mary's arm. "Under the desks!"

"Come on!" Felicity gestured wildly, even as she worked rapidly on a tablet to see if she could hack the monkeys.

"What are you doing?!" Mary gawked at him, even as she followed him. "We've gotta stay down!"

"This is my job, Mom!" Winn snapped.

One of the monkeys smacked into Mary, knocking her away from Winn, and another grabbed Winn, throwing him over the center console. "Winn!" Felicity cried.

Winn grimaced, trying to sit up, then froze when three monkeys hovered in front of him. "Oh," he said weakly. "You came for me."

Two green flechettes embedded in the eye sockets of one of the monkeys, causing it to screech and short out, knocking into the other monkey nearby. Thea quickly aimed and shot the third, running over to grab Winn and get him to safety. "Speedy!" Oliver held up another gauntlet of the short, dart-like arrows. Thea held up her hand, and Oliver tossed the gauntlet to her. "You OK?" he asked Winn.

"Yeah," he nodded rapidly. "I'm – "

"Look out!" Felicity shrieked.

Winn turned to see another monkey fly forward, then Mary lunged and grabbed its ankle, stopping it from flying further. "Get away from him, you nightmare!" she spat.

The monkey was destroyed by heat vision, and Oliver and Thea exchanged looks before running to join the fight on the main floor. Slade and James were joined by Kara, who was wielding what looked like an electric pole like a staff. For every one monkey the two humans destroyed, she destroyed two more, whether by using the pole or by using her heat vision. She ended the fight quickly by flying into the air and whirling around in a circle, shattering the monkeys with the force she used. She impaled the last one with the pole, then slammed it into the ground, panting and watching it spark.

Slade glowered at the last monkey he had skewered, pulling his combat knife out of its neck. "Bloody monkeys," he grumbled.

"I agree," James nodded, looking around at the carnage.

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